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Published with assistance from the foundation established in memory of Philip Hamilton McMillan of the Class of 1894, Yale College.
Copyright 2014 by Yale University. All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, including illustrations, in any form (beyond that copying permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law and except by reviewers for the public press), without written permission from the publishers.
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Printed in the United States of America.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Davies, Sarah (Sarah Rosemary)
Stalin's world: dictating the Soviet order / Sarah Davies and James Harris.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-0-300-18281-1 (hardback : alkaline paper)
1. Stalin, Joseph, 18791953Political and social views. 2. Stalin, Joseph, 18791953Language. 3. Political leadershipSoviet UnionHistory. 4. CommunismSoviet UnionPhilosophy. 5. Political cultureSoviet UnionHistory. 6. Heads of stateSoviet UnionBiography. 7. DictatorsSoviet UnionBiography. 8. Soviet UnionPolitics and government19171936. 9. Soviet UnionPolitics and government19361953. I. Harris, James R., 1964 II. Title.
DK268.S8D375 2014
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
This paper meets the requirements of ANSI / NISO Z39.481992 (Permanence of Paper).
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
This project has been aided by many individuals and organizations over the course of its long gestation. The original research was supported by grants from the Arts and Humanities Research Council and research leave funded by Durham University and the University of Leeds. We received invaluable research assistance from Larissa Malashenko of the Russian State Archive for Social and Political History (RGASPI) and Vladimir Nevezhin of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IRI RAN). The staff of RGASPI, RGVA, and AVP RF went to great lengths to facilitate the research process. A number of colleagues have generously offered various forms of assistance, from commenting on written drafts and conference papers to supplying us with copies of their forthcoming publications. We are particularly grateful to Jorg Baberowski, David Brandenberger, William Chase, R. W. Davies, Sheila Fitzpatrick, Arch Getty, Wendy Goldman, Yoram Gorlizki, Paul Hagenloh, Mark Harrison, Oleg Khlevniuk, Matthew Lenoe, Joe Maiolo, Jan Plamper, David Priestland, Arfon Rees, Alfred Rieber, Gabor Rittersporn, David Shearer, Ronald Suny, Lynne Viola, and the anonymous readers for Yale University Press. The criticisms, comments, and advice have improved the volume. Errors, omissions, and other faults remain the responsibility of the authors. Finally, we would like to thank Vadim Staklo, Christina Tucker, and Mary Pasti of Yale University Press for their unflagging support for this project.
An abridged version of chapter 3 was published as Encircled by Enemies: Stalin's Perceptions of the Capitalist World, 19181941 in the Journal of Strategic Studies 3 (2007). It is reprinted here with permission of the journal. Some sections of chapter 4 were published in Balazs Apor, Jan C. Behrends, Polly Jones, and E. A. Rees, eds., The Leader Cult in Communist Dictatorships: Stalin and the Eastern Bloc (Basingstoke, England, 2004). They are reprinted here with the permission of Palgrave Macmillan.
Abwehr | German military intelligence |
Agitprop | Department of Agitation and Propaganda of the CC |
APRF | Archive of the President of the Russian Federation |
ARCOS | All-Russian Cooperative Society |
AVP RF | Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation |
Basmachi | group fighting Soviet power in Central Asia during and after the Revolution |
batrak | farm laborer |
bedniak | poor peasant |
byvshie liudy | former people, typically members of the pre-revolutionary elite |
CC | Central Committee of the Communist Party |
CCC | Central Control Commission |
Comintern | Communist International |
Donbas | Don Basin |
Donugol | Donbas Coal Trust |
dvurushnichestvo | double-dealing (praising policy in public and working to undermine it in private) |
dvurushnik | double-dealer |
edinolichnik | independent farmer |
fond | archival collection |
FOSP | Federation of Organizations of Soviet Writers |
FSB | Federal Security Service |
gorkom | city committee of the Communist Party |
Glavlit | Main Directorate for Literary and Publishing Affairs (state censorship) |
Gosizdat | State Publishing House |
Gosplan | State Planning Commission |
GPU | State Political Administration |
gubkom | regional committee of the Communist Party (until the late 1920s) |
GUKF | Main Directorate for Cinematography and Photography Industry |
Gulag | Chief Administration of Camps |
Hetman | Ukrainian Cossack leader |
IMEL | Institute of Marx-Engels-Lenin |
INO OGPU | Foreign Department of the OGPU |
intelligent | member of the intelligentsia |
ITR | engineering and technical workers |
Izvestiia | national state newspaper |
Kadet | member of the Constitutional Democratic Party |
khoziaistvenniki | leading economic officials |
kolkhoz | collective farm |
kolkhoznik | collective farmer |
komitety sodeistviia (OGPU) | committees for cooperation with the OGPU |
Komsomol (VLKSM) | All-Union Leninist Young Communist League |
KPK | Party Control Commission |
KR | counterrevolutionary |
krai | territory |
kraikom | territorial party committee |
KRO (OGPU) | Counterintelligence Unit of the OGPU |
KSK | Commission for State Control |
kulak | wealthy peasant |
Kul'tprop | Department of Culture and Propaganda of the CC |
kul'turnost | culturedness |
kustar | craftsman |
KVZhD | Chinese Far Eastern Railway |
Litfront | extreme left faction of RAPP |
Lubianka | building containing the offices of the political police in Moscow |
MKhAT | Moscow Art Theater |
Narkompros | People's Commissariat of Enlightenment |
Narkomzdrav | People's Commissariat of Health |
NEP | New Economic Policy |
NKID | People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs |
NKVD | People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs |
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