General Editors: H. M. Scott and B. W. Collins
This ambitious new series offers wide-ranging studies of specific wars, and distinct phases of warfare, from the close of the Middle Ages to the present day, It aims to advance the current integration of military history into the academic mainstream. To that end, the books are not merely traditional campaign narratives, but examine the causes, course and consequences of major conflicts, in their full international political social and ideological contexts.
Mexico and the Spanish Conquest
Ross Hassig
The AngloDutch Wars of the Seventeenth Century
J. R. Jones
The Wars of Louis XIV
John A. Lynn
The Wars of Frederick the Great
Dennis Showlter
The War of the Austrian Succession, 17401748
M. S. Anderson
The Wars of Napoleon
Charles J. Esdaile
The SpanishAmerican War: Conflict in the Caribbean and the Pacific 18951902
Joseph Smith
China at War, 19011949
Edward L. Dreyer
The Wars of French Decolonization
Anthony Clayton
A Noble Cause? America and the Vietnam War
Gerard J. DeGroot
The Northern Wars
Robert I. Frost
Englands Colonial Wars 15501688: Conflicts, Empire and National Identity
Brum Lenman
Britains Colonial Wars 16881783
Bruce Lenman
The Great War 19141918
Ian F. W. Beckett
War, State and Society in the Habsburg Monarchy 16831797

First published 2003 by Pearson Education Limited
Published 2013 by Routledge
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Copyright 2003, Taylor & Francis.
The right of Michael Hochedlinger to be identified as Author of this Work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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ISBN 13: 978-0-582-29084-6 (pbk)
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A CIP catalog record for this book can be obtained from the Library of Congress
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For Bettina, Helga and Rudolf
During the writing of this book, I have necessarily incurred a big debt of gratitude towards many colleagues and institutions who have helped with their comments and ideas or have provided the material and literature on which the present study is based. A few must be singled out here for special mention: Prof. Peter Wilson (Sunderland) was kind enough to read an earlier draft of the book and made numerous helpful comments. Dr. Matthew Z. Mayer (Montreal) likewise provided his generous assistance by going over several chapters and supplying me with new material on Joseph IIs Turkish War which he had collected for his Cambridge doctoral thesis. Prof. Thomas Winkelbauer (Vienna) gave valuable advice on specific problems of the early modern social and financial history of the Habsburg Monarchy. Dr. Gza Plffy (Budapest) was kind enough to look through the chapters on the Hungarian home defence system and the sixteenth- and early seventeenth-century Military Border. Heather McCallum and her team at Pearson Education (in particular Melanie Carter) have always been patient, encouraging and helpful. Mag. Christian Liebl (Vienna) greatly helped me to keep the deadline. Finally, the series editor, Prof. Hamish M. Scott (St. Andrews) devoted an enormous amount of his time and energy to reading and commenting on various versions of this book, making countless suggestions to improve the style and make the text more coherent and more accessible.
AHASH | Acta Historica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae |
AHY | Austrian History Yearbook |
AG | Archiv fr sterreichische Geschichte |
GEH | Central European History |
GH | German History |
HVJS | Historische Vierteljahrsschrift |
HZ | Historische Zeitschrift |
JGO | Jahrbcher fr Geschichte Osteuropas |
JMH | Journal of Modern History |
MGM | Militrgeschichtliche Mitteilungen |
MH | Mitteilungen des k. u. k. Heeresmuseums |
MIG | Mitteilungen des Instituts fr sterreichische Geschichtsforschung |
MKA | Mitteilungen des k. (u.) k. Kriegsarchivs |
MStA | Mitteilungen des sterreichischen Staatsarchivs |
O | sterreichische Osthefte |
RHD | Revue dhistoire diplomatique |
SEER | Slavonic and East European Review |
ZHF | Zeitschrift fr Historische Forschung |
Anterior Austria or Further Austria (Vordersterreich or Vorlande) | Habsburg possessions in south Germany comprising principally the Breisgau, Swabian Austria and Vorarlberg. |
Aufgebot | The provincial levies for home defence consisting of cavalry and a peasant militia on foot. They were called up and organized by the Estates of the individual provinces. |
Aulic War Council (Hofkriegsrat) | The Habsburg Monarchys Ministry of War (15561848). |
Colonel-proprietor or regimental proprietor (Oberstinhaber or Regimentsinhaber) | The proprietor, and nominal commander, of an infantry or cavalry regiment, normally a general, enjoying extensive prerogatives. A second colonel (or Regimentskommandant) actually took care of daily administrative business and led the regiment in battle. |
Council of State (Staatsrat) | The supreme advisory body for domestic affairs in the Habsburg Monarchy established in 1761. |
Court Chamber (Hofkammer) |
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