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Debbie Malone - Awaken Your Psychic Ability

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Debbie Malone, acclaimed spirit medium, dips into her experiences from working alongside police forces with investigative and missing persons cases, and conducting numerous mediumship readings for people over the years, to bring you the most comprehensive and empowering book to develop your intuition to profound heights. Each chapter explains the different types of psychic gifts we have within us, includes exercises and meditations to practice and strengthen hidden psychic talents. This book takes you on a ride toward your soul, as Debbie shares her wisdom and skills, including exercises in bringing to life the psychic within you.

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A Rockpool book PO Box 252 Summer Hill NSW 2130 Australia - photo 1
A Rockpool book PO Box 252 Summer Hill NSW 2130 Australia - photo 2

A Rockpool book
PO Box 252
Summer Hill
NSW 2130

First published in 2016

Copyright Debbie Malone 2016

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

A copy of this publication can be found in the National Library of Australia.

ISBN 9781925017953 (paperback)

Edited by Script and Story
Cover design by Jessica Le
Illustrations by Integraldms and Jessica Le
Typeset by Typeskill


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14


HAVE YOU EVER felt that there is more to the world than your eyes can see?

Have you experienced deja vu or had prophetic dreams that came true?

Do you ever see, feel, know or hear things that nobody else does?

Have you ever thought that you might be psychic, but didnt know what to do about it?

If this is the case then you have picked up the right book as you are about to go on a journey of spiritual discovery. Throughout this book each chapter will explain the different types of psychic gifts we have within us.

I have included exercises and meditations that will help you to practice and strengthen your hidden psychic talents.

When I discovered my spiritual gifts I didnt realize that there were so many different ways that people could connect to the spirit world. It wasnt until I explored my gifts further that I began to understand the different ways that the spirit world can make its presence known to us.

The main spiritual gifts are:

  • Psychic
  • Clairvoyance
  • Clairaudience
  • Clairsentience
  • Claircognizance
  • Psychometry
  • Empathy

Dont be alarmed if you dont have all of these abilities working at the present time. You may discover that you can reawaken all of the gifts included in this book or you may find that you only utilize some of these abilities. It is important to understand that there is no right or wrong way to work with spirit. What is most important is that you are able to make a connection to the higher spiritual realms to continue your spiritual growth.

When I began to work with spirit I didnt have all of my gifts working on a consistent level. My abilities would be intermittent and would work when I least expected them to. It was as if I didnt have a constant energy supply to sustain the connection and I had a loose wire in my spiritual connection circuit.

I discovered that the more I tried to get my abilities to work on demand the more frustrated I would become and the less control I had.

Being angry or thinking negative thoughts would also interfere with my psychic connection. Fear has a great influence while working with spirit. The more frightened I became of working with the spirit world the more frightening and out of control my connection to spirit became.

I totally understood how Harry Potter felt when he was trying to master the ability to ride the Nimbus 2000 broomstick. When Harry first sat on the broom he had many challenges and obstacles that tried to throw him off his path. Remember, mastering any ability takes time, dedication, trust, belief and most of all practice.

An Olympic athlete doesnt just wake up one day and win a gold medal. The athlete has many trials and tests before ever being chosen to be part of the Olympic team. Being part of a spiritual team you will experience many up and downs, disappointments and achievements but with dedication and persistence you will achieve your goals.

It is also important to realize that each Olympian has a gift that is their own particular strength. Some athletes enter more than one area of competition while the majority will discover that they have one gift that is their greatest strength.

If you can keep this in mind when you begin your spiritual journey and focus on what is your greatest strength you will discover a wonderful insight in a world which we share with unseen spiritual beings.

These beings have a greater insight into the world around us. They are there to guide and assist you in your everyday life. Once you are working with these higher beings you will view the world from a completely different perspective. The more you learn about the spiritual realms, the more you will want to discover what other gifts your spiritual teachers want to share with you.

It is now time to uncover what spiritual gifts lay within you. Take your time with the exercises, be patient and most of all believe in yourself and your connection to spirit. Your spiritual helpers will only give you as much as you can handle so if at times you dont feel you are making a connection, take some time out and re-centre yourself.

I believe in you like your spiritual helpers, spirit guides and angels do. Lets begin your journey of a lifetime.

Love & Light,
Debbie Malone xx


I WOULD LIKE to thank my husband Warwick for his patience while I have undertaken my spiritual journey. My three beautiful children Ryan, Blake & Shannon you have taught me more than I could ever have taught you. You are the greatest gifts spirit has given me. Together we have experienced a spiritual journey like no other. I look forward to our future adventures together.

To the wonderful Richard Martin, what can I say? Your inspiration, positive thoughts and energy are such a pleasure to have in my life. Thank you for your patience and understanding. You have taught me so much. I am blessed to have you in my life.

Quoting your favourite verse Richard:

Advice from the Sun

Keep it light,

Rise to the occasion

Look on the bright side

Set your sights high

Renew your energy

Keep a sunny disposition

Be brilliant!

Ilan Shamir

Last but not least, to my beautiful spirit helpers who have inspired and guided me from above. Nanna and Poppa Gee for your love and support from spirit, I thank you. To Robert Malone, my beautiful father-in-law who passed while I was writing this book; thank you for giving me inspiration while you were alive and now from spirit.

To my spirit guide Running Horse and my beautiful angels, together we have come so far. You have taken me on journeys I find hard to put into words.

My six Near Death Experiences have certainly changed my perspective on life. They have allowed me to access higher knowledge I only dreamt existed. I am thankful that through these journeys I have found my connection to you.

Thank you everyone for showing me how to believe in my gifts so I could share them with others.


Enhancing Your Abilities: Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels

Awaken Your Psychic Ability - image 3


Angels are winged messengers who act as a bridge between Heaven and Earth. Many believe that angels have not lived as human beings on the earth realm. An angel is sent by a supreme being for the purpose of delivering messages, to offer spiritual guidance and in some cases heal a physical ailment or to rescue a person from threatening circumstances. Angels are said to be spiritual beings created by a supreme being.

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