In his latest book Overwhelmed by God and Not Your Troubles, Steve takes us where few would want to goto the end of ourselvesto discover the overwhelming goodness and greatness of our God and His plans for our lives. Birthed from personal experiences and ongoing suffering that left him hanging by faith, waiting upon the Lord, Steve met God in a way only dying to oneself allows. It is a book filled with Bible stories in their context and applied to our everyday lives that will bring you to be overwhelmed by His grace and love and power and might. I highly recommend you sit and read and allow the Lord to Overwhelm you time and again (see Ps. 102:1).
Pastor Jack Abeelen
Senior Pastor, Morningstar Christian Chapel
Struggles and trials are commonplace, but throughout history, those who overcame did so because they adopted the right outlook toward the circumstances confronting them. In his new book, Overwhelmed by God and Not Your Troubles, Pastor Steve Mays helps us gain the correct viewpoint. For every individual who currently is, or has ever had to face discouragement and difficulties (and that includes all of us!), this book will produce the right perspective.
David Barton
Founder and President, WallBuilders
Trust in the Lord with all your heart God tells us in Proverbs 3. Most Christians know this truth, but just how do we do it? What you have here in your hands is more than just another book to stash on some shelf. Youll be overwhelmed with the nuts-and-bolts, the tools on how to trust the God you serve. Like drinking from a divine fire hose, is this masterful use of the Word.
Charles H. Browning, Ph.D.
Marriage and Family Therapist, Foundation for Applied Biblical Counseling
As an architect, Ive spent my life designing various types of buildings that fit my clients needs and desires. The common thread in my work is making sure that the foundation for each building, no matter the style, is strong, fortified and solid. Steve Mays is a spiritual architectmaking sure that all whom he reaches out to stand strong on the solid foundation of Gods Word. In Overwhelmed by God and Not Your Troubles, Steve reminds Christians that the overwhelming problems we face in life should not be our primary focus and concern, but instead we should turn to the foundation of our lifeGodand allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by His goodness, love, mercy and grace. I believe this book is a must read for all of us who find ourselves overwhelmed with the problems and cares of this world.
John G. Cataldo, A.I.A., C.S.I.
Founder, Cataldo Architects, Inc.
Ive known Pastor Steve Mays for many years, and if there is someone who understands Gods heart and its bearing on our lives, its him. We are all vulnerable to being overwhelmed by lifes challenges, but an overcoming perspective and hope are clearly presented and prescribed in the pages that follow. The timing for this message couldnt be better and its messenger couldnt be more qualified to share it.
Pastor Bob Coy
Senior Pastor, Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale
Pastor Steve Mays helps us understand how to exchange being overwhelmed by trying circumstances, challenging trials, difficult news and bad days, with an other-world kind of overwhelming. He shows us that when God overwhelms us with who He is and what He does, the troubles that normally overwhelm us wont overwhelm us anymore. Read this book and be overwhelmed with God instead of your troubles and difficult circumstances!
Pastor Jay Dennis
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church at the Mall, Lakeland
In a world without solid answers to difficult questions, without truth and substance in its perceptions, Overwhelmed by God and Not Your Troubles is a refreshing stream of godly wisdom. Thats because its source is not just theory or theological correctness. It flows, I believe, from Steves journey with the Lord through more surgeries than most of us will ever have visits to the dentist. Through personal heartache and long periods of convalescing, Steve has garnered the grace and sustaining strength of God and His Word and put it onto the page. Great job, my friend. I hope to take the correspondence course.
Pastor Joe Focht
Senior Pastor, Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia
Steve Mayss new book is a high priority for anyone who feels like they are drowning in a sea of anxiety because of the problems and circumstances they are facing in their life. Steve helps readers understand that if they allow God to overwhelm them with His attributes, His personality, His character and His promises, they will experience an attitude shift away from their problems and onto the Problem Solverwho will fill them with hope and peace.
Pastor Jim Garlow
Lead Pastor, Skyline Church, San Diego
A surfer gets caught in a set, goes over-the-falls and finds himself tumbling over and over in the riptide. Suddenly his world is nothing but turbulence, chaos and suffocating confusion. In times like that, the wise surfer will grab the leash that connects him to his board and follow it to the surface. For Christians, Scripture is the leash that puts our world into perspective and allows us to fill our lungs with fresh, clean air. In Overwhelmed by God and Not Your Troubles, my friend Steve Mays helps you tie on the leash, so to speak, so youll be able to find the right perspective when circumstances overtake you.
Pastor Greg Laurie
Senior Pastor, Harvest Christian Fellowship, Riverside
As Pastor Steves son, I have personally witnessed my father struggle with his physical condition and understand how an individual in his situation could feel completely overwhelmed. However, his trust in and understanding of Gods love allowed him to conquer these challenges and to provide a great example of how God can overwhelm the overwhelmed. Definitely a must read for anyone facing difficult times in their life or struggling to yield to the Spirit of God.
Nathan Mays
Proud Son
When an outstanding spiritual leader like Steve Mays writes with vulnerability about his own personal experience of Gods grace and goodness in difficult times, its a must read. Here is an on-time-for-our-times book for all who, at times, are underwhelmed by Gods presence and power and as a result are overwhelmed by the perplexities and pressures of life.
Dr. Lloyd John Ogilvie
Bestselling Author and Former U.S. Senate Chaplain
Steve Mays is as close to a modern day apostle Paul as you can get. He has mentored a host of Timothys, and just like Paul, he is no stranger to troubles. Steves teaching and experience are always clothed in Scripture, so if you are overwhelmed with troubles, read this book. Steve will show you how to refocus on what really counts!
Tom Pearce
National Director, Shepherding the Next Generation
Is it possible to stand strong against the seemingly endless trials that rage against us today? In Overwhelmed By God and Not Your Troubles, Pastor Steve Mays reminds us that God is our strong tower always and forever. Pastor Steve provides Scripture-driven applications to overcoming the sense of helplessness we often feel during the trials life brings us. Instead of fear we should look to Gods power in our lives.
Tony Perkins
President, Family Research Council
Steve Mays doesnt follow the trend of many writers by choosing the trendy themes that skirt the most difficult problems in life. His personal experiences enable him to explore the human dilemma and conflicts in living. Overwhelmed by God and Not Your Troubles
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