Book Reviews
Ive read Laura Medranos book and got chills! Her self-care tips on living yourself first have helped me not only improve my own relationship ship with my husband but have helped to me invite more joy, flow abs abundance into my own life. Ive sent her book to my single friends and they are feeling so hopeful and inspired that it is possible to attract divine love at any age!
~Jackie Benson, Templeton, CA
Laura Medrano hit it out of the park with her book! As I read every word, I could see her smile radiating through the page. Behind every joke, I could hear her contagious laughter. With her message and call for intentions, I felt the charge of her light lift my spirits! I too know the power of the purple squirrel (short attention span), and have yet to master my Jedi or Buddhist meditation powers, and am forging ahead in healing myself from the inside out. Im so thankful for her sharing her gifts with the world! For those of you who have yet to get Laura's ebook, you are missing out on a great, soul-fulfilling read!! Keep inspiring!
~Monique Knibb
Reading her book was a joyful journey of the challenges and triumphs we have all encountered at times, leaving the reader with the reminder of the most valuable gift of all...learning to love all of you, forgive your past, to be silly sometimes, laugh, and appreciate this moment right where you are.
~Diana Knott, Murrieta, CA
This book does not replace the advice of a medical professional. Consult your physician or mental health professional before making any changes to your diet, lifestyle, or regular health plan.
Copyright 2021 by Laura Medrano
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without the prior written permission of the copyright owner, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
For more information, go to
This book is dedicated to
my younger self, she was lost
and didnt know how to navigate
her way through the world.
Despite all of this, something
beautiful emerged from her mess.
Self-forgiveness , even when we dont have all the answers, allows us to uncover our true inner power and authenticity so we can offer it to the world!
My intention is to show you how to love yourself (the way you wish they did).
The journey can sometimes be painful, but the rewarding gift lies ahead if you are willing to do the work
You are worthy!
Introduction: One Day or Day 1
And just like that, I was almost 40 fucking years old and this was not the way I had planned it. Heck, thats what I get for never planning anything at all. I thought by this point I would have it all figured out. I told myself I should have known by now how to have a stable, healthy relationship, and it wasnt supposed to look like this.
I was broken I mean BROKEN another failed relationship down the toilet. I was done feeling depleted and devastated from another heartache. I was physically sick, I couldnt leave my bed unless it was to puke or look at the clock in despair, hoping it was just a nightmare and I was going to wake up.
I was numbing myself out for the previous umpteen years and I knew, I just knew, that the little voice inside my head continuously whispered youve gotta wake up girl, take a hard look at yourself, and make some changes. But I was clueless about where to begin.
I also knew that hard work lied ahead. And something else told me, in order to get the kind of relationship I wanted, I was going to have to do the heavy lifting myself. I was going to have to face all my shadows and deep dark scary stuff that I had stuffed away into a little container for far too long.
So right then, in my darkest of moments, I decided to get to work. I was clueless about what work I needed to do, but I had to start somewhere. So, I spent the next few days crying my eyes out, not eating from the world-famous Breakup Diet.
I was going to do everything in my power to have my Day 1. The change was starting now. I picked myself up off the floor and decided to heal myself from the inside out. What that was going to look like from this point forward, I didnt care, I just knew that it wasnt going to look like this.
Hows that working for you? Sounds like the famous Dr. Phil quote!
If you are reading this book, there is no coincidence that you have found yourself here for an excellent reason. Dont worry, Im not here to shame you, this topic is very familiar to me because I was guilty of being that girl.
I invited in unavailable toxic men to validate my self-worth, or tried to fix a broken person, or simply tried making a match with someone who was definitely not a match, and I was settling for less. All of these were no longer working in my favor.
Im about to share with you some of my not-so-proud moments, but Ill also give away some golden nuggets on how I turned my life around, and how you can too.
I started to treat myself like the queen I knew was, dormant inside of me. I know far too many women that are intellectually smart but make bad decisions when it comes to the men they pick as their significant other. Ive spent countless years trying to help everyone else, but I didnt know the secret key ingredient was inside of me all along.
I had to focus inward, heal myself, and give myself the biggest gift of all, Radical Self-Love . I realized that the key to a healthy relationship wasnt about finding the Right One. The common denominator to my issues was me, and it was time to get to work.
In this easy read, I will deliver my method on how I transformed my thoughts, perceptions, and actions about how to give a fuck about myself and become the kind of person not only a decent man would want to date, but the man of my wildest dreams.
Why settle? Are you tired of calling in the ones who need so much work? Think of it as a house. It's okay to have a remodeled version, but a fixer-upper? Nah, sometimes we don't need to do the work, instead, the real work to be done is on ourselves!
I ain't no Hollaback GirlThis shit is bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. Remember that song, or am I dating myself? Its a double entendre. I live for innuendos and you see how I snuck that one in with the title of this ebook with a sexual connotation. Sorry to disappoint, but this book has nothing to do with sex, but it has everything to do with the love you have for yourself.
Its also not a substitute for friends, supporters, or professionals. It is a clear bullet point fast tract to the 7 steps I took to call in love in my own life.
Heres the method all in one handout, so lets get going...
Fair Warning: It's not for the faint at heart, lots of hard work facing that woman in the mirror. Its one of the hardest things to do. But once you cross that river, its going to be a beautiful place.
You can't put a price on changing your life.
The struggle you are facing is a test
to see if youre committed to the
life that you say you want.
Step 1: Self-Care, Self-Care, and More Self-Care
Take a deep breath... Inhale the possibilities and exhale anything that doesn't serve you. Are you ready to dive in?
Overwhelm, overthinking, symptoms of anxiety, depression, etc. all come when we are not taking care of ourselves.
Self-care is not a luxury, its a necessity.
Self-care is so underrated these days. People become too busy with their lives to worry about taking care of themselves. They make excuses on why they cant fill up their cup. But what they dont realize is that it ultimately does a disservice to all the expectations they have for their life.