As an Arab Christian growing up in the Middle East, Ilearned the hard way about the truth by firsthand experience. Truthcan be shared in books and documents but nothing is comparablewhen living it daily.
When I was a child at school, I was told by my Muslimteachers during classroom that anyone who is not a Muslim, isdirty. The teacher had given me his own proof, taken straight fromthe Quran, that all Jews are either pigs or monkeys: Say should Itell you about an evil as judgment from Allah, the one whichAllah curses him, and being angry of them, and made from themmonkeys and pigs those who worshipped evil;- these are worse inposition, and far more astray from the right path!Al-Maeda,Chapter # 5, Verse # 60). In such culture, you have one of twochoices: either you decide to be part of it, either you decide to findthe truth. Who in the world is going to believe that God theAlmighty transformed Jews into pigs and monkeys because theywent fishing on a Saturday? That story made me question thelegitimacy of the Quran.
It doesn't make sense that Allah, which Muslims claim is themost just god, is going to turn someone into a pig and monkey fortrying to feed his children. Especially after reading theinterpretation of the story which states that Allah purposely causedthe fish to disappear during an entire week except for Saturday as itthen reappeared. This means Allah made the Jews starve, on top ofpunishing them for trying to survive which is a contradiction toQuran 5:3 But if any is forced by hunger, with no inclination totransgression, Allah is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (YusufAli translation).
Many questions came to my mind since hearing that story.Why doesnt Allah turn the killers, rapists and thieves into pigs andmonkeys instead of the ones fishing on a Saturday?
Consequently, its what made me study Islam in addition toall the accusation Muslims had against my belief as a Christian. Iworked hard reading as much as I could in order to learn andeducate myself. After graduating from high school, I decided tostudy the Islamic law which would qualify me to work as a lawyeror as a judge in any Islamic state. As a matter of fact, the degrees Ihave are not what made me knowledgeable about Islam, rather itwas the hard work and many years of researching the Islamicbooks. There came a point where I felt it was my time to informpeople, with my help and knowledge, inform them of the truthabout Islam. I hope that whoever is going to read both volumes ofThe Deception of Allah as well as my upcoming books will find theanswers which are politically incorrect to his and her questions.
John 8:32
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.~
Christian Prince
Qur'an"plus they deceived and Allahdeceived and Allah is the best ofdeceivers" Qur'an 3:54BibleFor many deceivers have gone outinto the world, those who do notconfess the coming of Jesus Christ inthe flesh. Such a one is the deceiverand the antichrist. 2 John 1:7BibleA Tree and Its FruitBeware of false prophets, whocome to you in sheep's clothingbut inwardly are ravenouswolves. Matthew 7:15
This book is in two volumes.
Volume 1 addresses things you need to know about IslamVolume 2 exposes the miracles of the Qur'aniii
The Deception of AllahVolume 1
A Book Muslim's Do Not Want You To Read
"Why do they not understand the Qur'an? If it's not from Allah,they will find many contradictions in it?" (Qur'an 4:82)This is an important verse that we will use as a scale to examine theQuran. As long as Allah himself created this rule to examine, whetherit's a book of god or not, Muslims have to accept the rules of Allah andhis way of examination! If we find contradictions in the Quran, itcannot be from the real God as the verse says.
Let us see the Muslims claims, and expose the contradictions of theQur'an. We will also expose the Muslims false claims on regards totheir so-called scientific miracles.
On Harun Yahya's websites ( http://miraclesofthequran.com and www.harunyahya.com ), Mr. Harun has made numerous claims aboutthe Quran. I will show the readers inside The Deception of AllahVolume 1 and 2, how each of these claims are false, and that Mr. Harun'sfalse claims were meant to intentionally deceive. The following pointsare some of his claims from his website. In this book, I will also exposethe real meaning of these verses of the Quran, of which Mr. Harun istrying to scam readers. I am going to put all of his claims on regards toastronomical science in one section, for all the claims are connected.Before I move on to that, I need to give you an introduction about Islamand Muhammad.
Islam is an establishment based on three important names:
1. Allah is the god and he has ninety-nine names
2. Angel Jibreel (Gabriel), whom Muslims say is the Holy Spirit (butthis claim is never made in the Qur'an)
3. Muhammad is the prophet of Islam, he is the Seal of Allah's Prophets(of a claimed 124,000 prophets).
ISLAM RELIGION SUMMARIES:Allah is the god of the two worlds (mankind and jinn), butsomehow, Allah forgot about the angels! It's because they are notfrom these two worlds!
Allah sent 124,000 Muslim prophets
Book of Tu'afat Al-'Abib 'Ala Shar'h Al-'Khatib, p. 431, 432)
Muslims are the hypocrites (Quran 4:142)
All of Allah's books are corrupted, except for the Quran(Qur'an 4:46)
Muhammad is the last prophet (Qur'an 33:40)
Beheading non-Muslim captives (Qur'an 8:67; 47:4)
Allah has no sons (Qur'an 4:171)
Angels in Islam cannot be named after females; onlynon-Muslims do so (Quran 53:27)Allah has no girlfriend (until the time of Muhammad),(Qur'an 6:101; 72:3)Allah has only ONE leg (a single shin) (Qur'an 68:42)
Allahs two hands are both on his right side (Allah has no lefthand), (Qur'an 49:1). Note: Based on Islamic teachings, the lefthand is the defiled one (e.g. used for toilet). Only Satan has anduses the defiled (left) hand (Sahih Muslim, Book 023,Hadith 5007). Allah cannot have a defiled hand; therefore Allahstwo hands must be right (undefiled) hands
Allah has a face (Qur'an 55:27)
Allah does not like to have female children (Qur'an 53:21-22)
Allah knows everything, as long as you do not ask him questionsand no one is allowed to ask him questions (Qur'an 5:101-102)Muslims cannot take the non-believers (non-Muslims) as friends(Qur'an 3:28; 4:139; 5:51, 57, 81)Satan is a friend for all non-believers (non-Muslims),(Qur'an 7:27; 30)
Non-believers are friends to each other only, but not to Muslims(Qur'an 8:73)
Muslims cannot even take their own family as friends if they arefrom the non-believers (non-Muslims), (Qur'an 9:23)
Allah sent a prophet to every nation, but yet Muslims cannotname one prophet for nations such as China, India, Japan, etc.(Qur'an 10:47; 16:36, 84, 89; 23:44)
Allah sent a prophet to every nation speaking to them in theirown language (Qur'an 14:4). I wonder what the book of Allah isin the Russian language?
Qur'an is the holy book of the Muslims. It has two kinds ofcommandments: ones which are valid to practice and otherswhich are abrogated. Abrogated means the verses are either thereor missing, but Muslims are not allowed to practice themanymore (Qur'an 2:106)
Allah will abrogate all the satanic verses from the Quran(Quran 22:52)
The Kaaba is nothing more than a way to identify who is aMuslim and who is not by the direction of their prayers(Qur'an 2:143) which means the Kaaba is not a holy house asmentioned in Quran 5:97
The dead people are not equal to the living ones (Qur'an 35:22).We must then conclude that Muhammad is not equal to Jesus asJesus is alive while Muhammad is dead!
The ones who die for the sake of Allah are alive (Qur'an 2:154)Allah is the best of deceivers(Qur'an 3:53; 7:99; 8:30; 10:21; 27:50)To Allah is all the ownership, and he is the Master of Deception(Quran 13:42)There is no guidance for the one Allah deceives(Quran 4:143; 6:39, 125; 7:178, 186; 13:27; 16:37, 93)
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