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Jesus Christ - Jesus through pagan eyes: bridging neopagan perspectives with a progressive vision of Christ

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Jesus Christ Jesus through pagan eyes: bridging neopagan perspectives with a progressive vision of Christ
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For Pagans and Christians alike, Jesus Through Pagan Eyes offers a provocative portrait of Jesus as a compassionate, life-affirming, nature-inspired spiritual teacher, freed from the limiting ideology of the Church.--Page 4 of cover.

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About the Author

Reverend Mark Townsend is an ex-Church of England vicar, a professional (performance) magician, a member of the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids; and the author of five books, all of which combine the two areas of magic and religion.

He has studied both magic (performance and real) and religion for at least twenty years. Rev. Townsend served as an Anglican priest for ten years, but within a continual love-hate relationship to the Church. Throughout that period he developed a deep desire for a more earth-centered/Pagan approach to spirituality. Rev. Townsend eventually resigned from his Christian ministry and quickly became involved in Pagan circles. He has been initiated into the Druid mysteries.

Rev. Townsends previous book ( The Path of the Blue Raven ) caused something of a stir among the more traditionally minded because it was the first time he spoke openly about his path into Druidry while still an Anglican priest.

Llewellyn Publications Woodbury Minnesota Copyright Information Jesus - photo 1

Llewellyn Publications

Woodbury, Minnesota

Copyright Information

Jesus Through Pagan Eyes: Bridging Neopagan Perspectives with a Progressive Vision of Christ 2012 by Reverend Mark Townsend.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn Publications, except in the form of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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Any unauthorized usage of the text without express written permission of the publisher is a violation of the authors copyright and is illegal and punishable by law.

First e-book edition 2012

E-book ISBN: 9780738731650

Book design by Bob Gaul

Editing by Laura Graves
Cover design by Adrienne Zimiga
Cover illustration by Steve McAfee
Cover image iStockphoto.com/Jill Fromer
Part Page art Lllewellyn art department

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Llewellyn Publications

Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.

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Woodbury, MN 55125


Manufactured in the United States of America

Jesus now has an honored place in my heart,

and sometimes on my altar as well,

but I remain a Pagan and a Wiccan, not a Christian.

Gus DiZerega

To Persephones gift Sally the sweet one who totally changed everything for me - photo 2

To Persephones gift Sally, the sweet one who totally changed
everything for me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.



, by Barbara Erskine

: Welcoming this Book, by Matthew Fox

: Divine Babies and Dirty Bath Water

Part OneThe Naked Nazarene

: The Tri-part Jesus

: Will the Real Mr. Jesus Please Stand Up!

: The Naked Jesus

: I Am Not the Way (and Other Alternative to the Church Jesus Wisdom)

: Jesus and the Tarot Twelve Card

: Reclaiming Jesus Christ

: The Cosmic Christ

Part TwoJesus Through Pagan Eyes: A Selection of Stories and Essays by Respected Pagan Elders


: Jesus: A View from the Earth, by Emma Restall Orr

: A Witchs Tale of Christmas, by Reni at Spells and Witchcraft

: A Confession, by Adele Nozedar

: The Gift of Jesus to Pagans and Christians, by Joyce Higginbotham

: Jesus Through the Eyes of a Witch, by Christopher Penczak

: The Lily Cross and the Green Man, by Maria Ede-Weaving

: A Goddess Advocate Talks about Jesus, by Karen Tate

: The Shamanic Christ, by James Carrington

: Encountering the Galilean, by Stephen Critchley

: The God from the House of Bread, by John Michael Greer

: Jesus, Horse of God, by Diana L. Paxson

: I Have No Temple: A Consideration of Jesus as a Pagan Teacher of Gnosis, by Marcus Katz

: The Fertile Christ, by Philip Carr-Gomm

: Jesus and the Devils Picture Book, by Sarah Kral

: Soul Friends: A Wiccan/Jesus-based Spirituality, by Erin Dragonsong

Part ThreeThirteen Interviews with Respected Pagan Elders


: Maxine Sanders

: Selena Fox

: Raven Digitalis

: Sorita DEste

: Caitln Matthews

: Janet Farrar

: Gavin Bone

: Oberon Zell-Ravenheart

: Cassandra Eason

: Raven Grimassi

: Scott Blunt

: Kerr Cuhulain

: Gill Edwards

: A Druid Magician and the Son of God, by Rob Chapman


T here are so many wonderful people to thank and acknowledge with regard to the creation of this book:

Firstly my children, Aisha and Jamie, for their patience and support. I am so proud of them both and learn far more from them than I could possibly have taught them. Llewellyn Worldwide, for their belief in my project and especially acquisitions editor, Elysia Gallo, whos been a delight to work with throughout the entire process.

Barbara Erskine, one of my very favourite novelists, for honouring me with her beautiful Preface, and for her generous friendship.

Matthew Fox, a longtime spiritual hero of mine, for his astonishing Foreword and for his encouragement in the light of my own problems with institutional Christianity.

The Pagan elders who gave so generously of their time and creativity in providing such a rich feast of essays: Emma Restall Orr, Reni, Adele Nozedar, Joyce Higginbotham, Christopher Penczak, Maria Ede-Weaving, Karen Tate, Rob Chapman, James Carrington, Stephen Critchley, John Michael Greer, Diana L. Paxson, Marcus Katz, Philip Carr-Gomm, Sarah Kral, and Erin Dragonsong.

The thirteen Pagan elders who allowed me into their lives with pen paper and a whole load of eccentric questions about Jesus: Maxine Sanders, Selena Fox, Raven Digitalis, Sorita DEste, Caitln Matthews, Janet Farrar, Gavin Bone, Oberon Zell-Ravenheart, Cassandra Eason, Raven Grimassi, Scott Blunt, Kerr Cuhulain, and Gill Edwards.

Others whove helped with advice, finding quotations and general support. Among them Raymond Buckland, Viviane Crowley, (and the late and great) IsaacBonewits.

My wonderful Facebook family and those at hedge-Church for the constant support, and those who were good enough to offer advice as proofreaders.

My sisters and brothers in The Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids, The Druid Network; The Open Episcopal Church; The Progressive Christian Network Britain; The Progressive Christian Alliance; The Church of England; and all those from other religions, faiths, and paths whove accompanied me on my pilgrimage.

Finally the SourceGod/Goddess/The Great Spirit/The Divine All. Thank you for the great adventure that never slows down or ceases to amaze. May the journey continue with your grace and presence by my side.


T he affection in which Mark holds the figure of Jesus is obvious in every word of this book, which is an attempt to reconcile what might be to some irreconcilable: the world of the Christian and the world of the Pagan, and while doing so to explore the parameters within which the two spiritualities exist.

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