Christianity For Dummies
by Richard Wagner
Foreword by Kurt Warner
Super Bowl and NFL MVP
Christianity For Dummies
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About the Author
Richard Wagner is author of numerous books, including Christian Prayer For Dummies, and is publisher of Digitalwalk (, a Web-based Christian discipleship magazine. He has been a guest on Christian radio programs across the country discussing prayer and Christian discipleship issues. Rich has served in church leadership and teaching roles for more than a dozen years. He graduated with a bachelor of arts degree from Taylor University and pursued graduate studies at The American University in Washington, D.C. He lives in Princeton, Massachusetts, with his lovely, quirkless wife and three terrific, though zany boys. You can e-mail Rich at .
In the process of writing this book, I was blessed with a superior editing team: Alissa Schwipps, who did a splendid job of managing the project from start to finish; Kristin DeMint, for her terrific ideas and editing prowess; and Dr. Winfried Corduan, for his wisdom, thoughtful insights, and keen suggestions to help ensure the accuracy and representative nature of the books text. Whats more, special thanks to Alissa and Kristin, the duo who always seemed to know just the right tweak to make to improve the flow or readability of the book.
Thanks to Kathy Cox at Wiley for her enthusiasm about the book, from the proposal stage to the finished product.
Id also like to thank my father, Joseph Wagner, who provided helpful, honest feedback on the chapters. Id also like to thank Pastor Eric Hartlen and everyone at Heritage Bible Chapel for their consistent prayers and encouragement.
Heartfelt thanks to Kurt Warner for his participation in this project and to Marci Moran at Kurts First Things First foundation for the work she performed to make it all happen.
Finally, Id especially like to thank my wife, Kim, and my three sons, Jordan, Jared, and Justus. No author has ever had a homefield advantage like I have; their 2 4/7 prayer support and unbridled enthusiasm for this book were the fuel that the Lord used to help get it from page one to the back cover.
To Joe Wagner my father, teacher, and friend
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