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Debbie Ford - The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse: A Breakthrough Program for Connecting with Your Souls Deepest Purpose

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Debbie Ford The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse: A Breakthrough Program for Connecting with Your Souls Deepest Purpose
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In The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse, Debbie Ford delivers her most practical and prescriptive book yet a 21day, life-changing program for spiritual renewal, emotional transformation, and reconnection with the souls deepest purpose. Ford, the New York Times bestselling author of Why Good People Do Bad Things, offers a unique program designed to clear our minds and hearts from the negative thoughts and feelings that build up over time and too often guide our decisions and behaviors.

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The Gift of Desire

The Gift of Self-Awareness

The Gift of Release

The Gift of Forgiveness

The Gift of Reverence

The Gift of Surrender

The Gift of Self-Acknowledgment

The Power of Liberation

The Power of Responsibility

The Power of Humility

The Power of Acceptance

The Power of Risk

The Power of the Present

The Power of Truth

The Light of Realization

The Light of Gods Will

The Light of Devotion

The Light of Transcendence

The Light of Purpose

The Light of Compassion

The Light of Possibility

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This book was written to honor the writings and teachings of Emmet Fox, a man whose wisdom, courage, and strength gave me the wisdom, courage, and strength to grow up, to let go, to let God, and to step into my souls passion. May his memory stay alive for eternity and continue to turn the light on for millions who still live in darkness.

T he 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse dedicates twenty-one days and nights to building a profound and intimate relationship with your soul and the infinite force that fuels you with the will to live your highest potential. It is a profound process for cleaning up the past, getting honest about the present, and envisioning a future unlike anything youve ever imagined. This process offers a full-immersion approach to spiritual renewal, emotional transformation, and reconnection with your deepest purpose. Designed to support you in letting go of all the false beliefs and assumptions that no longer serve you, this cleanse will guide you to a deep and profound relationship with the greatest love imaginable, a love that can occur only when youve made peace with yourself, others, and your life as it is right now. And I can tell you with unshakable confidence that it will work for you if you allow it to.

When you take the time to cleanse your physical body of accumulated stress and toxicity, you are rewarded with increased energy, vitality, and optimal functioning. In the same way, the Consciousness Cleanse is designed to purify your mind and emotions, bringing you enormous amounts of strength, confidence, and deep inner peace. Past hurts and resentments cloud your perception, while present-day distractions and ego-driven desires impede your ability to make good choices. The Consciousness Cleanse takes you on a journey of spiritual revitalization that will move your attention from the outside world back to your sacred interior. Like a physical cleanse, it will liberate you from the toxicity of the past, reconnect you with your souls purpose, and gift you with the clarity and the inspiration to care for yourself like never before.

If you are ready to claim the gold that lies beneath the surface of the self that you know, you are in the perfect place. The most descriptive tale of this journey that Ive ever encountered, one that comes fully to life, is a Buddhist story. In 1957, a monastery in Thailand was being relocated, and a group of monks was put in charge of moving a giant clay Buddha. In the midst of the move, one of the monks noticed a crack in its surface. Concerned about damaging the idol, the monks decided to wait a day before continuing with their task. One of the con cerned monks came to further examine the giant statue. He shone his flashlight over the entire Buddha. When he reached the crack, he was astonished to see something reflected back at him. His curiosity aroused, the monk got a hammer and a chisel and began chipping away at the clay Buddha. As he knocked off piece after piece of clay, the Buddha got brighter and brighter. After hours of work, the monk looked up in amazement to see standing before him a huge solid-gold Buddha, a priceless treasure the likes of which had never been viewed before. Historians believe the Buddha had been covered with clay by Thai monks several hundred years earlier, before an attack by the Burmese army. The monks had covered the Buddha to protect it so it wouldnt get stolen. In the attack all the monks were killed, so it wasnt until this day that the real value of this great treasure was discovered.

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