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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
An introduction to social psychology / Miles Hewstone, Wolfgang Stroebe, Klaus Jonas. Fifth edition.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4443-3544-6 (pbk.)
1. Social psychology. 2. Social psychologyEurope. I. Hewstone, Miles. II. Stroebe, Wolfgang. III. Jonas, Klaus.
HM1033.I59 2012
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Senior Commissioning Editor: Andrew McAleer
Assistant Editor: Katharine Earwaker
Marketing Managers: Fran Hunt and Jo Underwood
Project Editor: Juliet Booker
The memory of Audrey Cole Hewstone (19292010)
Lisa Stroebe
Jessie and Julie Jonas
Notes on Contributors
Felix C. Brodbeck is Chair of Organizational and Economic Psychology at Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany. His main research interests are leadership, group performance, collective information processing, economic decision making, diversity and cross-cultural psychology. He has edited or authored several books, including Culture and Leadership Across the World , and numerous research papers.
Catrin Finkenauer is Associate Professor at Clinical Child and Family Studies, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She is currently associate editor of Social Psychological and Personality Science . Her research on interpersonal relationships includes basic research on relationship processes (e.g. trust, understanding) and applied research on interventions targeting children who have been witness to or a target of domestic violence and abuse.
Geoffrey Haddock is a Professor of Social Psychology at Cardiff University, UK. He has published widely on the topics of attitudes and social cognition. His current research focuses on affective and cognitive processes of evaluation.
Miles Hewstone is Professor of Social Psychology and Fellow of New College, Oxford University, UK. His main research topic is intergroup relations and the reduction of intergroup conflict, especially via intergroup contact, and he has edited or authored many books. He is founding co-editor (with Wolfgang Stroebe) of the European Review of Social Psychology , and has received numerous awards for his research.
Klaus Jonas has taught social and organizational psychology at universities in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He is Professor of Social and Business Psychology at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. He has published on attitudes, stereotypes and human resource management. His current interests concern the influence of leadership on performance and satisfaction of subordinates.
Johan C. Karremans is Associate Professor at the Behavioural Science Institute (BSI) at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands. His research mainly focuses on the processes that benefit or harm interpersonal relationships, especially in the face of relationship threat (e.g. conflict, attractive alternatives).
Sander L. Koole is Associate Professor of Social Psychology at the VU University, Amsterdam. His main research topics are self-regulation and emotion regulation. He co-edited the Handbook of experimental existential psychology , which focuses on a new area of psychology that uses experimental methods to investigate how people are dealing with important life issues.
Barbara Krah is Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Potsdam, Germany. Her research focuses on aggression and social cognition applied to legal decision-making. She is a member of the International Society for Research on Aggression and associate editor of its journal, Aggressive Behavior .
Mark Levine is a Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Exeter, UK. His research focuses on the role of social identity in pro-social and anti-social behaviour. His recent work has examined the role of group processes in the regulation of perpetrator, victim and bystander behaviour during aggressive and violent events.
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