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The Scriptural Commentaries of
Yogiraj Sri Sri Shyama
Charan Lahiri Mahasaya
Volume 2
English translation by Yoga Niketan
The Scriptural Commentaries of
Yogiraj Sri Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya
Volume 2
Copyright 2006, 2009, 2015 by Yoga Niketan, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Revision date: 12/22/2019
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Yogiraj Sri Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya
Translation Note
The translated books maintain that an almost literal translation of the Bengali words of the original author best serves both seekers and Kriyavans. No attempt has been made for the translations to be poetic or interpretive for the above-mentioned reason. If the reader notices irregular English grammar (including non-traditional sentence structure, punctuation, etc.), please understand that it is intentional. The translator has tried as best as he could to keep the work as close to the Bengali phrasing in the original without it being unreadable or incomprehensible.
Unless otherwise noted, all text within parentheses - ( ) - are in the original, including the parentheses themselves, and are ABSOLUTELY NOT explanations of any of the text by the translators or the editor. Any clarifications, of text or otherwise, provided by the translators or the editor are in square brackets - [ ].
~ The Translator (Yoga Niketan)
Important Information About the Commentaries of
Yogiraj Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya
Dear Readers,
A word about the commentaries of Yogiraj Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasaya
In his monumental autobiography, the great Paramahansa Yogananda Giri ji has written:
Lahiri Mahasaya himself wrote no books, but his penetrating interpretations were recorded and arranged by various disciples. Some of these voluntary amanuenses were more discerning than others in correctly conveying the profound insight of the guru; yet, on the whole, their efforts were successful. Through their zeal, the world possesses unparalleled commentaries by Lahiri Mahasaya on twenty-six ancient scriptures.
This is indeed the truth. The Yogiraj himself did not write books.
Swami Satyananda Giriji Maharaj, eminent disciple of Sriyukteshvar, in his monumental biography of Lahiri Mahasaya has recorded the following in regards to these books and their language and manner:
About the books that had Lahiri Mahasaya as the author, Swamiji Maharaj [Swami Sriyukteshvar] used to say,
That Gurudev Himself wrote any books - this is not correct, and to say so is to actually demean Him. He Himself did not author any book. What was written down of His words by His devotees while they listened to His spoken commentaries is what has been published in book form. Gurudevs language and manner from time to time were incomprehensible to many; its not at all impossible that trying to convey that language and manner in written form could produce some errors here and there.
The Lord [Lahiri Mahasaya] wrote to a certain disciple,
...the lord work Kriya good language grammatical correction up to you all - wish is print - my name should not be there - good if in secret.**
We have seen manuscripts, in the possession of a significant devotee, of the early versions of the Gita with the Lords spoken commentaries that were taken to Him that had extra notes*** written on them. Whatever the case may be, the erudition in these books of the experience of the fantastic kingdom beyond the senses will lead the Kriyavan on the path to Supreme Knowledge with the Divine Touch of the Yogavatar in this scriptural material.
**[Translators note: the quoted text of the letter by Yogiraj is almost verbatim, without any attempt at interpretation.]
***[Translators note: the word notes is stated in English, (although transliterated in the Bengali alphabet) in the original text.]
Satyanandaji also says-
He [Yogiraj Lahiri Mahasaya] would be absorbed in yoga and give spiritual commentaries on the Gita and other books of philosophy. Bhattacharya Mahasaya, Mahendranath Sanyal Mahasaya and other disciples would write them down. Some devotees in some cases would receive His concise and abbreviated commentaries on the scriptures via letter. These were writings that began to be produced as the aforementioned books. The explanations of the deep scriptural mysteries which were handed down by the oral tradition of guru-disciple succession were first brought out in book form to the ordinary people because of the power of the Lords compassion. Half a century ago [from the writing of this biography], this Gita with spiritual explanation circulated mostly among the community of sadhakas. This beautiful body of literature became manifest during this transition of ages in the land of Arya India for the spiritual revelation of sadhakas, the progenitors of beneficence for all human beings. With Srigurus support, His Holiness Swami Sriyukteswar Maharaj ji also began to publish an exquisite Gita, approved by the Lord, chapter by chapter, with his own commentaries based on his own realization.
- from Yogiraj Shyama Charan Lahiri Mahasay A Biography by Swami Satyananda Giri. English Translation by Yoga Niketan Team for Yoga Niketan copyright Yoga Niketan
They are in fact recorded talks put down on paper by various disciples from intimate scriptural talks given by the Yogiraj. Some of these were recorded more accurately than others. Some were recorded close to exact as the Yogiraj spoke them from His Samadhi state hence the sometimes broken and irregular grammar and incomplete sentences. In lofty spiritual Samadhi one often speaks like a drunk man (which the English translators have gone to great pains to intentionally maintain in this exacting English edition). Others (such as Yoga Sutra commentary) are more liberal and polished and only based on Yogirajs general teaching on the matter while the disciple who recorded them admittedly expanded and elaborated and polished the commentary. For example, in Introduction of Yoga Sutras we find the following:
To be able to completely take in the essence of Patanjal is extremely difficult for anyone other than Guru-initiated persons. Although it is possible that an intelligent reader can come to some understanding of the gross matters upon reading [the work] two or three times with a concentrated mind, but the techniques of sadhana, and certain terms that seem to be easy to understand but whose meanings are deep and hidden - comprehending the meanings of those [techniques and] terms are, in a way, impossible. The commentaries on all of the sutras that are presented here - all of those were received from, and by the Grace of, a Certain Great Saint , and because the language of [those commentaries] was very complex, [those commentaries] are presented here in as simple a language as was possible, and is extended in some places where it was necessary. Thus, it can be hoped that these simplified commentaries can be of use to both initiated and uninitiated people. But if any part of the fundamental essence is destroyed, that is no doubt my fault, done by me. To the best of my abilities, I have taken care to make it understandable for ordinary people