Copyright Page
2018 by Kim Hyland
Published by Baker Books
a division of Baker Publishing Group
PO Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287
Ebook edition created 2018
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meansfor example, electronic, photocopy, recordingwithout the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
ISBN 978-1-4934-0839-9
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved. ESV Text Edition: 2011
Scripture quotations labeled AMP are from the Amplified Bible, copyright 2015 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (
Scripture quotations labeled AMP-CE are from the Amplified Bible, copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (
Scripture quotations labeled Message are from THE MESSAGE. Copyright by Eugene H. Peterson 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
Scripture quotations labeled NASB are from the New American Standard Bible, copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (
Scripture quotations labeled NKJV are from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Hymns quoted are in the public domain.
As someone who has struggled with perfectionism and anxiety for most of my life, Kim Hylands words are life and breath and freedom to me. This is a message every woman needs to hearnot just once but many times.
Holley Gerth, bestselling author of You re Already Amazing
My friend Kim Hyland hasnt just written a tenderhearted self-help book for women. Shes taken the gospel and lit it up like a holy candle, shining it through our cracks and inviting us to not only acknowledge our imperfections but also take them to a perfect Christ and be made whole again. An Imperfect Woman is a convicting word in a culture thats lost any kind of righteous fear. It will woo you into the heart of a most loving Savior, and your life will never be the same.
Emily T. Wierenga, author of Atlas Girl and founder of The Lulu Tree
Like a well-trusted friend, Kim Hyland gets to the heart of the matter with grace and wisdom. With winsome stories and gospel-centered truth, Hylands An Imperfect Woman is just the tome we need to kick perfectionism to the curb.
Kristin Schell, recovering perfectionist and author of The Turquoise Table: Finding Community and Connection in Your Own Front Yard
Jesus said, I have come that you might have life (John 10:10), but many of usmyself includedhear that as I have come that you might be right. There is a big difference between the two. Kim Hyland invites us to embrace the abundant life Jesus promised and to cast off our striving for, and idolatry of, rightness. Perfection is overrated and unattainable on our own. Get ready to let go of right in exchange for life as you turn the pages of this winsome book.
Deidra Riggs, author of ONE: Unity in a Divided World
Do you find you often have the best intentions but continuously come up short? Are you bone-weary of striving, yet dont truly know how to let your perfectionist tendencies go? Kim Hyland knows and understands your story and your struggle because they are her own. Lay down your good intentions, your striving, your spiritual perfectionism, and your shame, and let the sage wisdom and gentle teaching of An Imperfect Woman release you into wholeness, freedom, and gospel grace.
Michelle DeRusha, author of Katharina and Martin Luther: The Radical Marriage of a Runaway Nun and a Renegade Monk
In a world where we have become spiritually shortsighted, this book pulls everything on which we have been focusing into focus. Kim has written this book from a place of freedom, where once bondage existed. She helps us all see where we have believed lies of perfectionism and performance. I held on to every word Kim wrote with such grace and true humility. If there was ever a woman who could elaborate with grace-filled words, it is Kim Hyland.
September McCarthy, author of { Why} Motherhood Matters and founder/hostess of
In An Imperfect Woman , Kim creates a place where women can comea place thats safe and welcoming for all. Through her own tender stories she unmasks the pretenses that bind us with perfectionism, comparison, condemnation, and more. In their stead, she offers the freedom that can only be found at the cross. Kim writes with true warmth and gentle honesty; the words on these pages are a retreat for the soul.
Denise J. Hughes, author of Deeper Waters and the Word Writers Bible study series
With compassion and clarity, Kim Hyland brings a message of hope to every woman who wakes up each day striving to get it together and do better. Through the humility of the authors personal story, the depth of her teaching, and the boldness of a manifesto, An Imperfect Woman helps us understand and embrace what it means to walk in gospel freedom.
Ann Kroeker, writing coach and author of The Contemplative Mom and Not So Fast
Kim Hyland writes with humility and passion as she shares rich, authentic stories that are a beautiful blend of theology, devotional, and memoir. An Imperfect Woman offers us a robust reminder of the gospel through her own stories of learning grace, battling perfectionism, and relenting to Gods design for who we are created to be. It serves as a challenge to our own qualifications and pride, an encouragement to those who are exhausted by feeling they never measure up, and a song of praise for a God who both humbles and lifts up those whose hearts and lives are surrendered to him.
Alia Joy Hagenbach, (in)courage writer
Josh and Kim
Daniel, Hilary, and Amelia
Emily, Ethan, Elisha, and Ezra
Ben and Margaret
Your love and grace overwhelm me.
Title Page
Copyright Page
An Imperfect Womans Manifesto
Part 1: The Gospels Proclamation
1. The Gospel, a Perfect Fit for Your Reality
I will reject spiritual perfectionism and embrace gospel grace.
2. Humilitys Good Fruit
I will reject pride and embrace humility.
3. Guilty? Yes. Condemned? No Way!
I will reject condemnation and embrace forgiveness.
Part 2: The Gospels Promise
4. That Peace
I will reject anxiety and embrace true peace.
5. His Sovereignty, My Security
I will reject false security and embrace Gods sovereignty and provision.
6. Ideal or Idol?
I will reject idols posing as ideals and embrace sacrifice, suffering, and hope.
7. Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire
I will reject dressed-up lies and embrace naked truth.
8. Women in Combat Boots
I will reject safety and embrace the battle.
Part 4: The Gospels Power
9. Your Beautiful Once upon a Time
I will reject comparison and embrace my story.
10. Heavenly Minded
I will reject myopic, earthbound plans and embrace grand, eternal destinies.