Yonne is the founder of Connect With Your Heart. She is the 3rdeldest child of 7 children. She was raised with great will, courage anddetermination as those values are the gift her deaf parents gave theirchildren.
Expressing intimately who she is and what she felt or what she needed wasnever an option she considered. I needed to understand how I had defined love.I promised myself that never again I would suffer the pain I felt. I not onlywanted to be strong; I needed to be strong for my son. Nothing was going tostop me from giving my son the excellence of my heart. I stopped the time. Isurrendered my heart and my will to God to heal my life. I got more than Iprayed for. The pure intentions of my heart have brought me Home. My whole lifewas trans-formed.
My intention in writing this book is to give you support on your journey. Weare human and it is natural to want to expand and grow through the light thatguides us.
Expression, fun, passion, love, creativity and money are the ticket tofreedom. Expressing the truth from the heart that is! Courage, faith, trust,natural and grace are some of the ingredients that are required. Healing whileshedding the survival patterns of the ego and unresolved heartache through aHigher Truth gracefully transcends the ego and deeper heart hurts. It opens theHeart to a higher Love. We cannot go through the process of personalityliberation on our own or without including Spirit.
The ego has a will of its own. The will must be a will greater than the willof the personality. A graceful redemp-tion of the ego through our divinity setsus free. It is the soulful essence of our heart that reveals the path of thelife that we are meant to live. It is the natural push within that isfaithfully followed. The light of true love to be real and live authenticallyis the reward to connect heart to heart.
The essence of the heart vibrates high on love whether you are single or withyour soul mate. Discernment, grace and higher love are the divine rewards. Ittranscends the difficulties of life, adds blessings to our day.
It transforms difficult relational patterns into con-scious qualityrelationships. It is the Truth and the Love we need to release the visceralsurvival energy of emo-tions, turn around the beliefs that do not serve ahigher will and edge out ego. Pure intentions of the heart keep the heart open.It is in this space that we connect with what is meaningful and genuine in ourlife. The reward of keeping the intentions of our heart pure naturally keepsour heart open to the richness of life regardless of the experience we live.This results in being not only aligned with the flow of life but also reflectsbeing in alignment by valuing what a person needs, wants and desires. Merg-ingwith the essence of our heart and having discernment is being real and whole.Wholeness includes both emo-tional wholeness and spiritual wholeness. This isinternal freedom. This freedom cannot be paid for with money. It needs to beexperienced with an open heart. Spirituality is gained through emotionalmaturity. Spirituality is very helpful when it is practical, down to earth. Itis very rich in grace and soulful love.
Is this a good day or a bad day? What I knowtoday for sure is that the sun rises and the sun sets.
Thats all I need for today and thats enough!
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.Each day has enough trouble of its own. Todays been a hectic day at work.There was a re-organization announcement at work. Im curious, but somehow Imcalm. I know that I will be just fine whether I remain in this organization orwhether I get a new job elsewhere. Anyways, Ive been looking for another jobbecause I needed a change. The change has been a strong push ever since Ivedivorced. My resume was in full circulation and I remained grateful to have agood paying job. One day I will do full time what my soul is calling for. Beingof service how and where I dont know yet. Let it ride I tell myself. Havefaith that all will turn out well.
Release this burden onto God. The universe can produce ten million jobs andtheres one for me with all that Im asking for. So let it ride and have faith.Be patient girl. Take a step back and remain objective.
Thank God the day is over, at least one part of it. The emotions are stillvery strong because the valve was now open. All I know is that its healingsomething that needs to be set right within me. That part, I have no idea whenit will be over.
Mitchell, my son whos eleven years old reached me on my cell phone to tellme he just got home from school. He wants me to stop at the convenience storeand buy him some chips. Listen Mitch, Ive had a big day at work and no, Imnot stopping off anywhere except at the restaurant for take-out so you may askme a million times and it will be no. Its not time to push my buttons. Got it?I love you mom, he tells me.
As I get in the door heres Mitchell. Hes angry and telling me, no he wasscreaming actually, that his ex-girlfriend had been disrespected by a boy atschool! Well its actually a friend who told a friend that he liked her. Whenshe asked the boy in question if it was true he just insulted her. I called heras soon as I came home from school because she was crying. I wanted to comforther. I tell you mom, if he makes her sad one more time I will punch out hislight.
Wait a minute! This child has more respect and consideration for a girl hesknown since kinder garden and hes now in grade five. This really touched myheart. To think that his father had a midlife crisis and betrayed me afterfourteen years of marriage, and never once in his crisis did he tell me itmakes me sad to make you suffer, or I didnt want to see you suffer, or itpained me to see you suffer! Something! Anything! Wow Mitchell, youre reallyangry! You really take this at heart!
I felt vulnerable as the anger was eating at me, to say the least. My energywas not so good since the therapists, yes several people, a healing touchmassage therapist and an emotional health therapist had recently helped me getin touch with the resentment and rage of being stalked, with temptedaggression, when I was a teenager. As the therapist says so well the valve isopen now, the healing will progress on its own. The famous grieving spiral! Itell you, I didnt like it when she said that as it reminded me of the angervalve of the divorce that lasted quite a while. It just made me furious becauseI had no idea of the length of time that was required to heal from resentment.The repressed anger had turned into rage. Just like a tropical storm that turnsout to be a hurricane. At least for the storm, we can see it coming and takecover. I had to tame this bottled up rage.