This is a how-to book about persuading people about the true nature of Islam. The method that is taught here is based upon understanding Islams doctrine as found in three texts, the Trilogy: Koran, Sira (the biography of Mohammed) and Hadith (his traditions). The Trilogy contains the complete foundation of Islamic doctrine.
This book is intended for those whose have read the Trilogy. What you have learned from reading the Trilogy can be the most effective tool of persuasion you can have, but you need to see how the tool is actually applied and used.
Since you might have this book and never have read the Trilogy, here are a few short definitions of terms and concepts that you must know to follow the reasoning.
Kafira Kafir is a non-Muslim.
SunnaMohammed is the perfect Muslim. His practice (works and words, Sunna) are the perfect pattern of the sacred life.
ShariaSharia is Islamic law based on the Koran and the Sunna of Mohammed.
Dhimmidhimmi is used in two senses. The original dhimmis were defeated Jews who could worship, but had to live under Sharia law and pay high taxes. The second sense of the term is an apologist for Islam.
DualismIslam frequently has two contradicting manifestations. For instance, Islam is the religion of peace, but Islam is also the doctrine of jihad murder. Islam is both religiously tolerant and has a death sentence for leaving Islam. Under dualism both sides of the contradiction are equally true. Real Islam is both.
Little of the talk in the media, religious circles and politics has anything to do with Islam and very much to do with political correctness, multiculturalism, and propaganda. Once you know the doctrine of Political Islam, you will see that the experts are long on opinion and short on actual facts. Articles and TV programs presented in the media give only a glancing look at the actual Islamic doctrine.
This book presents an fact-based approach to Islam that uses critical thought in order that you can reason and persuade others.
On September 11, 2001 it was not only the military and police who did not know what Islam was going to do. We found that our cultural institutions, which should have been able to explain why the attack happened, were also clueless. The attack on the World Trade Center caught everybody off guard.
The first words out of leaderships mouths declared that Islam was not to blame. No, Islam was the peaceful religion. Soon more apologies came from the media, politicians, professors, religious leaders and the pundits. These apologies were based on current social theory of political correctness and multiculturalism. However, in the background there was a muttering that Islam was the cause, not the victim. But anyone who would suggest any bad news about Islam had little support from the authorities.
There have been many books written by those who try to bring the truth of Islam to the publics attention. All of them fall into the category of understanding Islam, knowing what Islam is and what it has done in the past and is doing today.
This book is about knowing and doing. You will know more and be able to argue, reason and debate about Political Islam. You can persuade in a calm assured manner. And you can do so up against the media expert, the college professor, the Muslim at work or your own religious leader. The reason you can always persuade is not due to some cleverness or deceit or intimidation. You can win because you have a secret weaponknowledge. If you know the most about a subject, then you can always bring more pressure to bear in any discussion.
The first step in being able to persuade someone is to have a solid foundation about Islamic doctrine. The biggest fog of war in dealing with Islam is the confusion about what it is. Try asking someone: What is Islam? and you will get a myriad of answers. But, there is an exact, fact-based answer to the question.
Once you scientifically define Islam, its political nature can be recognized and separated. It is the political purpose of Islam to annihilate all other civilizations. Those who should guard us from destruction are not understanding this threat of annihilation, so we as individuals must do the job.
The media has developed a unique form of writing. Page after page is filled with words, but what is the basis for these statements? The answer is that they are opinions, personal opinions. The medias comments on Islam are based on hearsay with little or no factual data.
Possibly the worst source about Islam comes from famous people. They spout some personal opinion like I know a Muslim. He is a nice person. Islam is peaceful. Presidents, bishops, senators, governors, generals and that eternal source of true knowledgea star from Hollywood or a rock bandall hand out the same ignorant arguments. Here is an example by the Dalai Lama:
Nowadays to some people the Muslim tradition appears more militant, the 70-year-old exiled monk said at a weekend conference, which aimed to bring Muslims and Buddhists together.
I feel thats totally wrong. Muslims, like any other traditionssame message, same practice. That is a practice of compassion, he said.
His comments are pure opinion and he does not offer any factual basis for his words. He asks us to believe him because he is the Dalai Lama.
There is a special category of comments called not the real Islam. Whenever an aspect of Islam is unpleasant, the immediate apologist comment is: that is not the real Islam. But the more common treatment of any unpleasant event is to simply ignore it. At the time of this writing, there have been hundreds of attacks by jihadists around the world, but only a very few are reported, and there is there any connecting of the dots or finding a pattern of behavior. So here we have another characteristic of reporting on Islamit is never systematic.
The great bulk of the media and Muslims mouthed a few platitudes: Islam is a religion based upon the Koran; a few extremist Muslims have hijacked the religion; moderate Muslims will solve the problems of Is lam; Islam just needs to be reformed, the bad stuff is only a matter of interpretation. But notice something about these apologies: there are no facts to support the assertions. (Quoting a Koran verse is the very weakest form of presenting facts. We will see later why dualism makes this almost meaningless.) Pseudo-facts that quote the opinion of some scholar with an Arabic name serve as the basis of most articles.
Then there are the articles by Muslim scholars who praise Islam as the only driving force in the world. Indeed, they never reveal the slightest doubt about the doctrine of Islam as an absolute truth. Inside of Islam, there is so little critical thinking that it is a good approximation to say that critical thought does not exist. Self-doubt does not exist among Muslim thinkers either. This turns out to be a clue as to the true nature of Islamic doctrine.
Islams public image is Islam is the religion of peace. There are two things wrong with that statement. The worst error in thinking about Islam is that it is a religion. As you will see later, religion is the smallest part of Islam. Islam as a religion is of no consequence to anyone except a Muslim. Islam is an entirely separate civilization. The most important part of Islamic doctrine turns out to be political. Mohammed had no success with Islam until he made it a political system.