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Wood - Halstead Billionaire Brothers: The Complete Series Boxset

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Halstead Billionaire Brothers
The Complete Series Boxset
Lauren Wood

Copyright 2020 by Lauren Wood

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


Dont do it.

Dont drool over him.

Its a mistake.

Hes going to be your boss.

With a teasing smile, deep voice, expensive suit and perfectly chiselled abs. Its enough to melt your soul. Halstead Billionaire Brothers will make your brains go out the window.

The Billionaires Chef

Falling for a sexy legend has consequences.

Serious consequences.

Especially when that sexy God is your boss.


I got the job.

It was the gig that was going to change everything, fancy clients, hot men, huge mansions.

The problem? My new boss Dominic Halstead.

The mystery, the legend, the reason my heart skipped beats.

He was a Halstead and they were known to be billionaire heartbreakers.

The first time I saw him from across the room, I knew.

I was drawn to the tall devil.

I couldnt take my eyes off of his largemuscles.

Out of my reach, firmly.

He wants me from the look of it.

His eyes follow me wherever I go.

Dominics tone was so husky.

All enough to lose my grip on reality.

Will I ever find air again?

Or am I destined to lose myself completely, drowning in Dominic?


The Billionaires Nanny

After everything Id been through,

the last thing I needed was to fall for another man

Especially when that man just hired me as his nanny.

I always told myself I wasnt that girl who played with the boss,

but one look at Jason Halstead and I knew I was in trouble.

His muscles strained against his expensive suit,

and he had a devilish grin that melted me from the inside out.

It was nearly enough to make me blow my interview,

I felt like I was drowning in those piercing eyes.

And when I wasnt locked in Jasons gaze, I couldnt help being drawn to his

Oh my God.

The next thing I knew, I was thrown into caring for Jasons three children.

In his house. Full time. Uh oh.

No matter how busy my work kept me, it wasnt enough

I found myself alone with this sexy billionaire over and over again.

Am I risking everything for a hot billionaire who will discard me when his past comes knocking?


The Billionaires Lawyer

If temptation had a name, it would be Eric Halstead.

Powerful, sexy-as-hell billionaire and my romantic nemesis.

Hes the one man responsible for the worst date of my life,

And the only person that stands between me and my dream job.

I never imagined Id be standing face to face with the bane of my existence again,

Let alone dedicating every second of my life to making sure his perfectly shaped ass stays out of prison.

Which means for the foreseeable future I must eat, sleep, and breathe

all things Eric Halstead.

I hate him, and yet he is still the main character in all of my juiciest fantasies.

Hes the devil in a three-piece suit.

With a teasing smile, perfectly chiseled abs and an ice-cold heart made of pure stone,

Hes the kind of man that could completely and utterly destroy me,

And now hes set his sights on charming his way into my bed.

Playing his game means one of us will lose.

And if theres one thing I know about Eric Halstead,

He always gets what he wants.

If I give into my desires will he rip my heart to shreds?

Or can guys like that really change - transforming into all you want and needeven outside the bedroom.


The Billionaires Fake Bride

They say you shouldnt fake it

But with half a million dollars on the line,

Id do just about anything to fix my possible eviction and empty bank account.

Even if that means marrying billionaire playboy Jesse Halstead.

I never thought Id be desperate enough to work with a matchmaking agency,

Let alone one that pairs broke people with billionaires for financial gain.

But here I am, pretending to be a blushing bride,

And pretending not to notice how drop-dead sexy Jesse is the moment I met him.

I promised myself one rule throughout this agreement, Dont fall.

Dont fall prey to his irresistible allure not going so well.

Dont fall into his bed it was only one time!

And absolutely dont fall in love oops.

Im starting to realize that pretending Im not in love with Jesse Halstead,

Just might be the hardest thing Ill ever fake.

Do I risk telling him how I feel?

Or is falling for my fake husband just flirting with disaster?

The Billionaires Chef

L isa was just leaving when Jesse came in. I was busy now, getting prepared for the fundraising event that was scheduled for next week. It was easy to get lost in the woman, but now I had to pay attention.

Jesse smiled at me and he had that look, like he knew what wed been doing, and I tried to ignore him. He really just didnt get it.

Nice, I always liked her.

I shrugged. Then you should give it a try. She just wants the Halstead money Jesse, thats it. Lisa doesnt want me in particular She would take any of us, if that means that she could live this life.

My younger brother scoffed, because he didnt want to believe that. He was still in the time of his life. He thought that people were kind and just. I knew better. Id been running a multi-billion-dollar corporation since our parents were killed. Id learned my lesson about expectations and what I thought people would do.

How can you be so callous, Dominic? You two have been dating for a while now.

Like I said, we have fun together, but thats it. I know it.

Does she know it?

I looked at him and I wished that my youngest brother wasnt so sheltered. Wed done it, me and my other brothers, but he was just more seemingly delicate than the rest of us. He was the last, the baby, and wed made sure that nothing happened to him. In retrospect, we should have probably let him fail a bit more, He was too nave for his own good.

I dont know what Lisa is thinking about. Shes constantly asking for gifts, so I dont think she worries about it. I give her stuff and that keeps her quiet most of the time.

By the look that I was getting from Jesse, I needed to change the subject. It was the one night a week we all came together. Jason and Eric would be here soon. I didnt want to still be having this conversation when they got here. Jason was always into everyones business, trying to help everything, but I didnt need his blundering mitts in this pot. I didnt want his opinion.

Eric of course wouldnt care. He was just coincidentally in town to be at the meeting. He was usually jet-setting around the world, with not a care in the world about the company that paid for his lifestyle.

Have you seen Erics new girlfriend? Jason met her last week, and he said that shes really hot.

Jesse groaned. Eric is worse than you. I doubt he knows her name. He brought Jessica to the house for Christmas, and then left her there with us, so that he could go see that other one, what was her name?

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