Table of Contents
How to Transform Your Life by Telling the Truth
Brad Blanton, Ph.D.
Outrageously entertaining and wonderfully wiseapply it liberally throughout your life!
Gay Hendricks, co-author of Conscious Loving
A breakthrough book. Dr. Brad Blanton shocks you, makes you laugh, and, above all, makes you think.
Riki Robbins Jones, Ph.D., author of Negotiating Love and founder of the Network for Empowered Women
The truth really is the light of the world. Radical Honesty has helped me remove a few more mental shackles.
Brad Blanton's approach in Radical Honesty is at once shocking and healing. The subtitle of the book, How to Transform Your Life by Telling the Truth, is just the tip of the iceberg.
New Age Retailer
Cuts through the bullshit of normal everyday life. Honesty is the most rad policy of all!
Stuart Chapman, Whole Earth Review
A delightfully refreshing look at being honest I loved it.
Rita Mae Brown, author of Rubyfruit Jungle, Venus Envy, and Southern Discomfort
Please turn the page for more extraordinary acclaim.
I use Brad's approach to expressing resentment and appreciation all the time with the kids I counsel in school. What it opens up in their relating to each other is amazing to watch! A great conflict-resolution tool.
Kathy Sheridan,
elementary school counselor
Before you read this book, be forewarned, it will upset your mental apple cart. But don't just read it, talk about it and pass it along because for a world that's drowning in lies and hiding, it's the right message at the right time.
Mike Casey, Communications Director, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
If my students could be more like this, we'd revolutionize the business world.
Howard Bork, Ph.D., professor of Human Resource Management
I WISH TO THANK the copyright holders for permission to quote from the following poems and sources:
Loving Arms, words and music by Tom Jans. Copyright 1972 Almo Music Corp. (ASCAP). All Rights Reserved. International Copyright Secured.
When I Loved Her by Kris Kristofferson. 1968 Careers-BMG Music Publishing, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. Copyright 1939, renewed 1967 by John Steinbeck. Used by permission of Viking Penguin, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc.
A New Heaven and a New Earth, from The Complete Poems of D. H. Lawrence by D. H. Lawrence. Copyright 1964, 1971 by Angelo Ravagh and C.M. Weekley, Executors of the Estate of Frieda Lawrence Ravagli. Used by permission of Viking Penguin, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc.
Excerpts from The Downward Path to Wisdom in The Leaning Tower and Other Stories, copyright 1939 and renewed 1969 by Katherine Anne Porter, reprinted by permission of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
Lament by Dylan Thomas, from Poems of Dylan Thomas. Copyright 1952 by Dylan Thomas. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation.
Testament (or Homage to Walt Whitman) from Loveroot by Erica Jong. Copyright 1968, 1969, 1973, 1974, 1975 by Erica Mann Jong. Reprinted by permission of Henry Holt and Company, Inc.
I and Thou, by Martin Buber, translated by Ronald Gregor Smith. Copyright 1958 Charles Scribner's Sons; copyright renewed. Reprinted with permission of Charles Scribner's Sons, an imprint of Macmillan Publishing Company.
Awareness: Exploring, Experimenting, Experiencing, by John Stevens. 1971 Real People Press.
Reprinted by Permission. The Song of the Blue Unicorn by Carol Mason. Copyright Carol Mason.
The Inner Game of Golf by W. Timothy Gallwey. Copyright 1979, 1981, by W. Timothy Gallwey. Used by permission of Random House, Inc.
Copyright 1994, 1996, 2003 by Brad Blanton
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by law.
Sparrowhawk Press
646 Shuler Lane, Stanley, VA 22851
Text and Cover Design by Victoria Valentine
ISBN 978-0-9706-9380-8
Dedicated to my Clients Past, Present & Future
Life is a game in which the rules change as
the game progresses, and you have to know
where you are in the game to know what rules
to play by. Furthermore, you can't ever be
certain where you are in the game, and the
rules don't always apply.
Brad Blanton
Please Note: This book is divided into four parts. This sequence is intentional and it will clarify what the book is about.
If you get that distinction between being and mind you are at the very heart of learning about Radical Honesty. The being notices. The mind thinks. Radical Honesty is simply reporting what the being notices.
I have had a lot of help writing this book. So many people have given me help over the last sixteen years, I'm sure to leave some of them out. Here is the short list. Amy Silverman, Grace Tiffany, Mike Snell, Michael Zuckerman, Susan Kelly, Betsy Perkins, Mary Harrill, Jane Ashley, Donna Sicklesmith, Frank Sokolof, Sondra Zahn-Oreck, Michael Lamas, Sandy Ross, Heather Schoen, Clyde McElvene, Paul Fetters, Jay Sumner, Whitney Sherman, Lolinda Moseley, Carolyn Meyer, Ed Greville, Pam and Kent Cartwright, Clyde McElvene, Roger Johnson, Michael Fogarty, Marcia Makepeace, Simon Warwick-Smith, Riki Robbins Jones, Dawson Church, Marilyn Ferguson, Charlie Myers, Stephanie Gunning, Taber Shadburne, Tim Shaffer, Raven Dana, Carsie Blanton, Elijah Blanton, Clara Griffin, Jerry Griffin, Susan Campbell, Liam Kirsher, Sujata Sage, Randy Dillon, Eve D'Angremond, all the hundreds of Radical Honesty workshop participants, all the Radical Honesty trainers, all the folks who read this book and called or emailed or wrote to thank me for it and everyone who has helped me with money, advice, moral support, information, political support, publicity, alcohol, dope, love, sex, poetry, music, food and other books. Thank you. I appreciate you all for helping me. I couldn't have done it without you, and vice versa.
So many of you did extra things you didn't have to do, things sometimes I didn't even know I needed, and I appreciate you all so much for taking care of me in my ignorance and making me more capable than I really am. To whatever degree this book is a contribution to other people, your help and support made that contribution possible. The world of humanity has been helped by what we have done, whether it is enough to save us humans beings from ourselves remains to be seen. Thanks for all your help.
Foreword to the First Edition
By Marilyn Ferguson
Radical Honesty is a vital book, just as its author is a vital human being. It is powerfully healing.
I don't agree with everything Brad Blanton has to say, nor would he expect me to. His generalities frequently sweep too widely for my taste, and although I enjoy his deft use of slang, I am sometimes turned off by what he calls his cussing.