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Published by Charisma House
Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group
600 Rinehart Road, Lake Mary, Florida 32746
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Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, International Bible Society. Used by permission.
Scripture quotations marked AMP are from the Amplified Bible. Old Testament copyright 1965, 1987 by the Zondervan Corporation. The Amplified New Testament copyright 1954, 1958, 1987 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
Scripture quotations marked NKJV are from the New King James Version of the Bible. Copyright 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., publishers. Used by permission.
Cover design by Karen Grindley
Copyright 1996, 2006 by Lisa Bevere
All rights reserved
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bevere, Lisa.
Out of control and loving it ! / Lisa Bevere.
p. cm.
Originally published: Creation House, c1996.
ISBN 1-59185-883-6 (pbk.)
1. Christian women--Religious life. 2. Control (Psychology)--Religious
aspects--Christianity. I. Title.
BV4527.B495 2006
ISBN-13: 978-1-59185-883-6
E-book ISBN: 978-1-59979-636-9
This publication is translated in Spanish under the title Fuera de control y disfrutndolo! , copyright 1998 by Lisa Bevere, published by Casa Creacin, a Charisma Media company. All rights reserved.
M Y DEEPEST APPRECIATION to my husband, John, who believed enough in me never to allow me to remain comfortable but who has always challenged me to move into the realm of Gods grace and call on my life. May we never be satisfied until we behold His glory. You are truly Gods gracious gift, my friend, and my closest confidant.
To my four precious sons. Addison, your tenderness, determination, and zeal for righteousness are commendable. Austin, your creativity, sensitivity, and courage are inspirational. Alexander, your love, joy, and laughter are delightful. Arden, your strength and fiery determination challenge me to live life to its fullest. Boys, I will always love you deeply. Each of you is a unique and special blessing from God.
To my mother, whose encouragement throughout this project meant so much to me. The best is yet to be.
To our entire staff at Messenger International. May God reward your faithful diligence.
To the Charisma House staff who labored along with us. Deborah, you have been so supportive throughout the editing process. Stephen and Joy, we consider you partners and friends to this ministry.
To my Father God. You more than anyone else know how utterly impossible this book would have been without Your direction and guidance. I fall upon Your grace, eternally grateful.
by John Bevere
by John Bevere
W E LIVE IN a world where lawlessness abounds. Today more than 65 percent of our population has been marred by the tragedy of divorce. This is often the end result of wounding words and actions. In our day many have been abused, both verbally and physically. What makes it worse is that the abuse occurs most often at the hands of the very people who are expected to nourish and protect the ones abused. Even more damaging is the fact that most of the pain is inflicted during childhood when personality and views on life are being developed.
No one has escaped the abundance of hatred, jealousy, greed, and selfishness that has spawned breaches and betrayals in relationships within our society. All of this and much more are contributing to a major problem called lack of trust.
In light of this, most would never confess a love for being out of control. Rather, most would say, Out of control and despising it is the way I feel. Because of this lack of trust in todays world, most strive to take control of their lives and their surroundings, thinking its the only way to survive. People believe that to be in control means they will be secure and successful. In these times, men, and especially women, are taught either directly or indirectly to be independent and self-sustaining. They learn how to control.
In this book Lisa shows that those who control their lives, relationships, and surroundings are the ones who are in bondage. The very freedom they seek is lost. Conversely, those who have relinquished control to the Lord are the ones who are actually in control and who walk in life and freedom.
Jesus said, For whoever desires to save [or control] his life will lose it, but whoever loses [control of] his life for My sake will find it (Matt. 16:25, NKJV ). These are easy words to recite, but they are hard words to live, especially in a society where selfishness abounds.
This book revolves around these words of Jesus. It is a very practical book that will show how to relinquish control to our Savior and find the peace so many are looking for. The revelation knowledge contained in this book is both profound and life-changing. When I read the chapters, I exclaimed, Not only should women read this book, but men also. I can see that many couples are going to read it together.
Being married to Lisa, I can honestly say the truths you are about to experience in this book are not just a studied-out teaching. I have walked with her through every one of them. I have been able to witness the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in her life. She has grown rapidly in the Lord because of her willingness to be open and honest about herself in the time of the Lords training. Her example has encouraged me to be open and honest about my own life as well. As you read you will not be afraid to open the guarded areas of your own life to the One who loves you.
There is no other person I respect and love more than Lisa. I trust her with my life, not just because shes my wife and best friend, but because she is a woman who truly fears the Lord.
Thank you, Lisa, for being the godly wife and mother you are. Thank you for obeying the Master and bringing forth this message of His. I am grateful to the Lord for the privilege of being married to you.
S OME OF YOU reading this book may find your lives out of controland you hate it! Everything around you is chaos. Things are out of control because you are in control. God is challenging us to relinquish management of our lives so we can be out of controland love it.
This book is a record of my personal journey from fearful, fanatical control to a place of rest under Gods control. I have been brutally open and honest in the hope that you would see yourself in my fears and foolishness. So, as you read this book, let it reflect on your life and not the life of another.