Elijah Muhammad
(Messenger of Allah)
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Greetings to you; I am Elijah Muhammad, thepreacher of freedom, Justice and Equality to the American so-calledNegroes who were brought here four hundred years ago, and hasserved as slaves and servants for four hundred years withoutfreedom, justice and equality. This preaching of freedom, justiceand equality, has caused much to be said other than the truthagainst the truth. For one to speak of truth and justice for theAmerican so called Negro, he [or she] becomes the number one enemyof America. Both whites and blacks use [them], or point [them] outas a number one enemy. It begins to appear today that the truththat I am teaching is false and called hate while the world knowsthat it is the truth. While the world knows that it is not teachinghate, the guilty desires to call the truth that makes themmanifest, hate because it makes manifest the falsehood. False neverlikes the truth anymore than darkness loves light; for truthdispels falsehood, as light dispels darkness.
For the sake of the so-called AmericanNegroes, who were brought here and made slaves, not given freedom,justice, and equality, and not allowed an equal opportunity, theynow must have the truth, according to the words of the prophets whopredicted that the truth would come to them thousands of yearsago.
God Almighty Himself is behind this truth.God Almighty Himself has brought the truth to [us], the so-calledAmerican Negroes. He has said that we are not Negroes. He has saidthat we were lost members of the Asiatic Nation from a tribe calledShabazz and that we have been deprived of the knowledge ofourselves, the knowledge of our own people, the knowledge of thosewho had subjected us, and the knowledge of He, Himself, as GodAlmighty.
He has brought a religion to us that grantsfreedom, justice, and equality to every Believer. [It] is thereligion of Islam [that] the Whiteman of America has rejected andstill rejects. He uses it in secret societies, but has not taughtthe so-called American Negroes this religion, nor did he teach theso-called American Negroes his own religion Christianity for threehundred years while they served them as slaves. He was the[Whitemans] property and was owned by the slave master. The slavemaster refused to take his slave to church with him, or represent agod to him for 300 years.
Now the teaching of truth has come to theAmerican so-called Negroes: the true religion, from the true God,the Author of truth, the Mighty One, the Deliverer and Saviour ofthe so-called American Negroes. He has now visited us today. Therehas never been such great plans made trying and keep the so-calledNegroes in the Christian religion as they [are] planning today.They [are doing] everything that they possibly [can] to keep themout of Islam; for Islam is the true religion of God.
It is a religion of entire submission to thewill of God, whose proper name is Allah. It is a religion thataccepts every believer as the brother of a believer and not inwords, but in deeds. I know this to be the truth; for I havealready visited the Holy Land of Islam. The Governments of Islam Ihave visited, I was received as a brother by all Muslims there inthose lands from the least to the greatest, and from the greatestdown to the least. I was accepted as the brother of the brotherMuslim in Islam.
Let the little few jealous, envious andhard-hearted Orthodox Muslims of America say what they will aboutElijah not being a true Muslim. I want them to know I was wellaccepted as a Muslim in the countries and homes where theyoriginally came from. [They] all, from the least to the greatest intheir land, accepted me as a Muslim. Let him say whatever he wantsto. Let him say that Elijah is not teaching true Islam. It mattersnot with Elijah what he may say; for I know why he talks like this.He's in America and he wants to hold the friendship of America anddestroy even the unity of his own religion. This kind of talkdoesn't make you look great. It makes you look like a fool,[because] no brother Muslim should say anything against anotherbrother Muslim, especially in the presence of an enemy of Islam andfor the sake of that enemy, speak evil against your own brother.You are not given any credit by Allah for such.
[Here you have a] few so-called Negroes [who]have been faithful and good enough to clean up themselves, stopevil habits - some of which you have not stopped doing - and nowturn their faces towards the Holy City Mecca of Arabia where I havealready made a pilgrimage. [They as well] call upon Allah toforgive them for their sins and to bless them with peace andsecurity in a foreign land and among those who have captured them,put them in chains and who have whipped and beat them without anymercy whatsoever. [The captors] Kill them day and night without theslightest mercy shown to them and always take [the opportunity] todo them evil. For the least thing you should be happy to know thatthese people are now trying to turn to Allah and his God. Youshould be happy to know that they have accepted Islam for theirreligion, [Whether] they know it [or not], if they just believe inthe name, you should be happy if you are a true Muslim.
If Elijah preaches that they should believein Allah, and believe in His religion Islam, you should be happy,and should accept Elijah as your brother and not go around sayinghe calls himself a Messenger of Allah and we had only one prophetand that's prophet Muhammad and he can't be a Messenger. What wouldwe look like lying over here in the Western Hemisphere waitinguntil Muhammad came over here and teach us? You didn't do it. Youshould be ashamed of yourself for not doing it.
Muhammad said a Messenger would rise up everyhundred years. He didn't say he was the last one. And if I say I amthe Messenger of Allah and Allah has given to me the name Muhammad,what right do you have trying to take authority over Allah andIslam to tell Allah whom he should choose and what name he shouldgive him?
You have the Holy Qur'an [and] it teaches youthat no one can make a choice after His choice; no one can tell Himwho to choose. You have the Holy Qur'an [and] it teaches you thatafter He has made his choice, you can do nothing [but] only say wehear it and we believe and to thee we submit. You are very sillynot knowing the scripture, not knowing that the last Messenger inthe last days would be named Muhammad would be raised from a deadnation. You are very silly. You don't understand and even you don'tunderstand that God Almighty, in the last days after theResurrection, would give you a new Islam. The five principles[will] remain the same, but there will be new Islam given.
You must remember that. You must rememberthat all the scriptures you have leads up to the Resurrection notbeyond it. It is written [that] no eye has seen [it], no ear hasheard [it], nor has it entered the heart of man to conceive whatGod has for his servants that love and obey him.
Even Muhammad says the same thing, [that] hehad not seen it. He didn't know anything about what God hasreserved for the people in the Hereafter, what He would choose. Headmitted he didn't know. Muhammad never claimed that he ever sawGod. He said he heard His voice, but never saw Him; yet, thescripture, your Holy Qur'an, and the scripture of the prophetsprophesy in the last day that God will reveal Himself. You cannotdeny that your Holy Qur'an teaches the coming of Allah and itteaches you against believing that Allah is something that cannotbe seen and cannot be heard. I [repeat] that Muhammad didn't livein the Resurrection of the dead. Muhammad lived near 1400 yearsbefore the Resurrection. This is the Resurrection. Not in the daysof Muhammad was there a Resurrection of the dead. It was only justan example made in Arabia to show the world nearly 1400 years agowhat it would look like and what the religion was like.