Karen Bernabo

Copyright 2015 Karen Bernabo.
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-0003-2 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-5043-0004-9 (e)
Balboa Press rev. date: 11/18/2015
To my son Daniel Davern, and to all my teachers and students who are working in the light, as well as to all my spirit guides, mentors, friends and helpers, and the Ascended masters, spiritual hierarchy, and Angelic realm.
This book is dedicated with gratitude to my husband Frank for believing in me and the work that I do with spirit and for funding the many projects that I undertake within my spiritual journey.
With Gratitude to God, the Angelic realm, Ascended Masters and all of my spirit guide friends and helpers who are always there for me, and who, I always say that I would be able to do nothing without.
Thank you to all of my students over the many years that I have been teaching that had asked me to put my teachings into books so that you could take me home with you. You all encouraged me to believe that I had something worthwhile to share with others on a larger scale than my class room.
For eternal gratitude and heartfelt thanks for all of the weekly absent/distant healings that were done for myself and my husband Frank from Helen Shilkin. May the Angels continually bring blessings to you and your family.
Many thanks to Sarah Jollie for your continued support and friendship.
A special thank you to Wendy Lawton-Scott for all of the secretarial and editorial work with scribing all of my meditations onto the pages of this book and for your friendship.
This book has come into being through the many students that have come to my classes and saying that they would love my teachings to be in a book, to read, to understand more fully what we do in class. Also many said that they had been in other classes with other teachers who did not place any protection around the room that they were working in. I found this disturbing as I believe that once a person knows how to clear and protect not just their energies but the space they work in that it would become second nature. So, it led me to believe that maybe some people had not been taught how to do this process.
This book is a hands on work book for teachers of psychic development and Mediumship circles and for students who wish to have more knowledge of what happens in a class for them to have further studies.
For those that wish to use this book to teach and run their own classes, I would highly recommend for them to have been a student in a physical class with a good experienced teacher for guidance to develop under. It takes on average of between two and five years for a person to fully develop their Mediumship skills. So, you would want your teacher not just to have good Mediumship skills to give a good reading, but more importantly have a good basic background in psychic and spiritual knowledge. For those that wish to teach, your students will also want you to have a good knowledge base. It is also for your and everyone elses safety that you know how to see or hear or sense spirit entities so that you can tell the positive ones from the negative ones and then act accordingly.
For those of you that have the skill set required to teach, you will find this a good work book to follow as it has seventeen different class lessons with nineteen meditations. You can use each of these lessons with meditations to create a new class each week. By the time you get to the last one number seventeen, that will obviously take your weekly class seventeen weeks to complete, you can just start again at number 1. It takes time to develop each of the skills to master that each lesson offers, so your students will enjoy getting in more practise in honing their skills.
You can run a class with as little as two people but I prefer six people with no more than twelve students in one sitting. You will need to advertise to find students for your new class if you do not belong to a Spiritualist church, then you will need to advertise in your local paper announcing that you have a new class available.
I recommend having at least two different timeslots available, one in the day preferably within school hours and the other in the evening or on a Saturday for those that work full time through the week. I personally run classes into two hour timeslots as I feel that two hours is enough time for students to learn in without feeling overwhelmed. Classes should be run once a week at the designated time. Work out in advance if it suits you and the students to hold classes throughout the school holidays. If most of your students have young children, you may find it necessary to have your classes on hold throughout the holiday period.
You may find it useful to write a paper on class etiquette/ground rules and give it to each student on commencement of them starting classes with you. An example of what I use it as follows.
- No alcohol consumed on the day of class.
- No recreational drug use on day of class/preferably not at all.
- No swearing in class.
- Be respectful to the viewpoints and feelings of others.
- Do not interrupt when others are giving messages.
- Do not wear perfume in class as it interferes with receiving messages where scent is often brought in with the smell of flowers from spirit
- Please be punctual to class as others time is as precious as yours is to you.
- It is important to be consistently coming to class on a weekly basis for your development, and all so for having consistent energy in the group.
- If you have a personality conflict with someone in the group, do not voice it openly in the class, but to see the teacher privately afterwards.
- When another student asks the teachers advice, do not answer for him/her to offer your opinion as you are not the teacher of the class and everyone needs to be respectful.
Room Clearing, Cleansing & Protecting:
This is useful for those of us who work as teachers and/or practitioners where we need to clear a room that we are working in before and after teaching a class or working with a client. It is also useful for when you are travelling, to clear out your motel room or the room that you will sleeping in or staying at a friends house.
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