Vanessa Alexander is a Developmental Educator and has been working in the disability sector since 1994 with a focus on supporting individuals on the autism spectrum and their families. She has a masters degree in disability studies and is currently a Doctor of Education candidate.
Dr Kerry Bissaker is an Associate Professor in education at Flinders University, Australia. She researches in the area of teachers professional learning, inclusive education, and innovative learning environments. She has a strong interest in high quality doctoral research supervision.
Dr Uwe Brandenburg is an Associate Professor at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain, and Managing Director of the Global Impact Institute. His research focuses on internationalization and impact on society.
Doris Yakun Chen is a Research Assistant at Beijing Normal University (China). Her research area is in higher education in China.
Dangeni is a Doctoral Researcher in the School of Education at the University of Glasgow, UK. Her doctoral research investigates Chinese students experience of learning engagement and associated conceptual change among learners. Dangenis research interests include international students, student engagement in higher education, and language teacher education.
Divya Dawadi is a Government Officer in the Department of Education, Nepal. She was awarded an Australian Award doctoral scholarship to research models of inclusion for young children living with disability in Nepal.
Dr Mollie Dollinger is a Higher Education Researcher at La Trobe University, Australia. She received her PhD from The University of Melbournes Centre for the Study of Higher Education in 2018. Her research interests include studentstaff co-creation in higher education, doctoral education and training, and the student experience.
Dr DelyLazarte Elliot is a Senior Lecturer from the University of Glasgow, UK. Dely is primarily interested in researching doctoral student experience, particularly the cross-cultural facets of those whose experience involves undertaking an educational sojourn and how these impact on their academic performance and psychological wellbeing.
Lesley Henderson is a Lecturer and Researcher at Flinders University, Australia. Her areas of expertise are gifted education and learning. She is the National President of the Australian Association for the Education of the Gifted and Talented.
Professor Divya Jindal-Snape is Personal Chair of Education, Inclusion and Life Transitions and Director of Transformative Change: Educational and Life Transitions (TCELT) Research Centre at the University of Dundee (Scotland).
Madelaine-Marie Judd is the Student Partners Adviser at The University of Queensland, Australia, overseeing the large-scale implementation of the StudentStaff Partnership Project approach. Her research focuses on cultural competency, strategic policy, student experience, and employability within higher education.
Dr Margaret Kiley is Visiting Fellow at the Research School of Humanities and the Arts at Australian National University, Australia. Margaret has been involved for many years in education at school and university levels in South Australia, Northern Territory, Indonesia, Australian Capital Territory, and England.
Professor Shelley Kinash is the Director, Advancement of Learning and Teaching at University of Southern Queensland. Her research focuses on student and graduate employability, student experience, and technology-enhanced learning.
Delin Kong is a Lecturer at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. His research focuses on second language acquisition and teachers professional development.
Sue Kupke is an Education Leader for Lutheran Education in South Australia, Western Australia and the Northern Territory. She is completing her Doctorate of Education in the area of school culture having a strong interest in understanding what contributes to generating a Lutheran school culture.
Dr Lilia Mantai is Academic Lead in Course Enhancement at The University of Sydney Business School. She wrote her thesis on researcher identity development of doctoral students and social support. Lilia is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Associate Editor for the Higher Education Research and Development journal.
Samantha Marangell is an Associate Lecturer at the Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne. She is involved in research that includes the university student experience, internationalization of higher education, and student wellbeing.