The Truth about Current Kriya Yoga Gurus and Organizations.
Beyond Kriya, contains the explanation of a Special Technique never revealed before in Kriya literature.
- Book 1 -
Copyright 2017 by SantataGamana
All rights reserved. 1st Edition, October 2017
Version 1.3 Updated June 2018
Special thanks to Eric Robins, who edited and proofread this book with profound love, kindness, and dedication.
No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form, including photocopying, recording, or any electronic or mechanical methods, without permission from the author except for brief quotes.
Disclaimer for Legal Purposes
The information provided in this book is strictly for reference only and is not in any manner a substitute for medical advice. In the case of any doubt, please contact your healthcare provider. The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any injuries, negative consequences or losses that may result from practicing what is described in this book. The author makes no representations or warranties with regards to the completeness or accuracy of information on this book. This book contains no facts and it only expresses the personal opinion of the author. Everything mentioned in here is either merely a particular viewpoint, a review or criticism related to religious or spiritual ideas and beliefs only. Any perceived slights of specific people or organizations are unintentional. All the names referred to in this book are for illustrative purposes only, are the property of their respective owners and not affiliated with this publication in any way. The techniques of Kriya organizations or Gurus are not described here in detail but only commented freely according to the personal experience of the author.
Read also, by the same author of Kriya Yoga Exposed :
The Secret Power of Kriya Yoga
Revealing the Fastest Path to Enlightenment.
How Fusing Bhakti & Jnana Yoga into Kriya will Unleash the most Powerful Yoga Ever.
Kundalini Exposed
Disclosing the Cosmic Mystery of Kundalini.
The Ultimate Guide to Kundalini Yoga, Kundalini Awakening, Rising, and Reposing on its Hidden Throne.
The Yoga of Consciousness
25 Direct Practices to Enlightenment.
Revealing the Missing Key to Self-Realization. Beyond Kundalini, Kriya Yoga & all Spirituality into Awakening Non-Duality.
Turiya: The God State
Unravel the ancient mystery of TuriyaThe God State.
The book that demystifies and uncovers the true state of Enlightened beings.
Available @ Amazon as Kindle & Paperback.
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I remain present near one who practices Kriya.
- Lahiri Mahasaya
This is not your normal guide to Kriya Yoga.
The purpose of this volume is to expose Kriya Yoga and its current Masters and organizations.
This book is not written in your normal manner.
I will have no problem exposing the supposedly enlightened Gurus for what they are.
Kriya Yoga has been a hidden secret for far too long.
Kriya Yoga has been very secretive for far too long.
Being secretive is not good for the development of the practitioner nor the world, nor does it encourage ego-dissolution.
Being secretive helps to spread myths and fantasies about Kriya Yoga.
Being secretive means a few people keep the power in their own hands while the others have to beg for the techniques and pay large sums.
Being secretive means the so-called Masters can change the techniques for something worse and ineffective without anyone knowing.
The reasons they normally give for being secretive are to preserve the purity of the teachings.
In truth, this actually means to modify the teachings.
In truth, this actually means my Kriya is original, all of the others are false.
In truth, this actually means Mine is the Kriya Yoga of Mahavatar Babaji or Lahiri Mahasaya.
None of this is conducive to the expansion of consciousness and the consequent dissolution of the ego-mind.
The purpose of Kriya Yoga is mind-purification that will lead to its own dissolution into the ecstasy of nothingness (Nirvikalpa Samadhi).
Will Kriya Yoga lead you to Sahaja Samadhi, which means true Enlightenment?
That is the ultimate question, one that will be addressed in this book further down the line.
This is not a big publication. You should read all of the pages and not just those related to the Master or organization you are interested in.
Dont read it like you read a newspaper or a novel. Really pay attention. There are some hidden gems in between the talks about Masters and organizations. This is because there is a lot of useful and relevant information in some other Masters page that will compliment and make crystal clear what was read on the Master or organizations page you are attracted to.
Do not skip ahead to some specific section. Read in the order presented, or you will fail to understand some key aspects of this work.
There are also quotes of paramount importance by Lahiri Mahasaya and other true Masters throughout the book, related to what is written in that particular section, to show the reader that it is not just the authors singular viewpoint.
I know this book is going to receive a lot of negative reviews because of the ego-reactions people will have.
I know many people will not agree with what is written here about Gurus or organizations.
It would have been very easy to just leave out or modify everything that causes negative ego-reactions, but I know some aspirants, those rare ones, will want to hear the Truth.
They are fed up with Gurus, organizations, lies, secrets, etc.
They just want the end of misery and are sick of this human-ego-game.
They are tired of having read dozens of Kriya books talking mainly about the importance of Yamas (donts) and Niyamas (dos), and how one must stay away from siddhis (powers) if one doesnt want to fall away from the Grace of God. Most Kriya Yoga books are just marketing bait masked as something else, solely with the aim of enticing you to join these Gurus organization and pay for the initiation.
Please, keep an open mind while reading this book. You may have different opinions of or experiences with these Masters and organizations than what is written here. That is okay.
Just be open to the possibility of this pointing to something that you havent seen yet. Dont discard it right away, give it an honest opportunity.
This book will also share the discovery of a new way of practicing the higher Final Kriyas, with a special technique never before shared in Kriya Literature. This technique will boost your practice like never before.
I hope this book frees you from the dogmas and beliefs created by the Kriya Gurus, organizations and Kriya literature, and that it also helps you awaken the essential discernment needed to take that very important step forward, toward yourself, toward your True Self, the Infinite Consciousness within you. That is the real purpose of this book.
Masters and Organizations
These days there are many lineages, organizations and Masters of Kriya Yoga. I expect the reader to be familiar with some of them. If not, that is perfectly fine as well, since the whole book is filled with high-level teachings of yoga, non-duality, and spirituality. Even if you know nothing about Kriya Yoga, you will learn something profound and inspiring here.