I. Talcott ParsonsPublished Works
(1928) Capitalism in Recent German Literature: Sombart and Weber, The Journal of Political Economy 36, 64161.
(1929) Capitalism in Recent German Literature: Sombart and Weber Concluded, The Journal of Political Economy 37, 3151.
(1934a), Sociological Elements in Economic Thought, Quarterly Journal of Economics 49, 41453.
(1934b), Society, in: Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, Edwin R.A. Seligman (ed.) (New York: Macmillan), vol. 14, 22531; reprinted Charles Camic (ed.)
(1991), Talcott Parsons The Early Essays (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press), 10921.
(1935a), The Place of Ultimate Values in Sociological Theory, International Journal of Ethics 45, 282316.
(1935b), H.M. Robertson on Max Weber and His School, The Journal of Political Economy 35, 68896.
(1937a), The Structure of Social Action: A Study in Social Theory With Special Reference to a Group of Recent European Writers (New York: McGraw Hill), 3rd Edition 1968 (New York: Free Press).
(1937b), Remarks on Education and the Professions, International Journal of Ethics 47, 36569.
(1939), The Professions and Social Structure, Social Forces 17, 45767.
(1940), An Analytical Approach to the Theory of Social Stratification, American Journal of Sociology 45, 84162.
(1942a), The Sociology of Modern Anti-Semitism, in Isaque Graeber and Steuart Henderson Britt (eds), Jews in a Gentile World (New York: Macmillan), 10122; revised Talcott Parsons on National Socialism (1993), 13152.
(1942b), Max Weber and the Contemporary Political Crisis, Review of Politics 4, 6176, 15571; reprinted Talcott Parsons on National Socialism (1993), 15987.
(1942c), Some Sociological Aspects of the Fascist Movements, Social Forces 21, 13847; reprinted Talcott Parsons on National Socialism (1993), 20318.
(1942d), Democracy and the Social Structure of Pre-Nazi Germany, The Journal of Political and Legal Sociology 1, 96114; reprinted Talcott Parsons on National Socialism (1993), 22542.
(1942e), Propaganda and Social Control, Psychiatry 5, 55172; reprinted Talcott Parsons on National Socialism (1993), 24374.
(1942f), Age and Sex in the Social Structure of the United States, American Sociological Review 7, 60416.
(1945a), The Present Position and Prospects of Systematic Theory in Sociology, republished Essays in Sociological Theory, revised edition 1954 (Glencoe, IL: The Free Press), 21237.
(1945b), Racial and Religious Differences as Factors in Group Tension, in Lyman Bryson, Louis Finkelstein, Robert MacIver (eds), Approaches to National Unity (New York: Harper & Brothers), 18299; reprinted Talcott Parsons on National Socialism (1993), 27590.
(1945c), The Problem of Controlled Institutional Change: An Essay in Applied Social Science, Psychiatry 8, 79101; reprinted Talcott Parsons on National Socialism (1993), 291324.
(1946), The Science Legislation and the Role of the Social Sciences, American Sociological Review 11, 65366.
(1946/7), National Science Legislation, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 2, no. 910, 79, and 3, no. 1, 35.
(1947a), Introduction, in Max Weber, The Theory of Social and Economic Organization (New York: Oxford University Press), 386.
(1947b), Note on the Science Foundation Bill in the 80th Congress, American Sociological Review 12, 601603.
(1947c), Science Legislation and the Social Sciences, Political Science Quarterly 62, 2419.
(1947d), Certain Primary Sources and Patterns of Aggression in the Social Structure of the Western World, Psychiatry 10, 16781; reprinted Talcott Parsons on National Socialism (1993), 32547.
(1948), The Position of Sociological Theory, American Sociological Review 13, 15664.
(1949a), Essays in Sociological Theory, Pure and Applied (Glencoe, IL: The Free Press); revised edition 1954.
(1949b), Social Classes and Class Conflict in the Light of Recent Sociological Theory, American Economic Review 39, 1626.
(1950), Psychoanalysis and the Social Structure, The Psychoanalytic Quarterly 19, 37184.
(1951a), The Social System (Glencoe, IL: The Free Press); 2nd Edition 1964 (New York: The Free Press).
(1951b), Illness and the Role of the Physician: A Sociological Perspective, American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 21, 45260.
(1951c), with Edward Shils (eds), Toward a General Theory of Action: Theoretical Foundations for the Social Sciences (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press).
(1951d), with Edward Shils, Values, Motives and the Systems of Action, in: Parsons and Shils (eds), Toward A General Theory of Action, 47275.
(1952a), The Superego and the Theory of Social Systems, Psychiatry 15, 1525; republished Social Structure and Personality (1964), 1733.
(1952b), with Rene Fox, Illness, Therapy, and the Modern American Family, Journal of Social Issues 8, 3144.
(1953a), A Revised Analytical Approach to the Theory of Social Stratification, in Reinhard Bendix and Seymour M. Lipset (eds), Class, Status, and Power: A Reader in Stratification (Glencoe, IL: The Free Press), 92128.
(1953b), Some Comments on the State of the General Theory of Action, American Sociological Review 18, 61831.
(1953c), with Robert F. Bales and Edward A. Shils, Working Papers in the Theory of Action (Glencoe, IL: The Free Press).
(1953d), with Robert F. Bales, The Dimensions of Action Space, in Working Papers in the Theory of Action, 63109.
(1953e), with Robert Bales and Edward Shils, Phase Movement in Relation to Motivation, Symbol Formation, and Role Structure, in Working Papers in the Theory of Action, 163269.
(1954), The Father Symbol: An Appraisal in the Light of Psychoanalytic and Sociological Theory, in Lyman Bryson, Louis Finkelstein, R.M. MacIver, and Richard McKeon (eds), Symbols and Values (New York: Harper & Brothers), 52344; republished Social Structure and Personality (1964), 3456.
(1955a), McCarthyism and American Social Tension: A Sociologists View, Yale Review 44, 22645; republished Social Strains in America, Structure and Process in Modern Societies (1960), 22647, with postscript in Daniel Bell (ed.) (1963), The Radical Right (Garden City, NY: Doubleday), 20938, reprinted Politics and Social Structure (1969), 15784.
(1955b), with Robert F. Bales in collaboration with James Olds, Morris Zelditch Jr., and Philip E. Slater, Family, Socialization and Interaction Process (Glencoe, IL: The Free Press).
(1956), with Neil Smelser, Economy and Society: A Study in the Integration of Economic and Social Theory (Glencoe, IL: The Free Press).
(1957a), The Distribution of Power in American Society, World Politics 10, 12343; republished Politics and Social Structure (1969), 185203.
(1957b), The Mental Hospital as a Type of Organization, in Milton Greenblatt, Daniel J. Levinson, and Richard H. Williams (eds), The Patient and the Mental Hospital (New York: The Free Press), 10829.
(1958a), Authority, Legitimation, and Political Process, in Carl J. Friedrich (ed.), Authority (Cambridge: Harvard University Press), 197221; reprinted Structure and Process in Modern Societies (1960), 17098.
(1958b), The Definition of Health and Illness in the Light of American Values and Social Structure, in E. Gartly Jaco (ed.),