Young Adults Resource
2020 Joseph Prince
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Give Me This MountainFaith to Go from Barely Surviving to Actually Thriving
ISBN 978-981-14-8554-1
Joseph Prince Resources
E-book edition
All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents and/or cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express written consent of the publisher.
The Itinerary
Base Camp 1
Made to Thrive
Base Camp 2
Dare to Be Different
Base Camp 3
Take Ground by Faith
Base Camp 4
Own the Promise
God has a special place in His heart for young people. More than anyone else, He understands what youre going through as you navigate your way through life in todays world. He understands the stress, anxiety, and uncertainty you must feel when you look at the state of your lifeyour career, your finances, your relationships. He understands the challenge of finding a job that justifies you taking that 5-figure student loan, especially when what dominates the headlines of the news and media are threats of war, natural calamities, the rise of terrorism, as well as new strains of viruses that threaten to upend the entire global economy and bring about massive unemployment.
In the midst of all these very real challenges, God understands the pressure on you to have your life all together. He knows that every day, comparison comes knocking through social media, making you feel like youre not achieving as much as everyone else and that youre being left behind. And He understands the toll that can take on your mental well-being too.
Friend, your heavenly Father doesnt just understand, but He also cares deeply. He loves you, and He wants you to know He has set you apart from the world to be an overcomer , even in these seemingly impossible times. You see, He has paid the price for you to have the promise of a bright future, no matter how contrary your circumstances, the news, or the latest statistics might be.
And so comes the reason Ive worked with my young adults writing team to bring you this book. In Give Me This Mountain , youll get to know your Daddy Gods heart for you to go from barely surviving to actually thriving and learn how you can experience this reality when you walk in His ways of faith. It is by faith in the cross that you possess every promise in ScriptureHis favor, His blessing, and His success in your life. And it is by faith in His grace that you are fortified with resilience, perseverance, and strength to face the setbacks and challenges that come your way.
My prayer for you is that by the end of these 4 weeks, you will take on every day with the confidence and assurance that the Lord is with you and for you, with the resilience and wisdom to face lifes adversities, and with the faith to press in and possess all of His promises for your life!
In His grace,
You were made to thrive in life. Did you know that as a child of God, this statement is irrevocably true? On days you feel like it is and on days you dont.
Its true on days when the doors to pursue your dreams get shut in your face, and youre left high and dry. Its true on days youre hit with anxiety so bad you dont know how youre going to make it through the day. Its true on days you feel like a complete failure who just cant get your life together.
On days like these, when it feels like youre barely surviving, the idea of actually thriving can sound like the pipe dream of someone who doesnt know any better.
But my friend, its especially on days like these that God wants you to know He made you to thrivenot just surviveeven on the roughest terrains of life.
I know it can be hard to believe, especially for you, a young person living in a world thats constantly telling you how unrealistic it is for you to think you can actually beat the odds. Whether its the people around you, the news, or that latest report that just appeared on your feed, so many voices seem to reiterate that life is an uphill battle that cant be won.
While that might be true for them, it doesnt have to be true for you.
In this book, we follow the story of a man called Caleb who stood at the foot of a mountain that everyone said was impossible to conquer, and with a resounding, Give me this mountain!, conquered it. He was a man whom the Lord praised for having a different spirit from those around him who constantly echoed each others fear, negativity, and unbelief.
Just like Caleb, you have been called out and set apart from the world to be a young man or woman of audacious, authentic faith in the face of adversity.
In the same spirit of chutzpah faith that Caleb and others like him in the Bible possessed, we tackle the relevant and gritty issues that blatantly confront us today, endeavoring to do but one thingput Jesus and His grace at the center of it all. Only He has the answers that can steady our hearts, sharpen our vision, and impart faith for us to surmount every mountain in our lives.