When Melissa Cynova was fourteen, a kid in her class gave her a deck of tarot cards for unknown reasons. Shes been reading ever since. In addition to being a prolific tarot reader, she teaches classes at her kitchen table and at tarot conferences. She lives in St. Louis, Missouri, with her husband, Joe, their two amazing kids, two dogs, four black cats, and a tortoise named Phil. When shes not slinging cards, shes reading, watching superhero movies, and hanging out with her people. You can find her online at www.melissacynova.com.

Llewellyn Publications
Woodbury, Minnesota
Copyright Information
Tarot Elements: Five Readings to Reset Your Life 2019 by Melissa Cynova.
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First e-book edition 2019
E-book ISBN: 9780738758466
Book design: Donna Burch-Brown / Ted Riley
Cover art: Harry Briggs
Cover design: Kevin R. Brown
Interior art: Llewellyns Classic Tarot, illustrated by Eugene Smith 2014. Used with permission from Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd., no further reproduction permitted.
Tarot for Beginners: A Practical Guide to Reading the Cards by Barbara Moore 2010 Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125. All rights reserved, used by permission.
Spread on 2012 Beth Maiden. Used with permission.
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Llewellyn Publications
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To Sarah Kate Bu ckles,
who turned her home into a writers retreat fo r me,
helped me breathe, made whole meals for me with only
ingredients in the house (how did you do th at?),
and helped me birth this book.
You are the best book doula in the entire w orld,
and it wouldnt be here without you.
I love you more than five, Sk8.
You werent born with or handed the tools to deal with life. Sometimes its a good idea to see a counselor or therapist who has the training and the tools, and they can help you out. No shame and no blamejust chasin g joy.
The information in this book is not a substitute for mental, medical, or financial care from a licensed professional. The publisher and the author assume no liability for any consequences to the reader that may result from the readers use of content contained in this publication and recommend common sense when contemplating the practices described in the work.
Co ntents
: Can You Fix My Life?
: How Element Reading s Work
: How to Read Tarot Cards
: Earth: A Reading to Shelt er You
: Air: A Reading to Help You B reathe
: Fire: A Reading to Light t he Way
: Water: A Reading to Help You Float
: Spirit: A Reading to Bring You Conn ection
: Additional Spreads for C larity
: Sel f-Care
: Tarot Card Me anings
Introd uction
Can Y ou Fix
My Life?
A long-time tarot client asked me for a reading. Shed been going through a really difficult period of time. Shed gotten into a car accident after losing her job. Shed become disabled, and while going through this experience, her marriage ended. She had to find a new place to live that was wheelchair accessible, and then her son went into rehab after overdosing. Ohand both of her parents died.
All of this happened in six months. Think about that. When she called me, she was in her new home (that she hated), her divorce was pretty much final, and her parents had both been put to rest and their estate finalized. Her son was in rehab, doing well, but damn. She was exhaustedmentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. She said she was doing Okay? I guess. You know the way you say that youre Okay? and your voice goes up at the end? It becomes a question thats trying to answer itself. Its the polite thing that you say when you feel like your heart has been run over. You dont want to overburden your friend with the absolute train wreck your life has become, but you also dont want to lie. You go to this half-honest, shadowy place and you test out this answer. Okay? really means I cant breathe. Please help. Unless, you know, youre too busy, because I know youve got a lot goin g on.
This Okay? is generally followed with a solid I guess because saying that things are okay is such a complete and utter untruth that your whole self wants to fight it in the parking lot after school. I guess turns the presumption that Okay? is even in your wheelhouse into a laughable fa ntasy.
So we talked for a little bit. Turns out she was not, in fact, okay. She wasnt even Okay? I guess. She didnt have a job to distract herself with. She didnt have a partner to talk to, and her son was unable to help. She had no siblings, and all her friends had briefly vanished. She laughed about this, saying, Every time I called them, something even more terrible happened. They need a break from me.
I asked her what she wanted to ask about, and she said, I dont know. Everything? Nothing? Can you just fix me? Can you fix my life and hit a reset button or something with the universe? Because I just need one thing to be okay. And right now? Nothing is okay.
I said that I couldnt fix her life, but that maybe I could give her some tools that she could use to do the heavy work herself. The reading was pretty gentle, and the best/worst card that she got was the Ten of Swords: Hey, sis. Listen. Youre at rock bottom. Youre here. It will literally only go uphill from here. I promise. I pro mise.
We finished the reading and were saying goodbye when she said it again. It would be great if I could just get, like, a cosmic do-over, you know? New outlook on love, on my stupid house, on my job situation I remember being disappointed in myself and my cards for not knowing how to answer that. It would be nice. Hell, I d love to do that for myself sometimes, but thats not how my readings work.
I kept thinking about her, th ough.
A few weeks later, I might have hallucinated a tiny bit. No drugs or anything, Dad, I promise! I have a friend named Aidan Wachter who is a talismanic jeweler. He posted a picture of a pentacle that hed made and said, Its too small. I couldnt stop looking at this tiny pentacle. I was tossing the image around in my head and I saw it split apart into pieces, then come back together as a whole. I saw the integration of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. They all come together to make the pentacle. To mak e us.