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Bruce R. McConkie - The Messiah Series

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Bruce R. McConkie The Messiah Series
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The Messiah Series
Bruce R. McConkie
2012 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced in any form - photo 1
2012 .
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without permission in writing from the publisher, Deseret Book Company, P.O. Box 30178, Salt Lake City Utah 30178. This work is not an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The views expressed herein are the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the position of the Church or of Deseret Book. Deseret Book is a registered trademark of Deseret Book Company.
Table of Contents
Promised Messiah: The First Coming of Christ
Mortal Messiah Vol. 1: From Bethlehem from Calvary
Mortal Messiah Vol. 2: From Bethlehem to Calvary
Mortal Messiah Vol. 3: From Bethlehem to Calvary
Mortal Messiah Vol. 4: From Bethlehem to Calvary
Millenial Messiah: The Second Coming of the Son of Man
Promised Messiah: The First Coming of Christ
Promised Messiah: The First Coming of Christ
Abbreviations Scriptural references are abbreviated in a standard and - photo 2
Scriptural references are abbreviated in a standard and self-identifying way. Other books are cited by author and title except the following: Mormon Doctrine (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine , Bookcraft, 2nd ed.) and Teachings (Joseph Fielding Smith, comp., Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith , Deseret Book).
Since the Lord laid his hands upon me, on October 12, 1972, by the hands of his servant, President Harold B. Lee, and ordained me to the holy apostleship, I have had but one desireto testify of our Lord's divine Sonship and to teach, in purity and perfection, the truths of his everlasting gospel.
I was born with a testimony, and from my earliest days have known with absolute certainty of the truth and divinity of his great latter-day work. Doubt and uncertainty have been as foreign to me as the gibberish of alien tongues. But even so, a gracious God has now given me a new heart and a renewed and increased determination to bear witness of spiritual things and to proclaim, insofar as I am able, the truths of salvation, in all their glory, beauty, and perfection.
And so now, with holy zealhaving no private views to expound, no personal doctrines to set forth, no ideas that originate with me aloneI desire to present those things which will cause men of good will everywhere to believe in Him by whom salvation comes.
This work is sent forth to persuade men to believe in Christ, to accept him as their Lawgiver, Savior, and King, and to guide them in that course of obedience and devotion which will prepare them to enjoy his companionship forever in eternal glory. It deals with revealed truth as such is found in the Holy Scriptures. My objective is to interpret those scriptures by the power of that same Spirit which inspired the apostles and prophets who first recorded the eternal truths which in them are. And it is devoutly to be hoped that all who read and study the teachings here declared will ponder their deep import and seek wisdom from the one Source from which spiritual things can be known with perfect surety.
Our Lord came once, in time's meridian, to reveal his Father, to teach his truths, and to work out the infinite and eternal atonement. All of the holy prophets, during the four long millenniums from Adam to the son of Zacharias, looked forward to that coming; all knew that the Promised Messiah would dwell as a mortal on earth; all taught that portion of his saving truth which their hearers were prepared to receive; and their message was that salvation, and all that appertains to it, is in Christ who was to come.
Our Lord shall come again, in the fulness of times, in all the glory of his Father's kingdom, to complete the salvation of men and to reign in glory on this earth after it has been renewed and has received again its paradisiacal glory. And no subject is of greater concern to men today than his return in power and glory to divide the sheep from the goats and to say to those who believe in him: "Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." (Matt. 25:34.)
At his First Coming he performed the most transcendent work ever wrought by man or God from creation's morn to eternity's endless duration. Standing as the Resurrection and the Life, at his Father's behest, he brought to pass the immortality and eternal life of man and ransomed all creation from its fallen doom.
While he dwelt on earth he lived a life like no other mortal who ever came forth from a mother's womb. His words and deeds, his teachings and miracles, his triumph over the tomball that he did and saidall things appertaining to him have neither equal nor parallel among all the billions of souls who have breathed or shall breathe the breath of life on planet earth.
At his Second Coming he shall reap the harvest, sown in Gethsemane, as all those who have washed their garments in his blood come forth to live and reign with him on earth a thousand years.
What wonders of redeeming grace were manifest when he dwelt among men as Mary's Son and took upon himself the sins of the world on conditions of repentance!
And what miracles of glory, triumph, and victory shall attend his return as God's Almighty Son to take vengeance on the wicked and usher in the year of his redeemed!
This work The Promised Messiah: The First Coming of Christ is my attempt to distill in one volume the teachings of the ancient prophets about his First Coming. And be it remembered that what is here considered was the heart and core of the teachings of all the preachers of righteousness who lived before he dwelt among men, which is to say that herein we shall view the gospel as it is seen through the eyes of Enoch and Elijah, Moses and Melchizedek, Abraham and Moriancumer, and all those whom God favored with a sure knowledge of his divine truth.
It is my desire and intentthe Lord willing, and building upon the foundation herein laidto publish, hereafter, The Mortal Messiah , which will deal with the life he lived among men.
Then finally, to complete this triad, this trilogy, this trinityagain the Lord willing and building upon the two preceding worksit is my desire and intent to set forth in summary form those things which we know about his near advent, under the title The Millennial Messiah.
As with my other published works, I am deeply indebted to a most efficient and able secretary, Velma Harvey, for her thoughtful suggestions and careful handling of the many details involved.
Chapter 1
Messiah Bringeth Salvation Twice
God Ministers among Men Twice
Salvation is in Christnow and forever!
He came onceborn in a stable, cradled in a mangerto redeem his people; to restore his everlasting gospel; to work out the infinite and eternal atonement; to bring salvation.
He shall come againwith ten thousands of his saints, in all the glory of his Father's kingdomto slay the wicked by the breath of his lips; to cleanse the vineyard of corruption; to ransom those who love his appearing; to bring salvation .
He is the Lord Omnipotent by whom all things are and through whose atoning blood redemption cometh.
He is the Father and the Son, the Lord Jehovah, the Almighty God.
He is our King.
He is our Lawgiver.
He is our Judge.
It is in his holy name, his name only, that we may gain eternal life.
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