To my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, you deserve all the honor and glory.
To my wonderful wife, Grace. Thanks for encouraging me and being a sounding board through this project.
To my parents: Mom, thanks for helping with the proofreading and editing and Dad, for the advice and opinions.
To all the early reviewers, thank you for taking the time to check the book out before publishing to make sure I dont look like an idiot.
To those that have taken the time to share their thoughts and ideas with me on this subject via phone calls, books, preaching, blog posts, or podcasts, you all have helped to shape the way that I look at personal security. Thank you.
Tactical Bible Stories is about the steps that you can take to protect and preserve life. Its not about the importance of self-defense and preserving life. That should already be settled in your mind before you pick up this book. We are going to talk about what comes next and actions you need to take.
In this book, we will outline the most critical personal security concepts and illustrate them with Bible stories to make them fun and easy for anyone to understand, apply, and remember.
We see from Bible stories that these concepts, ideas, and practices have been around since the beginning of time. They are tested, proven, and still used today with good reason. The next few pages are not going to blow your mind with amazing new ideas and tactics, but we will have fun approaching these timeless and essential concepts from a fresh new angle.
These critical and basic security concepts have been compiled based on my personal experience living in Nepal and from numerous hours spent with self-defense experts who have many years of experience studying, teaching, and writing about the dynamics of interpersonal conflict.
Despite the fantastic body of work already written about this subject, Tactical Bible Stories was written for the readers that may not be a part of the typical self-defense circles. They may never have heard of Col. Jeff Cooper, Massad Ayoob, or Michael Janich, but they still recognize the importance of good personal security.
Tactical Bible Stories is not meant to become the book about personal security. The goal is to bring a new perspective that I hope will allow these critical concepts to reach a new group of people that might not have the tendency to pick up other commentaries on the subject of personal security.
I hope this book finds its way into the hands of people who arent the typical students of self-defense. I want the ideas on these pages to help mothers, fathers, young men, and young ladies who arent martial arts experts or firearm enthusiasts. I hope it can be taught by preachers, Sunday School teachers, and parents.
If properly applied, these practical safety measures can save lives and make you safer.
The horse is prepared against the day of battle: but safety is of the LORD. Proverbs 21:31
As believers, we understand that ultimately, safety comes from the Lord, but that doesnt mean that personal preparation or personal security is useless. It is foolish to expect God to perform a miracle to get you out of a problematic situation that could have been prevented with a little common sense or preparation.
Whenever we see miracles in Scripture, they arent to rescue the stupid or ill prepared. After we as humans have done all that we can do, God steps in to make up the difference.
Preparation and trusting the Lord go hand in hand. They dont oppose each other. Preparation is about doing what we already know and are able to do, not taking God out of the equation and relying only on ourselves. Just because a person prepares for unwanted situations doesnt mean that they arent trusting God to take care of them.
As parents, we have no problem helping our children and its precious to see that they trust us to take care of them, but wouldnt you rather see your child learn how to avoid trouble and limit the situations where your intervention is necessary? Gods Word gives us instructions and examples to follow so that we can grow and learn to properly handle difficult situations.
There are many factors in a violent confrontation that are out of our control, but that does not mean we shouldnt prepare for the parts that we might be able to control. Do what you can before you expect God to intervene on your behalf.
Proverbs 21:31(above) doesnt say that we shouldnt prepare the horse. It would be foolish to go into battle unprepared, but it also reminds us that our preparation alone can never guarantee our safety.
Nobody likes to talk about it, but no matter how much you prepare, there is still no guarantee of success. This can be a frustrating revelation. We want some sort of guarantee. We want insurance with a low deductible. We dont want the inevitable risk and uncertainty that comes with life.
Unfortunately, many people look at this and give up. They say, If there is no guarantee of safety, why should I bother?
They forget that there is risk involved in almost every aspect of life. Driving a car is a relatively dangerous proposition. Sure, you could purchase a horse and buggy and take up with the Amish, but most of us will just opt to take sensible measures to limit our risks. We wear safety belts. We make sure our cars are in proper working order. We pay attention while driving. These steps can end up saving our lives, but they still dont guarantee safety. They merely limit our exposure to danger in various situations.
Preparation is about limiting our exposure to danger in various situations. We cant prepare for everything, but preparation is still an essential part of personal security. The majority of the material covered in this book addresses the actions that you can take to prepare before an incident ever occurs. Lets get started!
But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself... Daniel 1:8
Mental preparation and forethought are critical components of good personal security. Mentally walk yourself through possible situations and decide what you would do if they were to actually come to pass. Ask yourself, If somebody steps up to my car window and threatens me with a gun, what will I do? If somebody starts walking directly toward me in a dark alley, what will I do? If somebody is loitering around my car in a dark parking lot, what will I do? If that ferocious, snarling dog manages to get over or under that fence, what will I do?"