Make Your Body Healthy Now
Natalie Mitchell
Cancer Prevention Coach
Copyrighted material
The information in this book is based on the experience and research of the author. It is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or other health-care provider. Any attempt to diagnose and treat an illness should be under the direction of a health-care professional. The publisher, author and editor are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences alleged to result or resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this book.
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 9780988538719
Published by Accretive Solutions Ltd
Mail: PO Box HM 2190, Hamilton HMJX, Bermuda
Editor: Colin Barnes
March 2013
Copyrighted material
Make Your Body Healthy Now
Natalie Mitchell
Cancer Prevention Coach
Copyrighted material
Introduction 5
Chapter 1: Creating the Environment Within Your Body
T o Kill Cancer Cells 13
Partial List of foods to avoid because they contain
Chapter 2: The Solution in Detail. Alkalizing and Cancer preventative Minerals, Antioxidant Vitamins and Foods
R ich in them 34
Best Alkalizing Vegetables with Mineral and Vitamin content details
Chapter 3: Cancers Favorite Food 89
Chapter 4: How To Alkalize Your Body and keep it
that way 102
Best Alkalizing Nuts, Seeds and Grains chart with Mineral and Vitamin content
Chapter 5: How Free Radicals and Toxins poison Cells 139
Chapter 6: Your defensive army of enzymes to kill
Cancer C ells 146
Chapter 7: What your White Cells Want You To Know 152
Chapter 8: Food containing Soy 158
Best Alkalizing Beans and Peas with Mineral and Vitamin content
Chapter 9: Our Bodys Powerhouse 172
Best Alkalizing Fruits with Mineral and
Vitamin content
Chapter 10: The Secrets of a Cancer-Free People 197
Chapter 11: Detoxification & Purification Techniques 213
Chapter 12: Herbal Recipes used over the centuries
To Kill Cancer cells 227
Chapter 13: The Connection between your Mind,
Body and Emotions
References 252
Copyrighted material
This book is dedicated to the memory of Constance Barnes.
People generally achieve magnificent things when their backs are up against the wall and they are forced to tap into the wellspring of human potential that lies within them."
Robin Sharma
Quite naturally, many of us fear cancer and worry that we may already have the disease or that we are someday going to suffer from it. All of us wish to reduce the chance that we will suffer from cancer at some stage of our lives. Fortunately, there really is much that each one of us can do to control the threat of cancer in our lives. This book will explain how, through an acquired knowledge of, and a greater understanding about, the root causes of the disease, we can take effective, consistent actions which are completely in our control, to avoid cancer developing in our body during our lifetime.
My name is Natalie Mitchell and I became driven to write this book for you as a result of the force of numerous motivating experiences in ten plus years of my work with many cancer and chemotherapy patients as they journeyed with their fight to recover from cancer. Too often I worked to help cancer sufferers maintain a level of strength and vitality through their chemotherapy course and afterwards. Until they received a cancer diagnosis, almost without exception, they had no idea how their past diet and stress had contributed to the unfortunate success of the cancer cells in their body having been allowed to develop to the point that their bodys natural defense capabilities were overwhelmed and unable to neutralize the growth of the cancer cells fueling the disease within their bodies.
With the additional knowledge support from study of much well-established and confirmed medical and scientific cancer research over the last century as well as being a constant student myself of cancer cell behavior, I feel very strongly that I should now make vital cancer cell information available to all who want to be proactive in their quest to remain healthy and free from cancer.
I go into some detail about a core piece of knowledge about cancer avoidance which is the understanding that we, as individuals, can deny cancer the type of internal body environment in which cancer cells find nourishment to grow and multiply.
I also feel it is important to share with my readers an understanding of what cancer cells feed on and what their favorite foods are so the reader, armed with this knowledge, can confidently deprive the cancer cells in their body of the fuel they seek in order to multiply on the scale they need to become destructive to our body tissue and organs.
The statistic below explains why we are all so much more cognizant today of the cancer threat to our bodies:
"In 1904 only 1 out of 24 Americans had cancer in their lifetime. Today the cancer rate is 1 out of 2 for men and 2 out of 3 in women."
The clear conclusion is that people in 1904 were much healthier than we are today.
What were they or their bodies doing differently?
Simply put, much of the food most of us enjoy today is not healthy for our bodies and does not meet the needs of our internal cells, organs and tissues for them to function normally year after year. As you will learn in more detail throughout my book, the root cause of increasing global cancer rates is the increasing level of acidity in the modern diet. There are several contributing causes for high acidity in our bodies. Compared with the diet of people a hundred years ago, the modern day diet in growing numbers of countries contains a high percentage of processed foods of all kinds. Processed foods are typically high in acidity creating ingredients such as sugar and white enriched flour. Other frequently consumed contributors to a state of high acidity in the body are soda drinks, refined carbohydrates, meat, cheeses, and alcohol. Processed foods have low alkalinity levels which is absolutely the opposite to the alkalinity levels in natural foods people predominantly consumed a century ago such as green vegetables, fresh fruits, spices, etc. Unfortunately, with our high processed food intake, we are literally being pumped full of food additives such as high fructose corn syrup, refined flours, sugar, and artificial sweeteners all of which are extremely acidic to the human body.
Sound medical research and study stretching back to cancer disease discoveries beginning as early as the last century support much of the knowledge you are about to read in this book. To give you an example, Dr. Otto Warburg, as early as 1924, was able to determine that cancer cells are not oxygen breathing and that they have an anaerobic condition. The relevance of this is core to todays cancer avoidance.
While our doctors of medicine and contemporary medical science are doing their best for us when it comes to cancer diagnosis, there continues to be constant research about the different types of cancer, as well as into many other life threatening illnesses, in terms of how best to treat cancer patients and improve cancer survival rates.
It is clear however, that too little is being done from a research perspective within societies in general to understand how humans can avoid cancer in the first place. In spite of better medical science and treatment, humans are still getting cancer at a faster rate than ever. I firmly believe that mankind will be better off spending more research money to fully understand the cause of cancer, particularly through cancer causing agents in the world we live in, rather than on how to treat the effect of it on the body by which time it is already at a quite advanced stage of development and at its most difficult to cure.
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