Basic Challenges
to Millennials
Who Cant Even
Regan Blanton King
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Copyright 2018 Regan Blanton King.
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ISBN: 978-1-4582-2159-9 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2018900939
Abbott Press rev. date: 06/18/2018
Thank you to all at Abbott Press who have helped make the publishing process of this book as simple as possible.Thank you to all my family and friends who have faithfully prayed for me, persevered with me, and helped me in day to day life and in the writing of this book. Thank you particularly to my brother Ryan. Along with his many responsibilities as pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Wood Green and in working with Euro Evangelism he helped clean up some areas of this work. Thank you to The Angel Church for your patient, persevering, and prayerful support of me as a pastor in the church and in giving me the ability to study and address matters such as those discussed in this book. Thank you to my friends and colleagues at Christian Concern. Most of you are millennials and it is a privilege to work with others who defy generational norms and put Christ over culture. It would also be remiss of me to leave out my friends at Appestat coffee shop on Camden Passage in Angel, Islington and at Pret-A-Manger on 402 St. John Street. Your conversations and coffee kept me fueled as I undertook my writing.
For Dad and Mom - Barry and Frances King. Youve never failed to challenge me when Im wrong and to encourage me when Im right. Thank you.
Have you ever opened a book, skipped the table of contents, preface, and introduction, and gone straight to Chapter 1? I used to do that too. Then I realised that to do so is to fail to properly read a book - particularly if the introduction is by the author and/or is a part of the original work.
The introduction sets the scene for what is to come. The introduction provides crucial information regarding the point and purpose of the book. The introduction is like an appetiser is to a fine meal. Sure, you can go right to the main course, but a suitable appetiser can complement and even enhance what is to follow.
Think of memorable movies - something like Star Wars or Christopher Nolans Dark Knight trilogy. These always begin with a memorable introduction that can thrill, raise questions, and leave you wanting more. I remember going to see The Dark Knight with my Dad and twin brother. I was looking forward to it, but was slightly doubtful about how good the movie would be and was even more questioning about the quality of Heath Ledgers Joker. Within the first 5 minutes, I was gripped, thrilled, had tons of questions that needed answered, and was psyched for what I began to see would be one of my favourite movies and perhaps one of the best supporting actor roles in history (Ledgers Joker).
Would you pay for a three course set meal and skip the appetiser? Would you go to the cinema and intentionally miss the first 5 minutes of a movie? Then why skip a books introduction? The introduction gives answers to initial and important questions - who?, what?, when?, where?, why?, and how?. Through answering these questions perhaps you will have a better idea of where Im coming from and will be better able to track along.
Allow me to take a little longer to introduce myself. If you looked at the authors name on the cover you will know that I am Regan Blanton King. I value my full name and on most occasions use my middle name as it reminds me of my Grandpa on my Dads side whose middle name I share.
My first name is Irish and is said in the same way as the former American president (Reagan). My ancestry from the past few hundred years is part Irish and part Cherokee (Native American). I was born in 1992 in Little Rock, Arkansas and have lived in Hot Springs, Heber Springs, and Tumbling Shoals, Arkansas where I spent the primary formative years of my childhood. It was in this time my family was at Tumbling Shoals Baptist Church that I came to realise that God was real, I had sinned against him, but through Jesus Christ I could be reconciled to Him and saved from my sin, shame, and its consequences.
I moved to London, England in 2003 where my family became involved in inner city church planting. My father and mother are Christians and raised me and my siblings in a well-disciplined, well-ordered, loving environment where the virtues of undying and unconditional love, respect, honour, perseverance, integrity and honesty were instilled and held in the highest regard. I grew up with a love of sport, both team and individual. As a child I played Baseball, Basketball, and American football. As an adult, I still love keeping up with these and alongside regular gym exercise and periodic dabbling in Krav Maga, I am thrilled when I can play Basketball, football (international), cricket, and tennis (probably cant be called playing - its not my strong suit). I also like to challenge myself through participating in the occasional 5k, 10k and various obstacle races (eg. Tough Mudder). I am also in the process of teaching myself to play the electric guitar.
I have been involved in evangelism and outreach with numerous church planting projects, actively preaching since 2010 and acting in a pastoral role at The Angel Church in Angel, Islington, London since then as well. In 2014 this role became my full-time occupation and I became the pastor upon the churchs constitution in 2016. I enjoy reading, writing, art (I paint and draw as a side hobby), and good cinema. My favourite superhero is Batman for reasons which I will not reveal lest I come across as too much of a nerd (ok, the general reason is that anyone can be Batmanif they have the time and money).
I am a normal guy. I have my issues. I am a sinner become a saint through Jesus Christ (read the New Testament letter Ephesians ). My hearts desire is to live my life devoted to the cause of Christ and his glory through the growth of His kingdom on earth. Such a life is scarred and attacked by various problems and difficulties, not the least of which is regular rejection. Nevertheless it is a life ultimately free of regrets. It is a life that enjoys the good in the here and now, but looks forward the far better there and then of the new earth God will create (2 Peter 3.13).
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