Why Racism
May Never End
Charles G. Ankrom
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Chapter 22: Michael Brown,
Eric Garner and Dillon Taylor
The pandering to blacks and their cries of racism by society and the media has gotten worse and worse over time.
It seems you cannot turn on the television or listen to any news broadcasts which do not include yet another report about a situation where blacks are claiming discrimination and racism.
In recent years, all that seemed to be on the news were the stories of the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner, at the hands of white cops, or neighborhood watchmen. And virtually all of that news was slanted along the lines of racial injustices having been committed.
The race card was not only played and played heavily, but society, fueled by the media, allowed it. In fact, they not only allowed it, they ate it up, as they pandered excessively to blacks.
And even though juries, and grand juries, cleared the white cops or neighborhood watchmen of any wrongdoing in these cases, these cries of racism didnt abate, but got worse.
We continue to hear these cries of racism over and over again, and it seems to be true for every little situation. It has become eerily similar to the story of the little boy who cried wolf.
The degree of this pandering to blacks has reached epic proportions, perhaps according to a notion I propose in these pages of a politically-correct mindset of reverse discrimination. That is, that our society, driven by the media, has fallen hook, line and sinker for all these cries of discrimination and racism to the point that it is now assumed that in any of these situations it will be accepted, presumed, if you will, that whites have discriminated against blacks, and even to the point that it results in reverse discrimination.
I cover many areas of life today where this storyline is played out over and over and over again. Be it politics, the criminal justice system, education, sports, or even entertainment, discrimination by whites against blacks is simply presumed and accepted by society and the media.
I further submit herein the notion that racism itself will never end if this excessive black pandering and politically-correct mindset of reverse discrimination continues.
The silent white majority is tired of having this racism crammed down their throats, and especially in situations where facts turn out to prove that these cries are unjustified. Most of these individuals, including myself, are truly in favor of a racially equal world, but due to the excess of the pandering to blacks have no real desire to exert the effort needing to achieving that world.
Tell me about those instances where true discrimination occurs (where the wolf is actually present) and I will be the first to address it. (I, for one, do feel that charges should have been filed in the Eric Garner case, and even the more recent Freddie Gray case)
But to gripe and complain (cry wolf) about every little thing?
The Oscars are too white?
A rodeo clown wearing an Obama mask at a state fair is racist?
Give me a break!
And the degree to which the media of today panders to blacks for every little claim of discrimination and racism has become, quite honestly, sickening.
And last but not least this book presents my notion that a thug mentality exists among blacks which, along with the pandering to blacks and the politically-correct mindset of reverse discrimination poses a barrier to ever ending racism.
An insurmountable barrier? Only time will tell.
I ask that you please not consider me or this book racist. For I and it are clearly not. I am merely presenting one view for you to consider, and attempting to provide sufficient facts for my ideas to have merit.
Please allow yourself to read the words herein with an open mind, and agree or disagree.
But above all, try to consider if the words and my notions herein could be true.
Perhaps this book can be the start of the true dialogue between the races that is needed for racism to end!
Imagine a movie trailer as it comes across your television screen. Now playing at a theater near you. Black Men Cant Read. Starring Woody Harrelson and Wesley Snipes. (or some other popular Hollywood acting duo consisting of one white actor and one black one) Rated R for language and urban humor.
Watch and enjoy the antics as our duo travel across the country as a two-man college history bowl team competing against other college history bowl teams. Except the other teams are always comprised of white people!
Things get dicey as the real story line unfolds of how our two guys are in it solely to make money by betting on the matches, by hustling the other all-white teams to assume that because one of our players is.. GULP. BLACK, our team will most surely be a pushover, a shoe-in, a sure thing!
In this imagined movie, Harrelsons character, and the other teams members all wear suits and ties. The women wear dresses.
Our black Snipes character wears urban wear (whatever your definition of that might be). Picture a tank top which accentuates heavy tattoos up and down both arms. Shiny jewelry and bling and even a gold tooth or two.
A flat-billed ball cap sits slightly ajar on his head hiding only some of his dread locks and corn rows and his baggy pants hang so low you can see the plaid boxers sticking out the back.
That should do it.
He needs to appear the part of a black, urban, probably uneducated, thug, helping the other white history bowlers to buy in to the perception that he probably cant be very smart.
Remember Harrelsons character from White Men Cant Jump? He was about the most non-athletic, clumsily-dressed and awkward-acting white guy imaginable. Dopey hat, clothes that looked nerdy even.
He had to sell the other black basketball players the perception that he probably wasnt very good at the game, especially the way it was played on the street.
You get the picture.
The other all-white history bowlers assume theres no way Snipes can be good at history, I mean. Hes BLACK!
Even one white member of a team from a college in the South had the audacity to lean over to his also-Southern also-white teammate and whisper, Can you believe they brought a (pause) N*****? (as his voice is drowned out by laughter from the other teams)
And these all-white teams, knowing the national statistics of black people dropping out of and not finishing high school (I mean they should know, theyre history bowlers!) much less ever attending or graduating from college, are duped into a false sense of security in going up against Harrelson and Snipes.
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