Easy Steps to Awaken and Develop Your Intuition
Carole Conlon
Easy Steps to Awaken and Develop Your Intuition
Copyright 2017 by Carole Conlon
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and review.
A y n i
(pronounced I -nee)
is the Qechua Indian term
that describes how we relate to our surroundings.
This word connotes gratitude, reciprocity and balance
with everything in life -
from the smallest microbe on the planet
to the farthest galaxies in the heavens
or to God.
Ayni is as simple as paying money
in exchange for a product
or as complex as
being in complete synchronicity
with the world around you
and having the universe
respond to your every thought .
The Easy Steps to book series is designed to help you restore your ayni.
Chapter One
What is Intuition All About and Why Should I Care?
How Using Intuition Can Change Your Life
Have you ever been to a psychic, palm reader, card reader or attended a seance? Or do you like to read those predictions about what the new year will bring or how the astrology energy of the stars and planets will influence you this month? Can you always guess who is calling you on the phone without checking caller ID?
As humans we are totally fascinated with taking a peek into the future to pick up a few clues to make life easier or to help win the lottery. We use this information to choose the best decision to make, what to eat, what supplements to take, who to date, etc. To that end we seek out information and the people that offer it. But did you know that everyone is blessed with some level of intuitive or psychic ability?
Intuition is generally called a gut feeling or an impression whereas psychic information builds upon your intuition and provides more clarity and insight, usually providing more specific detail.
According to The Donning International Encyclopedic Psychic Dictionary, intuition is defined as
- a non-thought which by-passes the process of thinking and brings through a whole body sensation of this information is important (Did you ever get a feeling of deja vu or a shiver down your spine?);
- information that one did not know previously through education or past experiences, did not logically think out or reason with;
- an inner knowing that happens spontaneously, willed or unwilled (that voice in your head that is shouting about danger, or urging you to walk a certain path);
- comes from the superconscious mind making it pure information, unclouded by the subconscious belief system (you just know deep down inside - nobody taught you about it);
- comes with or without the help of the etheric world intelligences (much like having a headset on and hearing someone whispering in your ear; and yes, it could be dear departed aunt Mary doing the whispering!);
- the most common type of mental psychism and the most easily developed (intuition needs to be developed, just like exercising a muscle or learning a new dance).
The same dictionary defines the word psychic as to sense, understand, interpret and to use for practical purposes, a force that enters in and emanates out of the body and mind without the use of the five senses.
There are many forms of intuition or psychic ability and very few people have all of them developed. In fact, most people find they have two or three strong talents. The following list shows you the many varieties of psychic abilities that can occur. Are there any you recognize in yourself or others?
Which Types of Psychic Abilities Do You Recognize?
- Animal Telepathy - The ability to communicate with (but not command or influence) various kinds of creatures.
- Astral Projection - The ability to leave one's body and travel as a spirit to another location.
- Aura Reading - The ability to see the energy fields that emanate from living beings.
- Automatic Writing - Writing coming through the subconscious mind without conscious thought on your part.
- Bilocation - Being in two places at the same time.
- Channeling - This is the ability to act as a channel or vessel for an outside intelligence.
- Clairaudience - This ability is used to hear what is "inaudible" - even a thousand miles way (includes telepathy).
- Clairvoyance - is the psychic ability to see visions of that which is hidden or far away.
- Clairsentience - the psychic has an insight or "knowing" of a hidden or forgotten fact. Feels things physically (a tingling, warm or cold energy, etc.).
- Divination - A broad term for methods used in an effort to predict the future.
- Dowsing - Also known as "water witching", dowsing involves the use of a rod, sticks, or a pendulum to locate water or lost objects. See also Questing.
- Empathy - The talent to sense the needs, drives, and emotions of another.
- E.S.P. - Extra Sensory Perception is the awareness of information about events external to the psychic that are not gained through the senses and not deducible from previous experience.
- Intuition - Similar to clairsentience, this is the power of attaining direct knowledge or cognition without rational thought or inference.
- Questing using a pendulum for diagnosing health issues.
- Mediumship communicating with the spirit of a person who has died.
- Levitation - The ability to cause one's body to hover off the ground.
- Precognition - Usually this ability refers to knowing general outcomes of specific courses of action, with occasional flashes of detailed insight.
- Remote Viewing gathering of information at a distance.
Of all these psychic abilities that are listed, the most common are clairaudience (hearing), clairvoyance (seeing), and clairsentience (feeling).
Chapter Two
The Main Triggers That Awaken Intuition
Intuition describes the ability to acquire knowledge without evidence or the use of reason, although many people see it as a gut feeling based on experience. Some psychologists believe that intuition is actually a mental matching game: that when your brain is exposed to a situation, it does a quick file search and finds the best match of stored memories and knowledge. Then it assigns a meaning to that situation.
Scientists now know that the gut itself literally feeds gut feelings - think of butterflies in the stomach when a decision is pending. The gut has millions of nerve cells and, through them, a "mind of its own." The Chinese call this your abdominal brain.
Still others say intuition comes from the third eye (brow chakra) and its intention to create and this, in combination with the heart chakras compassion and resonance to truth, gives us the inner knowledge. Additionally astrologers can show combinations of planets at the time of birth that create enhanced intuitive abilities.
There are many types of life experiences that can enhance or jump start intuitive abilities in a person. Among them are:
- trauma, abuse or terror
- near death/UFO experiences
- guided imagery
- yoga, meditation, imagery
- close proximity to a strong psychic
- falling in love/heartbreak