To Your Abundant Health
LaDean Griffin
1996 by LaDean Griffin
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form, or by any means without the permission of the author.
First Printing 2015
This book is a reference work based on research by the author. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of or endorsed by the publisher. The directions and recommendations stated in this book are in no way to be considered a substitute for consultation with a competent health practitioner. We encourage you to seek appropriate professional health assistance for all serious and/or persistent health problems.
Printed in the United States of America
Cover photo by Ian Kahler
Section I ...............................................5
Environmental Disease
Section II 30
Section III . 47
Section IV .............................................................. 63
Mild Food
Section V ............................ 99
Overcome Drugs the Natural way
Section VI ......................... 160
Overcome Disease the Natural way
Section VII ............................................................375
Computers fill home libraries, schools and college reading rooms with information available at the touch of a button. In some locations there are medical-line computers as well as other worldwide computers which have gathered information from all over the world and in all languages.
When anyone who wants to find out can discover from the computer all documented figures, the great question arises, why? Why hasn't medical science developed a cure when so much money has been spent and so many promises made? The next question which would ultimately follow; where was the money spent?
The answers to these questions lead us to believe that a conspiracy has been happening to keep the cancer [big business] alive and well, by stopping, with the use of the media or with prosecution and persecution, anyone who promotes or advocates a cure for cancer by natural methods. All other terminal diseases come under the same kind of attack. Why? The question must be asked, what are the acceptable methods? Drugs and chemicals, of course. Are they solving problems with drugs and chemicals? Why not look for alternative solutions in herbals and vitamins and foods? Someone is looking. Who supports medical research and schools? The drug chemical companies. How much money is being spent on health care and drugs?
When statistical data such as this can be answered in the computer age, any analytical mind has to conclude there is something wrong with methods in present use. There must also be something wrong with such close-minded research.
Medical science is using alkaloids mixed with chemicals as well as certain hormones to treat cancers, leukemia, and Hodgkin's disease. The reason the alkaloids work for a while is because they alkalize the body, removing the toxins rapidly. However, when too much waste moves into the blood stream because the alkaloids have forced an elimination and the white cells reach an alarming count, they often give whole blood before they dare to give more chemicals. If the human body can hold up under such a beating and if the poisons administered do not kill the rest of the body it is possible to arrest some cancers. However, if the person does not eat so as to replace minerals lost on such a drastic alkalizing cleanser, they eventually die anyway. The devastation caused by such harsh treatment is apparent when hair is lost, noting a sweeping away of mineral and vitamins in the process.
The human body cannot grow and be well in such alkaline conditions. Compare this to the alkali soils of the salt deserts in Utah where nothing grows.
It is important in this introduction to be specific concerning the kinds of vitamins I am referring to in the natural technique. My reference is always to a natural rather than a synthetic vitamin. It is important in the healing process to know the difference.
A vitamin from sources generally means a concentrated food that's rich in a particular vitamin, with fat, moisture and fibers removed. Other factors in the concentrate the biochemists call "impurities," such things as the unknowns, the trace minerals, amino acids, enzymes, etc.
Occasionally the FDA will insist that certain known factors be excluded from supplements just because they are unproven. Because of this unresolved scientific dispute, some known factors remain and exist in a more natural concentrate. If some of these factors are non-essential to you as they occur in nature, which is doubtful, you have nothing to lose. However, if they are essential, even though their function is yet unknown, it could possibly be critical to you.
The word "natural" has been used and abused until, like the word "organic", much confusion exists as to the correct usage of the word. A definition of "natural" in its use here would be; as they occur in nature naturally with both known and unknown factors existing, while a "synthetic" is created in the laboratory from so-called organic or inorganic substances unrelated to the foods in which the vitamins being produced would naturally occur. (A crystalline starts out as a natural and goes through a series of solvents until only the pure, isolated vitamin with none of the so-called impurities remain in crystalline form.)
The word "organic" has been much abused also from what the original organic gardener intended. Anything containing the carbon molecule today is considered organic, even coal or petroleum. The fact, however, that the words "natural" and "organic" have been much used and abused still leads everyone to believe that such things are becoming more and more important to everyone including the scientists who have said there is no difference between organic and inorganic. Where the difference lies is how organic and inorganic, synthetic or natural, feels in the human body.
Cake, cigarettes, alcohol, coffee, soft drinks and candy didn't get the reputation of being unhealthy merely because someone said so. If a person says she does not smoke or drink, the other person will usually say, "Oh, you don't have any bad habits." Who told him they were bad habits? Why don't mothers and fathers give their babies coffee to drink for breakfast? Why do we keep a limit on the age to smoke and drink? How do people know these things are bad? Because of how it feels in the human body. We don't need any scientist to tell us so. If this is true, then it automatically follows that how the natural organic vitamins feel in the body is what counts, not what a scientist supposes it should do.
On a recent talk show a medical doctor called in to challenge me. He stated that more scientific research and blind studies needed to be done on herbs. My answer to him was that through the drug use and abuse period of the past 50 years or so, there has always been the counter culture of people who used herbs, vitamins and natural foods. They have known how to combat and prevent disease and have known how it feels in the body to obey nature's rules, and somehow they didn't feel it was necessary to prove it to the world, even though they had proven it to themselves. It does not seem logical to people who feel well using natural supplements to take a dangerous substance that does not give them a sense of well being.
People who use natural vitamins and get results are not intimidated by illogical scientific arguments. The people who have been seriously ill and have run the gauntlet of the drug method and somehow found their way to natural foods, natural vitamins and herbs, are the ones who do the most proselytizing for a healthier way because they have been there. They know first-hand the difference in how their bodies feel with one method versus the other.
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