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Charlie Morley - Dreaming through Darkness

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Charlie Morley Dreaming through Darkness
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The Shadow is the part of us made up of all that we hide from others: our shame, our fears and our wounds, but also our divine spirit, our blinding beauty and our hidden talents. The Shadow is not bad - in fact it is the source of our creativity and power - but until we bring it into the light this power will remain untapped and our full potential unreached. Using practical exercises sourced from lucid dreaming and dream-work, Tibetan Buddhism and mindfulness meditation, this book explores how to:Transform the dark and light shadow sideMeet the shadow through your dreamsUnlock your creativityTransform Nightmares through lucid dreamingManifest your hidden potentialMake friends with fear & anxiety Decrease stress through Mindfulness of Dream & SleepThis book will show you how to fearlessly embrace your shadow side in both your dreams and daily life, thereby manifesting the awakened power of your full potential.

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Praise for Dreaming through Darkness Charlie Morley has produced not just a - photo 1

Praise for Dreaming through Darkness:

Charlie Morley has produced not just a self-help book but a guide to befriending all of who you truly are. Charlie is the real deal, and this book is like being led down a full spiritual journey by an old and jovial friend. An honest, compassionate and enjoyable read that will lead to incredible self-acceptance and joy.

Lodro Rinzler, author of The Buddha Walks into a Bar and Love Hurts

With great lucidity, Charlie Morley show us how, instead of hiding from our shadow, rejecting it or indulging it, we can in fact integrate it so that we achieve much greater wholeness and personal freedom. I learned so much from this book and know I will return to it time and time again.

David R. Hamilton PhD, author of How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body and The Five Side Effects of Kindness

I have known Charlie for a long time and I consider him a very positive influence in the world. In this book he guides people in how to be more helpful human beings. I strongly believe his authentic confidence and sound mind give him the ability to do this.

Lama Yeshe Rinpoche, Abbot of Samye Ling Monastery

To dare to go into the dark I need a guide I know I can trust. Charlie Morley is that guide. What I love most about this wonderful book is Charlies courage in authentically sharing his own shadow with me. Inspired by his enthusiasm for transformation and his willingness to be vulnerable, I feel ready for my own journey of discovery, going into the dark to find the light.

Tim Freke, author of Lucid Living and Soul Story

Charlie Morley has written a fine book that brings a fresh and modern approach to working with the shadow. He has created a pathway to integrate the shadow in a down-to-earth and yet inspiring way, led by his own walking-his-talk approach to life. Charlie is the real deal. I wholeheartedly recommend this book.

YaAcov Darling Khan, author ofJaguar in the Body, Butterfly in the Heart

Dreaming Through Darkness offers an incredible array of insights and an enlivening collection of exercises that help you to love the full spectrum of yourself and wake up to the most wonderful life.

Sandy C. Newbigging, author of Mind Calm and Calm Cure

In this highly authentic and pioneering work, Charlie Morley shares his rich experience as one of the worlds foremost lucid dreamers and offers tips on how every person can train to become lucid and aware of their shadows.

Rob Nairn, author of Living, Dreaming, Dying

I have always been fascinated by what the ancient Mexicans named the Cave: the place where our ancestral patterns, instincts, personal story and highest potential reside. This book has offered me new ways to work with my own Cave in order to be a better person. I really believe that the practices in this book could be life changing for many people.

Sergio Magaa, author of Caves of Power and The Toltec Secret

Morley surpasses discussion of dream yoga by inviting the inspired reader into the experience itself. To understand the pages ahead is to quicken the evolution of ones conscious awakening.

Lama Choyin Rangdrol, author of Black Buddha

First published and distributed in the United Kingdom by:

Hay House UK Ltd, Astley House, 33 Notting Hill Gate, London W11 3JQ

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Text Charlie Morley, 2017

The moral rights of the author have been asserted.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or otherwise be copied for public or private use, other than for fair use as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews, without prior written permission of the publisher.

The information given in this book should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice; always consult a medical practitioner. Any use of information in this book is at the readers discretion and risk. Neither the author nor the publisher can be held responsible for any loss, claim or damage arising out of the use, or misuse, of the suggestions made, the failure to take medical advice or for any material on third party websites.

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 978-1-78180-735-4 in print
ISBN 978-1-78180-893-1 in ePub format
ISBN 978-1-78180-894-8 in Kindle formats

Interior illustrations: Liron Gilenberg | www.ironicitalics.com

To Rob Nairn
for lighting my way to the shadow


Healing your shadow is the greatest gift
you can give yourself, your family,
your friends, your partner, the world.

Before I sat down to write this Foreword I phoned Charlie to congratulate and thank him for writing this most illuminating book, Dreaming through Darkness. Its my honour to have been a mentor to Charlie for his inquiry on meeting, befriending and transmuting the shadow. From the outset, I encouraged Charlie to make every sentence he wrote as honest and truthful as possible. He did just that, and its one reason why I found his book to be so healing and liberating.

I gave my first talk on shadow psychology in the winter of 1998, around the time of the solstice and many other festivals of light. I was speaking to students of The Interfaith Seminary, in the UK. The next year, I returned to give a one-day workshop on shadow psychology. The year after that, I gave a two-day workshop. This is how my teaching work on the shadow began. Ive been teaching shadow psychology in one form or another ever since.

Perhaps its inevitable that I would end up teaching shadow psychology. When I was nine years old, my family moved home to a small, modern bungalow called Shadows. Before that, we lived in a pretty little cottage called Honeysuckle Cottage. Who on earth, in their right mind, would move from Honeysuckle Cottage to Shadows, I ask you!

It was during my years living in Shadows that my world fell apart. My mothers recurring bouts of depression took a turn for the worse. Several times she was incarcerated in mental hospitals, plied with experimental drugs and subjected to brutal electric shock therapy. She did so well to get out alive. At the same time, my fathers alcoholism got out of control. Eventually, he left home and he lived homeless on and off for the last 10 years of his life.

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