Positive Psychology For Dummies
by Averil Leimon and Gladeana McMahon
Positive Psychology For Dummies
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About the Authors
Averil Leimon is a Leadership Psychologist who uses positive psychology on a daily basis. Originally a clinical psychologist, she pioneered the transfer of techniques, knowledge and academic discipline from the reserve of the damaged to the domain of the eminently normal (well, relatively speaking) becoming a Coaching Psychologist as a result. When the Positive Psychology discipline became formalised, she was one of the first to undertake the Authentic Happiness Coaching programme with Martin Seligman.
Averil is co-editor of an ever-increasing coaching series. Previous books include Essential Business Coaching and Performance Coaching For Dummies . A founder member of the Association for Coaching, Averil was one of the first people accredited by the AC and now works as an accreditor herself in order to ensure high standards in coaching.
Also hailed as one of the Top 10 Coaches in the UK, she and Gladeana make a formidable team of heavy hitters in the coaching and psychology world.
Averils company, White Water Strategies, combines the best of psychology and business knowledge to coach and develop rounded leaders who get things done successfully, time after time.
Gladeana McMahon is considered one of the leading personal development and transformational coaches in the UK. She was instrumental in founding the Association for Coaching for which she now holds the positions of Fellow and Vice President. She is also a Fellow of the BACP, The Institute of Management Studies and The Royal Society of Arts. Gladeana is widely published with some eighteen popular and academic books on Coaching and Counselling.
An innovator, Gladeana is one of the UK founders of Cognitive Behavioural Coaching and currently works as Director, Professional Coaching Standards for Cedar Talent Management and is Co-Director of the Centre for Coaching. She is passionate about her work in coaching business and public sector leaders to master the psychological complexities of 21st Century corporate life. She was named as one of the UKs Top Ten Coaches by the Independent on Sunday and Sunday Observer and one of the UKs Top Twenty Therapists by the Evening Standard.
From Gladeana: To all my clients who have allowed me to help them and who have taught me as much about living life to the full as I have taught them. To Averil who has, as always, been a joy to work with on this project. To my partner Will who provides me with love and support and makes me laugh.
From Averil: Thank you to all the wonderful full time researchers who are working in the field of Positive Psychology, making it possible for us practitioners to use evidence-based techniques in our work. To all my clients who have been living proof of the existence of strengths and virtue even if they didnt know it at first. Thank you to all my friends and family who have proved recently how much I have to be grateful for. To Gladeana, part of that circle, but also an excellent writing partner. To Sam Spickernell and Simon Bell at Wileys for their encouragement and light touch.
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