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Copyright 2011 by Perry Stone
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Stone, Perry F.
Purging your house, pruning your family tree / Perry Stone. 1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-1-61638-186-8
1. FamiliesReligious life. 2. Blessing and cursing. 3. Spiritual warfare. 4. Christian lifeChurch of God authors. I. Title.
BV4526.3.S76 2011
E-book ISBN: 978-1-61638-265-0
First Edition
11 12 13 14 15 987654321
Printed in the United States of America
Atmospheric Warfare
Full Moons and New Moons
D O THE FOLLOWING questions express what you have feltor askedin the past?
Does a weeping willow describe your family tree?
Do you secretly wish you had been born to a different family?
Did you pick up some bad DNA from someone in your lineage?
Would you like to put on a new set of genes and make a new you?
Is there a warfare going on that you wont talk about?
What are the keys to a happy home and marriage?
If so, keep reading! There are two important ways for you to alter your present personal situations and prepare for a great emotional and spiritual futureby purging your house and pruning your family tree. Purging your house involves removing spiritual, emotional, and mental hindrances from the three houses that I will discuss in this book. Pruning your family tree involves a process I call redemptive alterations that positively impact your future when the Word of God defeats the sin habits and overcomes the carnal nature through regeneration.
Jonathan Edwards
Jonathan Edwards was married in 1727. He was one of the most noted and respected early preachers in the early American colonies. His classic message, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, was so convicting that the unrepentant sitting under his preaching would cry out in anguish, dropping to the floor. Yet many are unaware that in Edwardss private life, he was a very loving, compassionate man who spent quality personal time with his family.
Edwards was blessed with eleven children. When he was at home, Edwards had a special chair that he alone sat in. In the evenings, he would sit down with his children for one hour each day. The smaller ones would sit in his lap, and the older ones would spend quality time conversing with their dad. Edwards took time to pray a special blessing over each child.
To prove that Edwardss prayers and blessings were effective, in 1900 A. E. Winship tracked down fourteen hundred descendants of Jonathan Edwards. In his published study Jukes-Edwards: A Study in Education and Heredity , Winship revealed that the one marriage of Edwards produced an amazing lineage, including 285 college graduates on the Edwards family tree. The Edwards lineage produced:
Three hundred preachers
Thirteen noted authors
Thirteen college presidents
Sixty-five college professors
One hundred lawyers and a dean of a law school
Thirty judges
Fifty-six physicians and a dean of a medical school
Eighty holders of public office
Three United States senators
One vice president of the United States
One comptroller of the United States Treasury
The spiritual seeds of faith, hope, and love planted into the hearts of the Edwardss children blossomed into a family tree, producing numerous generations of spiritual fruit. Is it possible that todays families can begin planting a family tree that nourishes a generational seed that will become a legacy of righteousness? Edwardss family tree proved that this generational blessing is possible.
There are other well-known individuals who not only were successful businessmen who birthed economically profitable corporations, but even today, seven of these names are known as representative of active and successful companies. They include:
John D. Rockefeller (Standard Oil industrialist who began earning $3.50 a week and dominated the oil industry for fifty years)
H. J. Heinz (H. J. Heinz Company, world-class American food company)
H. P. Crowell (founder of the Quaker Oats Company)
J. L. Kraft (founder of Kraft Foods, Inc.)
M. W. Baldwin (founder of M. W. Baldwin & Company, builders of locomotives)
F. W. Woolworth (founder of F. W. Woolworth and Company, one of the original American five-and-dime stores)
William Wrigley (known as the father of chewing gum and founder of William Wrigley Jr. Company)
M. S. Hershey (founder of Hershey Chocolate Corporation)
William Colgate (founder of Colgate and Company, makers of Colgate toothpaste)
These successful business owners all had one thing in common: they were all professing Christians who were givers to charity or tithers to the Lords work. John D. Rockefeller began tithing to the work of God when earning $3.50 a week. I have toured the Hershey chocolate factory in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and was pleasantly surprised to discover that the founder, Mr. Hershey, was a dedicated Christian who heavily supported orphans and continually raised his level of giving to support the kingdom of God. The spiritual principles these men understood are proven by time and based upon the inspired words of God.
What if, on the other hand, a man chooses to live a life of selfishness and greed or makes decisions contrary to righteous judgment? In a book by Bob Proctor titled You Were Born Rich , he wrote:
In 1923, at the Edgewater Beach Hotel in Chicago, eight of the worlds wealthiest financiers met. These eight men controlled more money than the United States government at that time. They included:
The president of the largest independent steel company