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Debbie Ford - The Dark Side of the Light Chasers: Reclaiming Your Power, Creativity, Brilliance, and Dreams

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Debbie Ford The Dark Side of the Light Chasers: Reclaiming Your Power, Creativity, Brilliance, and Dreams
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    The Dark Side of the Light Chasers: Reclaiming Your Power, Creativity, Brilliance, and Dreams
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In this enlightening guide, Debbie Ford explains that the dark side of our personality should not be hidden. By denying our dark side, we reject these aspects of our true natures rather than giving ourselves the freedom to live authentically. Here she shows that it is possible to acknowledge and accept our so-called weaknesses, proving that these qualities may be important, hidden strengths. For example, perhaps some selfishness can save us from exhaustion and resentment.Full of illuminating stories and practical exercises, Debbie Ford shows us how to reconcile our darker impulses and find the gifts they offer. Your life will be transformed when you unconceal, own, and embrace your shadow.

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Table of Contents

I have now come to understand the extraordinary importance of leading an integral life. That is, of allowing myself to first notice, then to blend, all the aspects of who I amthose that I and others called positive and those that I and others have called negativeinto a grander Whole.

Through this process I have made friends with myself at last. But, oh, how long it took to get there! And how much shorter the process would have been had I been exposed to the deep insights and the wonderful wisdom in this book.

Read this book carefully. Read it once, and read it once again. Then read it a third time for good measure. I dare you.

From the foreword by Neale Donald Walsch, author of Conversations with God

The path to enlightenment includes not only the search for the divine but also the total acceptance of the shadow self. In this profound book, Debbie Ford systematically outlines the steps to wholeness and transformation.

Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

Through her own inner work and inner journey, Debbie Ford has developed a powerful understanding of how life mirrors to us the way we relate to ourselves. This book is an invitation, backed up by clear, simple methods, to embark on the great work of learning to embrace all that we are.

John Welwood,
author of Love and Awakening


Spiritual Divorce: Divorce as a Catalyst for an Extraordinary Life

The Secret of the Shadow: The Power of Owning Your Story

The Right Questions: Ten Essential Questions to Guide You to an Extraordinary Life

The Best Year of Your Life: Dream It, Plan It, Live It

Why Good People Do Bad Things: How to Stop Being Your Own Worst Enemy

The 21-Day Consciousness Cleanse: A Breakthrough Program for Connecting with Your Souls Deepest Purpose

The Shadow Effect: Illuminating the Hidden Power of Your True Self

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Ford, Debbie.

The dark side of the light chasers : reclaiming your power, creativity, brilliance, and dreams / by Debbie Ford

p. cm.

eISBN : 978-1-101-47793-9

1. Shadow (Psychoanalysis). 2. Self-realization I. Title

BF175.5.S55F-9563 CIP

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There are literally thousands of people to thank, from those who were acknowledged in the original edition of this book to those who have helped The Dark Side of the Light Chasers be passed around the world many times. The therapists who have handed it to patients, the teachers who have handed it to students, the coaches who have given it to clients, and those with warm hearts who have given it to their friends or family members. To all of you who have believed in me and the work of The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, to all of you who have helped lift somebody up, and to those of you who have claimed some of your own imperfections for the good of all humanity, you are the ones who I am inspired by and grateful for. From the deepest place in my heart, I express my love and gratitude to everyone who has been changed or has changed others with this book over the last eleven years.

Special thanks to my sister Arielle Ford and my brother-in-law Brian Hilliard, my great supporters and agents, for sharing my vision for the world.

To Deepak Chopra for supporting me in developing my work and for joining me in The Shadow Effect film and book. And to his holy family, Rita, Mallika, and Gotham, who embody love and compassion.

To Dr. David Simon for always sharing his brilliance and to Carolyn Rangel, Felicia Rangel, and the entire staff of the Chopra Center for Well-Being for their unwavering support.

To Neale Donald Walsch for supporting me and this work in the world.

To my loving family: my brilliant brother Michael Ford, my sister-in-law Anne, Ashley, Eve, Sarah, Tyler, Logan, Aunt Laura, and Uncle Shandy

To my beloved family in heaven, Judge Harvey Ford, Dr. Howard Fuerst, Gramma Ada, and Aunt Pearl, who honored me and gave me the confidence to be who I am in the world.

To Geeta Singh and the Talent Exchange for believing in me and setting up my courses and lectures around the world.

To Stephen Samuels and Peter Guzzardi for all the hours you spent making me look deeper and helping me edit this book.

To my amazing friends who have supported me in writing this book by sharing, loving, listening, and encouraging me: Rachel Levy and Danielle Dorman for your undying commitment to make sure this book is all that it is. To Sherry Davis, Randy Thomas, Joyce Ostin, Robert Lee, Luba Bozanich, Brent BecVar, Sarah McClain, Vivian Glyck, Cynthia Kersey, Sylvia Albrecht, Alisha Schwartz, Rochelle Schwartz, Greg Zelonka, Alys Marks, Patricia Gift, and Justin Hilton for being champions of this work. A special thanks to Debra Evans for working by my side for years and to Don Soffer, who taught me what it means to have a generous heart.

To my dear friend Cheryl Richardson who ensured that the whole world would know about this book. To Oprah and her amazing staff who allowed their millions of viewers to get a glimpse into The Dark Side of the Light Chasers and because of that, profoundly transformed my life and the tens of thousands who have come to my seminars from watching those shows.

To my amazing staff and colleagues at the Ford Institute for Transformational Training who support me in transforming lives: Cliff Edwards, Jeff Malone, Julie Stroud, Kelley Kosow, Beth Bennett, and Donna Lipman.

To the thousands of people who have attended my lectures, courses, and workshops, who have given themselves so generously, and who have shared their intimate lives with me. Without you, this book would not have been possible. And to the courageous and committed people who have dedicated years to training to become coaches in this powerful work. You are the true heroes of The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, helping to heal hearts and integrate peoples lives.

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