From God in Person
Master Fard Muhammad
How to Eat to Live,
Book 1
Elijah Muhammad
Messenger of Allah
From God In Person, Master FardMuhammad, How To Eat To Live, Copyright 1967 by Elijah Muhammad. All rightsreserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in anymanner whatsoever without written permission except in case ofbrief quotations embodied in critical articles andreviews.
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Chapter 1: Right Wayto Eat
There is no way for us to learn the right way toeat in order to live a long life, except through the guidance andteachings of Allah, Who came in the Person of Master FardMuhammad.
The Bible says that He will give us more lifeabundantly, but He demands strict obedience to His Will. There isno way of prolonging the life of human beings or any other lifeunless it begins with restrictions of the foods which sustain life,the right kinds of food and the proper time when it should be takeninto our bodies.
Jehovah taught Israel how to live, but Israelrebelled against the law of Jehovah, handed down to them throughMoses, the servant of Jehovah.
There are many Jews today, called Orthodox Jews,who try to eat in order to live. They are careful of the type offood that goes into their stomachs. They will not slaughter ananimal without trying to drain that animal's blood out of its bodybefore taking it for food. They will not accept diseased animals,birds or fowls.
We give credit to the Jews for still trying toobey that which they were ordered to do by Allah, through theprophets that Allah sent to them. The Jews paid the penalty fordisobedience, and are still paying. However, they are the onlypeople, the Holy Qur'an teaches, whose food we can eat. They, inturn, can eat our food. The Muslims who try to live according tothe teachings of the Holy Qur'an will not eat the wrong food whenthey know what that food is.
Of course, those who are becoming converts toIslam in America, my followers, are being tried. The Christians,white and black, try to force or deceive my followers into eatingfoods they know we the Muslims do not approve.
In prison, they almost starve my followerstrying to force them to eat the filthy, poisonous swine flesh. ThisI know, because when I was in prison they did the same to me.
Thanks to the coming of Allah in the Person ofMaster Fard Muhammad, if we obey what He has given to us in the wayof proper foods and the proper time to partake of these foods, wewill never be sick or have to pay hundreds, thousands and millionsof dollars for doctor bills and hospitalization.
The Christian people have one of the most brutalways of killing animals for their food. Many of their animals arekilled under fright and excitement; they actually murder theanimals they eat.
We, the Muslims, who have not been able to goout to the slaughter houses as yet to choose our meat, as theOrthodox Jews are doing, slaughter our animals or cattle at a timewhen they least expect it. We take their lives in the name ofAllah, with a prayer over this condemned life to be used to sustainour lives.
Allah has taught me how to eat in order to live.I have been teaching it to my followers, but we often becomenegligent and fall victim to our own negligence. As a result, weare calling the doctor, or going to the hospital because we did noteat the right foods, and in the proper way.
Hereafter. I shall enforce restriction on myfollowers to eat as Allah bids us. As I have said to my followerson many occasions, life cannot be prolonged unless we are carefulof what we eat and when we eat.
The foolish idea of eating three or four times aday and all between meals is like the poisonous swine who never hasany regular eating habit. Even a dog will not eat when he is fullmost of the time. The hog, however, swallows as long as he can, andthen regrets that he can't keep swallowing. He will crawl into hisfood and wait until he can swallow some more. He is so greedy hewon't leave his food.
Chapter 2:Vegetables
Virtually all vegetables are good to eat exceptcollard greens and turnip salad. The roots of turnips do very well,but not the salad. Cabbages are good, especially the white head,but not the green leaves. Cauliflower is a really fine vegetable,but take away the green leaves. There are a lot of other goodvegetables that have been grafted from original vegetables, thoughsome of the grafted vegetables are not good to eat. Do not eat thevegetable called kale.
Eat some spinach, but do not become an habitualspinach eater. Eat rutabaga, a little every now and then. You mayeat as much garlic and onion as you like, but no sweet potatoes andno white potatoes. Sweet potatoes were never good for any human toeat. They are good for hogs, but not for you. White (Irish)potatoes are a food for people who live in frigid zones, a staplefood for such as Europe, Northern America and Canada; but potatoesand rice are too starchy for you and me. They laden us with toomuch starch and fat, which are friends to diabetes. Sweet potatoesare full of gas, do not eat them. There are many more vegetablesyou will find edible or forbidden to eat in this book. If you like,write me for information on other vegetables not mentionedhere.
Allah forbids us to eat peas. He considers mostpeas fit for cattle and herds of animals, but not for the delicatestomachs of human beings. No black-eyed peas. field peas, speckledpeas, red peas or brown peas. Do not eat the split peas you find inthe store.
Peas, collard greens, turnip greens, sweetpotatoes and white potatoes are very cheaply raised foods. TheSouthern slave masters used them to feed the slaves, and stilladvise the consumption of them. Most white people of the middle andupper class do not eat this lot of cheap food, which is unfit forhuman consumption.
No beans did He advise, except the small navy,the small size and not the larger size, the little brown pink ones,and the white ones. This bean He valued to be very high in protein,fats and starches, and it is a safe food for prolonging life. Asyou will find, most of the Muslims like their bean soup. Thesebeans are dry beans. He said that He could take one of our babiesand start him off eating the dry small navy bean soup, and makethat child live 240 years. He described no other bean. This drybean, or pulse, is of ancient origin. It was this bean, accordingto certain historians, that Daniel preferred for himself and hisfollowers in the prison of Nebuchadnezzar. Do not add rice andmeats to these beans. because they contain proteins, fats andstarches.
Virtually all fruits are good. We eat apples,oranges. bananas, pears, peaches, tangerines, mangos, plums, grapes(do not eat processed dried grapes, eat natural sun dried grapes),pomegranates. lemons and grapefruit.
Eat whole wheat, but not the whole grain, it istoo much for the digestive system. Eat wheat, never white flour,which has been robbed of all its natural vitamins and proteins soldseparately as cereals. You know, as well as I that the white raceis a commercializing people and they do not worry about the livesthey jeopardize so long as the dollar is safe. You might findyourself eating death, if you follow them.