The Oxford History of Hinduism
Hindu Law
A New History of Dharmastra
Edited by
Patrick Olivelle
Donald R. Davis, Jr.


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Oxford University Press 2018
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ISBN 9780198702603
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Given the centrality of Dharmastra in the Hindu tradition for over two millennia, this is a book that had to be written. Left to our own devices, however, this is a book that we would never have undertaken. The daunting task of writing a history of Dharmastra under the shadow of the pioneering and encyclopedic work of P. V. Kane would have made us hesitate. So, thanks are due in the first place to Gavin Flood, who, as the general editor of the new Oxford History of Hinduism, invited us to write this as a volume in the series, and to Tom Perridge, the editor at Oxford who, along with Gavin, launched the series.
It was clear from the start that this was a book the two of us could not write on our own, at least not within stipulated timeframe. Our foremost thanks, therefore, go to the eighteen colleagues from around the world who generously agreed to write chapters of this volume, drawing on their own expertise: Mikael Aktor, Adam Bowles, David Brick, Richard Davis, Ariel Glucklich, Jonardon Ganeri, Andrea Gutierrez, Maria Heim, Knut Jacobsen, Stephanie Jamison, Timothy Lubin, Mark McClish, James McHugh, Axel Michaels, Christian Novetzke, Ludo Rocher, Matthew Sayers, and Gregory Schopen. They were all busy scholars and teachers, and yet they generously accepted our invitation and agreed to devote considerable time and energy to this project. It would not have been possible without their contributions. Our great regret is that our teacher Ludo Rocher passed away before this volume could be completed; his contribution on inheritance, in , will stand as a monument to his vast knowledge of Dharmastra. We thank Rosane Rocher for her assistance with Ludos chapter.
Patrick Olivelle
Donald R. Davis, Jr.
Austin, Texas
March 31, 2017
Table of Contents
gG | gniveya Ghyastra |
Ait | Aitareya rayaka |
AitB | Aitareya Brhmaa |
AitU | Aitareya Upaniad |
pDh | pastamba Dharmastra |
pDhP | paddharmaparvan of the Mahbhrata |
pG | pastamba Ghyastra |
pr | pastamba rautastra |
A | Kauilyas Arthastra |
G | valyana Ghyastra |
r | valyana rautastra |
AV | Atharvaveda |
BDh | Baudhyana Dharmastra |
BG | Baudhyana Ghyastra |
BGPari | Baudhyana Ghyapariia |
Bhr | Bhrucis commentary on MDh |
BhG | Bhagavad Gt |
BhG | Bhradvja Ghyastra |
BSm | Bhaspati Smti |
BU | Bhadrayaka Upaniad |
Br | Baudhyana rautastra |
ChU | Chndogya Upaniad |
CII | Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum , Ed. Fleet 1888 |
GDh | Gautama Dharmastra |
GM | Gymhtmya |
GobhG | Gobhila Ghyastra |
Gov-B | Govindasvmins commentary on BDh |
GPu | Garua Pura |
Har-A | Haradatta, commentary on the pDh |
Har-G | Haradatta, commentary on the GDh |
HirG | Hirayakei Ghyastra |
JaiG | Jaiminya Ghyastra |
Kane | Kane 196275 |
KtSm | Ktyyana Smti |
Ktr | Ktyyana rautastra |
KG | Khaka Ghyastra |
KhG | Khadira Ghyastra |
KKT | Lakmdhara, Ktyakalpataru |
Kul | Kullkas commentary on MDh |
KrPu | Krma Pura |
Lak | Lakmdhara, Ktyakalpataru |
LDhP | Laghudharmaprakik or karasmti , Ed. Unni 2003 |
Mask | Maskarins commentary on GDh , Ed. in Srinivasacharya 1917 |
MatsPu | Matsya Pura |
MBh | Mahbhrata |
MDh | Mnava Dharmastra |
Medh | Medhtithis commentary on MDh |
MG | Mnava Ghyastra |
M? | Mgendrgama |
MS | Maitryaya Sahit |
NrP | Nradya Pura |
NSm | Nrada Smti |
NSm M | Nrada Smti Mtk |
PM | Mdhava, Praramdhavya |
Par | Parara Smti |
PrG | Praskara Ghyastra |
PMS | Jaimini, Prva Mms Stra |
Rm | Rmyaa |
V | gveda |
ab | abaras commentary on PMS |
khG | khyana Ghyastra |
B | atapatha Brhmaa |
BM | atapatha Brhmaa Mdhyandina |
SmC | Devaabhaa, Smticandrik |
SS | Savarta Smti |
T | Taittirya rayaka |
TS | Taittirya Sahit |
VaDh | Vasiha Dharmastra |
VaikhDh | Vaikhnasa Dharmastra |
VaikhG | Vaikhnasa Ghyastra |
VPu | Vyu Pura |
VrG | Vrha Ghyastra |
ViDh | Vinu Dharmastra |
VidhPu | Viudharmottara Pura |
Vij | Vijnevara, Mitkar |