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Rohit Sahu - Shadow Work For Beginners: A Short and Powerful Guide to Make Peace with Your Hidden Dark Side that Drive You and Illuminate the Hidden Power of Your True Self for Freedom and Lasting Happiness

Here you can read online Rohit Sahu - Shadow Work For Beginners: A Short and Powerful Guide to Make Peace with Your Hidden Dark Side that Drive You and Illuminate the Hidden Power of Your True Self for Freedom and Lasting Happiness full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2021, publisher: Rohit Sahu, genre: Religion. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Rohit Sahu Shadow Work For Beginners: A Short and Powerful Guide to Make Peace with Your Hidden Dark Side that Drive You and Illuminate the Hidden Power of Your True Self for Freedom and Lasting Happiness
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    Shadow Work For Beginners: A Short and Powerful Guide to Make Peace with Your Hidden Dark Side that Drive You and Illuminate the Hidden Power of Your True Self for Freedom and Lasting Happiness
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Shadow Work For Beginners: A Short and Powerful Guide to Make Peace with Your Hidden Dark Side that Drive You and Illuminate the Hidden Power of Your True Self for Freedom and Lasting Happiness: summary, description and annotation

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Do you want to recognize and heal the shadow patterns and wounds of your inner child? Do you wish to get rooted in your soul for wholeness? Do you want to influence your programs and beliefs to attain eternal bliss? Do you want to know where you are on the ladder of consciousness, and how to move up? Do you want to learn how to forgive, let go, and have compassion for yourself and others? Do you want to alter and strengthen your mindset to maximize every aspect of your life? If so, this guide is just what you need.

For many, the word Shadow Work conjures up all sorts of negative and dark ideas. Because of the beliefs we have of the term shadow, it is tempting to believe that Shadow Work is a morbid spiritual practice or that it is an internal work that includes the more destructive or evil facets of our personalities. But thats not the case. In fact, it is vital for your spiritual growth. When you go through a spiritual awakening, there comes a point where Shadow Work becomes necessary. So, what exactly is the Human Shadow, and what is Shadow Work?

The definition of the shadow self is based on the idea that we figuratively bury certain bits of personality that we feel will not be embraced, approved, or cherished by others; thus, we hold them in the shadow. In brief, our shadows are the versions of ourselves that we do not offer to society. It includes aspects of our personality that we find shameful, unacceptable, ugly. It may be anger, resentment, frustration, greed, hunger for strength, or the wounds of childhoodall those we hold secret. You might claim its the dark side of yourself. And no matter what everyone suggests, they all have a dark side of their personalities.

Shadow Work is the practice of loving what is, and of freeing shame and judgment, so that we can be our true self in order to touch the very depths of our being, that is what Shadow Work means. You have to dwell on the actual problems rather than on past emotions. If you do so, you get to the problems that have you stressed out instantly and easily. And to be at peace, we need to get in touch with our darker side, rather than suppressing it.

Whether you have struggled with wealth, weight, love, or something else, after dissolving the shadows within, you will find that your life is transforming in both tiny and drastic ways. Youll draw more optimistic people and better opportunities. Your life will be nicer, easier, and even more abundant.

The book covers the easiest practices and guided meditation to tap into the unconscious. Its going to help you explore certain aspects so that they will no longer control your emotions. Just imagine what it would be if you could see challenges as exciting obstacles rather than experiencing crippling anxiety.

This book is going to be the Momentum you need to get to where youre trying to be. Youll go deeper into your thoughts, the beliefs that hold you back disappear, and you get a head start on your healing journey.

In this guide, you'll discover:

What is the Human Shadow?
Characteristics of Shadow
Do We All Have a Shadow Self?
How is the Shadow Born?
What is the Golden Shadow?
The Mistake We All Make
What is Shadow Work?
Benefits of Shadow Work
Tips on Practicing Shadow Work
Shadow Work Stages
Shadow Work Techniques and Practices
Shadow Work Mindfulness
Shadow Work FAQs

Covering every bit of Shadow Work, this guide will subtly reveal the root of your fear, discomfort, and suffering, showing you that when you allow certain pieces of yourself to awaken and be, you will eventually begin to recover, transcend your...

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Shadow Work For Beginners

A Short and Powerful Guide to Make Peace with Your Hidden Dark Side that Drive You and Illuminate the Hidden Power of Your True Self for Freedom and Lasting Happiness

-Rohit Sahu

Copyright 2021 by Rohit Sahu . All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher at the email below.

Published by: Rohit Sahu

Contact: rohit@rohitsahu.net

Published Worldwide


I highly acknowledge Mr. Carl Gustav Jung who was a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and founded analytical psychology. Jung's work has been influential in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy, and religious studies. He was the first to explore the concept of Human Shadow and Shadow Work in the modern world; Jung stated the shadow to be the unknown dark side of the personality. According to Jung, the shadow, in being instinctive and irrational, is prone to psychological projection, in which a perceived personal inferiority is recognized as a perceived moral deficiency in someone else. He believed that if we were to be fully integrated human beings, we needed to fully appreciate this dark side of ourselves.


For many, the word Shadow Work conjures up all sorts of negative and dark ideas. Because of the beliefs we have of the term shadow, it is tempting to believe that Shadow Work is a morbid spiritual practice or that it is an internal work that includes the more destructive or evil facets of our personalities. But thats not the case. In fact, Shadow Work is vital to your spiritual growth. When you go through a spiritual awakening, there comes a point where Shadow Work becomes necessary. So, what exactly is the Human Shadow, and what is Shadow Work?

Theres nothing new about Shadow and Shadow Work. Its, in fact, an old human civilization. Cultures and societies stretching back to the dawn of time had their own way of exploring the different sides of the human face.

The people of Amazon used Ayahuasca in an attempt to explore altered states of consciousness. Religions and philosophies such as Zen Buddhism have long spoken of Kensho which means seeing ones true nature.

Many cultures had a Shaman or a spiritual expert who would be a psychologist in a village or town. Apparently, this person would see the future and advise individuals or families who have been struggling with concerns.

Now, coming to the modern era, the term was coined and explored in the 21st century by the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Carl Jung (Carl Gustav Jung was one of the most important psychologists of the previous century). He saw the shadow as the uncivilized, perhaps wild, part of our being. He believed that if we were to be fully integrated human beings, we needed to fully appreciate this dark side of ourselves.

Also, Jung didnt feel it was just the people who had the shadow. He also talked about the collective shadow, where individuals united their shadow as communities or as cultures. He saw this as a great danger to civilization when a collective shadow was projected.

We all have demons inside us. We fight against them every daysometimes we fail, sometimes we succeed. These demons that stalk us can be seen only in brief glimpses or in a complete panic. And because of our guilt and shame, we ignore them and dump them.

The notion of the shadow is fundamental to the human experience, and the willingness to cope with it is a struggle for most of us. Some hope that the interaction with the darkness would expose certain essential personal truths and that the task of assimilation would become less strenuous.

The definition of the shadow self is based on the idea that we figuratively bury certain bits of personality that we feel will not be embraced, approved, or cherished by others; thus, we hold them in the shadow. In short, our shadow is the version of ourselves that we do not offer to society.

We believe they should remain hidden since they cannot and should not occur in our conscious selves. Society tells us to focus on good things like love and light, but never on darkness or shadow.

It includes aspects of our personality that we find shameful, unacceptable, ugly. It may be anger, resentment, frustration, greed, hunger for strength, or the wounds of childhoodall those we keep secret.

You can say its the dark side of yourself. And no matter what anyone suggests, they all have a dark side of their personalities.

And the problem is we focus purely on the positive side of our personalities. Its no surprise why most of us avoid the darkest aspect of our identities. However, when we focus only on the light, we do not reach the depths of our being.

Jung claims that when the shadow is shunned, it continues to sabotage our lives. Repressing or ignoring ones shadow may contribute to addictions, poor self-esteem, psychiatric disorder, chronic illness, and multiple neuroses. However, you can learn to recognize and work with your shadow self so that you can fulfil your priorities and enjoy the best possible life.

The transformation that so many of us are searching for does not emerge from the rejection of our inner selves. It comes from the point of appreciation.

Luckily, we can all own our darkness and bring in constructive transformation. Through doing Shadow Work, we shed light on our dark selves, rather than pretend to be all light.

While you may think it is impossible to find the way to your dark side and emerge as a better being, I guarantee it is. In fact, if you accept what you believe is keeping you back, you may be better off.

As Carl says, Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health.

And What is Shadow Work?

It is the practice of loving what is, and of freeing shame and judgment, so that we can be our true self in order to touch the very depths of our being, that is what Shadow Work means. You have to dwell on the actual problems rather than on past emotions. If you do so, you get to the problems that have you stressed out instantly and easily. And to be at peace, we need to get in touch with our darker side, rather than suppress it.

We will discuss ahead in detail what Shadow Work ishow it originates, how it influences our everyday lives, and some of the best Shadow Work techniques.

Covering every bit of Shadow Work, this guide will subtly reveal the root of your fear, discomfort, and suffering, showing you that when you allow certain pieces of yourself to awaken and be, you will eventually begin to recover, transcend your limits, and open yourself to the light and beauty of your true existence.

The book covers the easiest practices and mindfulness techniques in order to tap into the unconscious. Its going to help you explore certain aspects so that they will no longer control your emotions. Just imagine what it would be if you could see challenges as exciting obstacles rather than experiencing crippling anxiety.

This book is going to be the Momentum you need to get to where youre trying to be. Youll dive deeper into your thoughts, the beliefs that hold you back will disappear, and youll get a head start on your healing journey.

Whether you have struggled with wealth, weight, love, or something else, after dissolving the shadow within, you will find that your life is transforming in both tiny and drastic ways. Youll draw more optimistic people and better opportunities. Your life will be nicer, easier, and even more abundant.

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