A Healer's Guide For Soul Cleansing
Removing Negative Energies and Entities, Earthbound and Extraterrestrial
Eva Marquez
Copyright 2016 by Eva Marquez
All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in whole or in part, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, or other without permission from Eva Marquez, except as noted below. Up to 300 words may be quoted with proper credit given. Please use the following credit line: A Healer's Guide For Soul Cleansing, Removing Negative Energies and Entities, Earthbound and Extraterrestrial by Eva Marquez, www.EvaMarquez.org
Visit my YouTube channel for free healing, meditations and spiritual guidance:
Eva Marquez on YouTube
Names and identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of individuals. This book is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention
To my soul family:
I would be lost in this world without you.
I love you with all of my heart and soul!
Thanks to:
Thomas Marquez, my husband for loving me and believing in me.
My children, for who you are.
To my wonderful friends listed below. You all are angels sent to me from heaven.
Nina Ricker for your encouragement in my writing, countless hours of excellent editing skills and all the writing tips.
Aurora, Omaira and Veronica, for our learning and sharing Saturday mornings and all the inspiration.
Jose J. Miranda (Veronica's husband), you were pulled into helping me with editing without you even agreeing first, but you gave my story a breath of life and smoothed down rough edges.
Danielle Spencer and Tommye Rodrigues for the final editing touches and encouragement.
Ashley Ruiz, for your gift of the art, and collaboration with me on several projects.
Roos Jongens, for handcrafted artistic drawings and your magic.
Table of Contents
Foreword - Great Shift
And Introductory Teaching by the Lights of the Universe
A soul call went throughout trough the Universe to all healers who were willing to return back to Earth. The Earth was entering an exciting phase of several great energy shifts that would allow her to enter a higher dimension and allow humans to awaken their soul memories. Star-being healers had been coming to Earth since its beginning time in Lemuria. Now once again they have been called to assist during these changes. They knew the journey would be treacherous as they had to embody human vessels, lower their vibration and temporary forget who they were. They knew that the only way to remember the healer within would be by overcoming their own suffering in human life, and many mysterious illnesses or misalignments. They predicted that this would push them to the edge where they would then jump off the cliff into unknown. They believed that as they plummeted, they would come to realize that they have wings to fly, and the power to heal. They would remember that they were not left on Earth to suffer, but instead had to assist during the great shifts. They would come to understand that everything they needed was already encoded within them.
And as the Earth entered these energy shifts, you answered the call. These powerful energy changes are expected to bring soul family reunion. The benevolent beings of light created several galactic teams to join with their starseeds on Earth. We, the Pleiadians are welcoming you to meet members of our council, The Lights of the Universe, who are benevolent beings from various star nations who share the same wisdom and intentions as we do. Together and with the aid of this book, we will assist you on your journey if you wish to continue.
In your history there are recorded prophecies and stories told by tribal elders of pivotal moments in history. There are astrological readings, the Mayan calendar, and other tangible findings that support these stories and prophecies as being true.
Awakened starseeds who are led to this ancient knowledge begin to ride these energy waves with hope of being a conscious part of these powerful energy shifts. They fill the Mother Earth with unconditional love. They assist all willing souls to open their human hearts, and aid humanity in creating a peaceful, joyful, and loving New Earth.
What does it mean for you? Maybe you were born with full memory and maybe one of these energy surges awakened you. Upon awakening you start remembering your past, in tiny increasement and you slowly start seeing both sides of the energy, positive and negative. You also become consciously aware how negative energy is blocking your life mission. Then you may realize that you are a healer. You have a mysterious feeling that you are here for a reason. You a have been a healer in the past and you have that inner calling to become a healer again. That is why you are here. But you need to help yourself first and through your own experience you start remembering your ancient knowledge and become a true healer. It is important to understand everything that has ever happened to you.
Through your current life you have already experienced several of these powerful shifts. In your past there have been years that perhaps were simply awful. But what if that particular year, event or tide was meant to shatter you and your memories on purpose, and maybe even wash out that part of life that you no longer need so you could start a new, conscious time of your life. What if it occurred to help you instead of destroying you? What if you planned your awakening in your soul contract prior to your birth? If this rings true to you then you may also have planned to find the right moment in your journey for this to occur so that you may understand what is happening to you and learn from it in order to heal. When one cycle end new begin. It is only up to you if the history will repeat or not.
In the beginning of a new cycle a cleanup job is unavoidable. When it comes to your personal being you need to look within your soul and cleanse all the negative energy that has piled up there.
Perhaps you may need to look even further into your galactic lives if you have made any contracts with malevolent beings and being tricked into accepted implants to save someone you cared about (whenever it was one being or a whole colony). Implants dim your soul light dramatically and have control over your soul growth.
At the current time all living life is going through the next evolution stage. Humans have a great opportunity to evolve beyond the five basic senses. It is a natural step in evolution that enables you to connect with the higher dimensions and learn who you truly are.
Everyone is experiencing these changes, however those who are not tuned in with their spiritual - light bodies are not aware of what is happening to them. They just feel uncomfortably different and confused. Some may behave in different manner than usual.
Then we see those who consciously start working with their light bodies. They aligning their mind, body and spirit, yet some are too scared to talk freely about it because they fear that they will be ridiculed. They suddenly feel that they no longer fit into society, and the life they so painfully built.
Then there are those who are afraid to feel with their human heart. They are so afraid to acknowledge that maybe in the past they were wrong, they failed or made mistakes, so instead they turn toward anger and violence. They dont understand that they need to clearly see their past so that they can heal it and only then will they be ready to fully embrace changes and start living a much better life.
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