Part I
Works Significantly Referred to in This Book
Babbitt, Irving. Buddha and the Occident, The Dhammapada. New York: Oxford University Press, 1936.
Bhgavatam. See Prabhavananda, Swami (tr.). The Wisdom of God.
Brahmananda, Swami. r r Rmaka Upadea. Calcutta: Udbodhan Office, 15th ed.
Ghose, Sri Aurobindo. Essays on the Gita. First Series, 1926; Second Series, 1928. Calcutta: Arya Publishing House.
Gt. See Prabhavananda, Swami, and Isherwood, Christopher (trs.). Bhagavad-Gita.
Hiriyanna, M. Outlines of Indian Philosophy. London: Allen & Unwin, 1932.
Kamaleswarananda, Swami. ruti Sangraha. Calcutta: Gadadhar rama.
Kathmta. See M. r r Rmaka Kathmta.
Llprasaga. See Saradananda, Swami. r r Rmaka Llprasaga.
M. r r Rmaka Kathmta. Vol. I, 10th ed.; vol. II, 5th ed.; vol. III, 4th ed.; vol. IV, 2nd ed.; vol. V, 1st ed. Calcutta: Pravas Chandra Gupta.
Mahbhrata. rman-Mahbhratam. Gorakhpur: Gita Press.
Mller, Max (ed.). Buddhist Suttas. ( Sacred Books of the East, vol. VII.) New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1900.
(tr.). The Dhammapada. ( Sacred Books of the East, vol. XII.) New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1901.
Nivedita, Sister. iva and Buddha. Calcutta: Udbodhan Office, 1946.
Prabhavananda, Swami (tr.). The Wisdom of God ( Srimad Bhagavatam ). Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1943.
Prabhavananda, Swami, and Isherwood, Christopher. How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali. (Tr. with new commentary.) New York: Harper & Bros., 1953. London: Allen & Unwin.
(trs.). Bhagavad-Gita: The Song of God. New York: Harper & Bros., 1951 London: Phoenix House.
(trs.). Shankaras Crest-Jewel of Discrimination ( Viveka-Chudamani ). Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1947.
Prabhavananda, Swami, and Manchester, Frederick (trs.). The Upanishads. Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1947.
Radhakrishnan, S. Indian Philosophy. Vol. I, 1923; vol. II, 1927. New York: The Macmillan Co. London: Allen & Unwin.
Sri Ramakrishna Centenary Memorial. The Cultural Heritage of India, Vol. I. Belur Math. Calcutta: Sri Ramakrishna Centenary Committee, 1936.
Saradananda, Swami. r r Rmaka Llprasaga. Calcutta: Udbodhan Office, 1955.
Srinivasachari, P. N. Ramanujas Idea of the Finite Self. Calcutta: Longmans, Green & Co., 1928.
Thibaut, George (tr.). The Vednta Stras with the Commentary by Sakarkrya, Pt. I. ( Sacred Books of the East, ed. Max Mller, vol. XXXIV.) Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1890.
Upaniads. See Prabhavananda, Swami, and Manchester, Frederick (trs.).
Vivekacmani. See Prabhavananda, Swami, and Isherwood, Christopher (trs.). Shankaras Crest-Jewel of Discrimination.
Vivekananda, Swami. The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda. Vol. I, 1950; vol. II, 1948; vol. III, 1948; vol. IV, 1932; vol. V, 1947; vol. VI, 1947; vol. VII, 1947; vol. VIII, 1955. Mayavati: Advaita Ashrama.
Woodroffe, Sir John (Arthur Avalon). akti and kta. Madras: Ganesh & Co., Ltd., 1959.
Yoga Aphorisms. See Prabhavananda, Swami, and Isherwood, Christopher. How to Know God.
Part II
Other Works Pertaining to Indian Philosophy
Bhattacharyya, Haridas (ed.). The Cultural Heritage of India. Vol. III, The Philosophies; vol. IV, The Religions. Calcutta: Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture, 1953.
Brahma, Nalini Kanta. The Philosophy of Hindu Sadhana. London: Kegan Paul.
Chatterjee, S. C., and Datta, D. M. An Introduction to Indian Philosophy. Calcutta University.
Dasgupta, Surendranath. A History of Indian Philosophy. Four vols. Cambridge University Press, 192249.
Gambhirananda, Swami. History of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama, 1957.
Holy Mother, Sri Sarada Devi. Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1955.
Maitra, Sushil Kumar. The Ethics of the Hindus. Calcutta University.
Mller, Max. Six Systems of Indian Philosophy. London: 1899.
Nikhilananda, Swami. Hinduism: Its Meaning for the Liberation of the Spirit. New York: Harper & Bros., 1958.
(tr.). The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, by M. New York: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center, 1952.
Prabhavananda, Swami. The Eternal Companion. (Life and Teachings of Swami Brahmananda.) Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1947.
Saradananda, Swami. Sri Ramakrishna, the Great Master. Swami Jagadananda (tr.). Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1956.
Tapasyananda, Swami. Sri Sarada Devi, the Holy Mother. (Conversations translated by Swami Nikhilananda.) Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1958.
Zimmer, Heinrich. Philosophies of India. Edited by Joseph Campbell. New York: Pantheon. Bollingen Series XXVI, 1951. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, Ltd.
Colebrooke, H. T., and Wilson, H. H. Samkhya-karika (with the Bhasya of Gaudapada). Text and translation. Bombay, 1887.
Garbe, R. Die Samkhya Philosophie. Translated by R. D. Vadekar. Poona.
Jha, Ganganath. The Samkhya-karika of Isvarakrishna (with Tattvakaumudi of Vacaspati Misra). Text and translation. Bombay.
Coster, Geraldine. Yoga and Western Psychology. Oxford University Press.
Dasgupta, Surendranath. The Study of Patanjali. Calcutta University.
Chatterjee, Satish Chandra. The Nyaya Theory of Knowledge. Calcutta University.
Gough, A. E. Vaisesika-Sutras of Kanada (with comments from Sankara Misras Upaskara and Jayanarayanas Vivriti). Text and translation. Banaras.
Madhavananda, Swami. Bhasa-pariccheda (with Siddhanta-muktavali). Text and translation. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama.
Prva Mms
Keith, A. B. The Karma Mimamsa. Oxford University Press.
Madhavananda, Swami. Mimamsa-paribhasa. Translated and annotated. Belur Math: Ramakrishna Mission Sarada Pitha.
Deussen, Paul. Outlines of the Vedanta System of Philosophy according to Shankara. Translated by J. H. Woods and C. B. Runkle. New York.
Jagadananda, Swami. Upadesasahasri of Shankaracharya. Text and translation. Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math.
Madhavananda, Swami. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. Text with translation of Shankaras commentary. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama.
Vedantaparibhasa. Text and translation. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama.
Vivekachudamani. Text and translation. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama.
Mahadevan, T. M. P. Gaudapada: A Study in Early Advaita. Madras University.
Mller, Max. Three Lectures on Vedanta Philosophy. London.
Nikhilananda, Swami. Atmabodha. Text and translation. Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math.
The Upanishads. Translation. Four vols. New York: Harper & Bros.
Nityaswarupananda, Swami. Ashtavakra Samhita. Text and translation. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama.
Sharvananda, Swami. Isha, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Aitareva, and Taittiriya Upanishads. Text and translation with notes. Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math.
Tyagisananda, Swami. Svetasvatara Upanishad. Text and translation with notes. Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math.
Vimuktananda, Swami. Aparokshanubhuti. Text and translation. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama.
Vireswarananda, Swami. Brahma-Sutras. Text and translation with notes. Calcutta: Advaita Ashrama.
Adidevananda, Swami. Yatindra-mata-dipika. Text and translation Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math.
Srinivasachari, P. N. The Philosophy of Vishishtadvaita. Madras: The Adyar Library.
Maitra, Sushil Kumar. Madhva Logic. Calcutta University.
Rau, S. Subba. Pumaprajna-darsana (Vedanta-Sutra with the commentary of Sri Madhvacharya). Translation. Madras.
Bhedbheda and uddhdvaita
Chaudhuri, Mrs. Roma. Doctrine of Nimbarka and His Followers. Calcutta: Asiatic Society.
Majumdar, Sridhar. The Vedanta Philosophy on the Basis of the Commentary by Nimbarkacharya. Bankipur.