A modern masterwork in the analytical tarot canon. The depth of Wens research and the breadth of her scope are truly stunning. Her work will sit comfortably on the bookshelf with that of Stuart R. Kaplan, Mary Greer, and Rachel Pollack as defining works in modern tarot.
K AT B LACK , author of Golden Tarot
A veritable tour de force that explicates the panoramic science that is tarot. An invaluable roadmap of tarots magical journey.
T ONEY B ROOKS , PhD, and Holly Sierra, authors of The Chrysalis Tarot
Holistic Tarot is beautifully multifaceted. It contains a whole cosmos of clear, practical advice and guidance for beginners, but also historical facts, scientific and philosophical theories and explanations, and it is full of fresh inspiration for experienced readers.
A NNA K LAFFINGER , creator of Anna K Tarot
Destined to be a new tarot classic.
J AMES R ICKLEF , author of The Souls Journey
A magnificent, intelligent, comprehensive overview and innerview of the Rider-Waite-Smith system of tarot! This is the only guide you need to have. Bravo!
J AMES W ANLESS , P H D, author of Voyager Tarot
A total revelation. This generous, comprehensive book will be invaluable to novices and old hands alike. Wen not only provides a fascinating explanation of how tarot works, but also teaches the reader how to use it as a life tool for insight and self-discovery.
E MMI F REDERICKS , author of The Smart Girls Guide to Tarot
A veritable encyclopedia of information. Will become one of the jewels in the crown of tarot literature.
A NTHONY L OUIS , MD, author of Tarot Beyond the Basics
Brings together so much tarot knowledge and wisdom, all in one place. Its full of practical techniques, yet still honors the spirit of tarot. Every case study is a gem of interpretation. A huge accomplishment likely to become the essential guidebook for serious students of the tarot.
J OAN B UNNING , author of Learning the Tarot
A bright, well-informed recasting of modern tarot for sophisticated contemporary audiences. Wen brings savvy psychological flavor sprinkled with bits of Eastern wisdom to clearly illustrate tarots powerful mirroring benefits. A fine addition to the literature of tarot.
A RTHUR R OSENGARTEN , P H D, author of Tarot and Psychology
One of the best books on the subject that we have seen in quite some time. This hefty yet reader-friendly book is filled to the brim with information on every facet of the cards. No tarot enthusiast should be without this book!
C HIC AND T ABATHA C ICERO , authors of The Golden Dawn Magical Tarot
Arguably the most comprehensive guide to tarot on the market today. Its also innovative: it deftly combines Eastern mysticism with Western metaphysics. Its an impressive tome that presents a wholly modern, rational approach to tarot practice while preserving notable elements of tradition.
C ORRINE K ENNER , author of Tarot and Astrology
An invaluable resource and addition to any serious library. Bravo to Wen and the obvious labor of love and wisdom she has created and brought forth.
L EIGH J. M C C LOSKEY , author of Tarot ReVisioned
A superb addition to the tarot canon; rather than focus on fortune-telling, here is an analytical, psychological approach borne of many years extensive research and practice. With her outstanding knowledge of numerology and Eastern and Western wisdom teachings, Wen takes us on a tarot journey within.
L IZ D EAN , author of The Art of Tarot
I would recommend this book to beginner and experienced readers alike. Wens down-to-earth, practical book has much to offer all tarot enthusiasts.
S TEPHANIE A RWEN L YNCH , former president of the American Tarot Association
A refreshing approach to reading the tarot, this book blends intuition with a modern analytical method based on traditional card reading principlesthe best of all worlds.
M ARY K. G REER , author of 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card
An impressive, complete reference manual on tarot. Wen is sure to become a leading authority for the next generations tarot practice.
L UIGI S CAPINI , author of the Medieval Scapini Tarot
A tarot classic. Wens writing style is empowering, warm, and witty, while her content is beyond comprehensive. From myth to meaning, from ethics to professional practice, how I wish Holistic Tarot had been in print when I was first learning the cards!
S ASHA G RAHAM , author of Tarot Diva
A modern alchemical achievement. Wen blends wisdom from the East and West, esoteric tarot traditions and contemporary psychology, and practical techniques, creating a unique approach. All tarot practitioners will find food for thought and inspiration in this ambitious work.
B ARBARA M OORE , author of Tarot Spreads
This might just be the most comprehensive (and intelligent) book on tarot I have ever read.. A brilliant, must-have book for all aspiring tarot readers.
B RIGIT E SSELMONT , author of Tarot Foundations
I own well over 200 titles on the tarot, and none of them could be what I consider a Tarot Bibleuntil Holistic Tarot . Wens attention to detail coupled with broad-based applicationall infused with Eastern thought, Western esotericism, and practical experienceis staggering. Its very hard to impress this Queen of Swords, but with Holistic Tarot , Im truly, enthusiastically impressed.
J ANET B OYER , author of Back in Time Tarot
Wen combines an artistic sensibility with a clear intellect and writing style geared for many kinds of audiences, especially those new to seeing tarot as a personal development tool. Holistic Tarot is a generous guide to anyone interested in creating a future by delving into the great mystery of the present moment. I very highly recommend this book.
J ENNA M ATLIN , author of Have Tarot Will Travel
A comprehensive resource that supports the reader in using the wise mirror of tarot as a tool for personal empowerment.
K IM W ILBORN , founder of the Spiritual Path of Tarot Telesummit
I loved this book! Extraordinarily comprehensive, well written, and circumspect.
K ATHLEEN M EADOWS , MA, Tarot Grand Master
Holistic Tarot is the book I wish I had when I first picked up a tarot deck! This book is packed with valuable information and it is quickly becoming my go- to tarot resource.
K ATE , The Daily Tarot Girl
A thoroughly comprehensive examination of the tarot. Wen approaches the subject from a modern intellectual platform that guides the reader toward using the cards for problem-solving and as a life-planning enhancement tool.
E LIZABETH H AZEL , author of Tarot Decoded
This book lives up to its title, offering everything from the history of tarot, its connection to Eastern mysticism, the use of tarot as a diagnostic tool, [and] an in-depth look at each card in the Rider-Waite-Smith deck.
L ISA DE S T . C ROIX , author of Tarot de St. Croix
A remarkably comprehensive book that covers all aspects of the art. Wen has created a practical yet highly spiritual guide that will earn Holistic Tarot a place among the most intelligent and useful interpretations of tarot.
R OBERTA L EE , author of The Language of Tarot
A library asset.
J ENINE E SCO , manager of the Free Tarot Network and Free Reading Network for the American Tarot Association
From our new generation of smart tarot voices comes Benebell Wen. Her fresh and practical perspective on tarot as a tool for modern living, along with her well-researched understanding of tarots history and traditions make this an important book for any student or teacher of tarot.