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InterVarsity Press
P.O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515-1426
2022 by Chad Brennan and Christina Edmondson
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Christinas Dedication
This one is for Mika.
Chads Dedications
I dedicate this book to Laurie, Aliya, Anya, and Milena.
DR. CHRISTINA EDMONDSON AND CHAD BRENNAN outline in a clear and accessible manner how we can be faithful antiracists. Relying on rigorous research, they show us where we have gone astray and then, with grace, they encourage us to embrace with honest and humble hearts the only remedy needed to heal our world from white supremacy: the gospel of Jesus Christ. Indeed, we need to face the emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual damage that white supremacy has done and continues to do to the souls and bodies of people, particularly those of people of color. They call us to both acknowledge and feel the pain of living under the trauma and oppression of a white supremacist world. More importantly, the authors lead us to repentance. It is repentance from white supremacy that is required for our own hearts and society to heal. The authors encouragement to actively seek wisdom, truth, and justice is refreshing. Their approach is a much-needed addition as we engage the work of antiracism in our personal lives, the church, and broader society.
What I especially appreciate about this book is the stories the authors share about their own journeys. Womanist theologies have for some time encouraged us to acknowledge, with vulnerability and humility, our own positionality and standpoints. Edmondson and Brennan do so here. And in so doing, they model for us how we must begin to do this work: by being open about and interrogating how our own paths and perspectives have been affected by white supremacy.
Faithful Antiracism is for any person or group that wants to understand and implement a biblical approach to undoing systems of white supremacy in their personal lives and this world. It is a critically important contribution to the biblical and sociological works on race and Christianity in the United States.
Korie Little Edwards
THE TRUTHS, NUGGETS, BIBLICAL WISDOM, AND GRACE found in this volume are worth their weight in gold and silver. Through years of experience and research, Dr. Christina Edmondson and Chad Brennan walk us through what can often seem like the minefields of working against racism in our society and creating righteousness in our churches and beyond.
I cannot help but be impressed by the way they have written this work, with each author contributing substantial insights, and packaging it into manageable and practical chapters. As I told them when I first read a draft of the work, I wish for every church in the nation to work through this book. It is perfect for a small group curriculum or for wider church discussions.
This book is not written so you can expand your knowledge (though it most certainly does do that). It is written for us to collectively wrestle with how to apply its lessons. And it provides a crystal-clear path for every step along the way. If we put into practice the lessons it offers, we truly would be Christians walking the very direction Christ set out for us. And that direction is this: though we are separate creeks wanting to go our own ways, we are called to conjoin into one mighty river of justice and unity as we flow to our singular destination of the ocean of God and heaven.
But we can never realize our call in a society and church divided. As long as injustice and unfairness continue, we will have division. Our Holy Scriptures teach us this exactly.
That is why Faithful Antiracism is an essential book. It is a Christian guide for our troubled waters. It shows us step by step how to work toward systematic change. May it be a blessing to us all.
Michael O. Emerson
WHEN IT COMES TO RACIAL DYNAMICS in the United States, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the magnitude of the complexities and challenges. The protests that took place across the United States in the summer of 2020 were an example of the enormous pain and concern that continues to be felt by millions of Americans. For hundreds of years, individuals have worked to end racism and racial injustice in the United States, yet it still remains a powerful and persistent force. There is so much that needs to be acknowledged, understood, and dismantled that it can feel like an impossible mountain to climb.
The challenges are real, but so are the possibilities. As we begin this book, we hope and pray you will also have a sense of the magnitude of the possibilities; imagine how different our lives could be if our society was rid of the disease of racial injustice. No more dealing with the spiritual and psychological burden of receiving advantages or disadvantages simply because we are categorized by society in one way or another. No more strained and divided cross-racial relationships. No more passing down a legacy of racial dysfunction to our children. Imagine if Christians were living out Gods plan for us to love our neighbors as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39) and to do what is right and just (Genesis 18:19). Imagine how different our Christian organizations could be if we were living out Jesus prayer that we would be one as he and the Father are one (John 17:20-21). Imagine how different our society could be if our cultural and ethnic differences were a source of strength and joy rather than a source of division, conflict, and injustice. Imagine if we could work together across racial, ethnic, and cultural lines to address the major challenges we and our children will face in the coming centuries.