A wise person should have money in their head, but not in their heart ."
L et's cut to the chase. Everyone who comes to America desires a lifestyle of unlimited wealth. The films shown on TV and Cable depict lives of comfort and ease. The latest in fashion and technology is constantly displayed on commercials and advertisements. The picture seems enticing to those who are living outside suffering from unemployment and instability. When they meet Americans or Westerners, they have one question in mind. How can I get to America? My advice is to look at your brethren who came to America chasing the false notion that everything will be okay. Unfortunately, many of their brethren are scared to tell their family members back home the reality of what it is like to be in America and how they are struggling. Some of them take photographs next to fancy cars and nice houses where they have visited or worked to raise the validity that America has been good to them and how rich they are. In reality, they are lying by not disclosing the truth. America is a hard place to get ahead. You may spend more money paying off your liabilities than your own savings. Most of us, Americans live from check-to-check meaning that if we are not paid every pay period; we will be in debt almost immediately. This is why we are working these hard labor jobs that are paying us peanuts. There are very few jobs that are paying good enough money for you to save, spend and send money back home if you are a foreigner. A study should be done on how many Americans are actually in debt due to loans and credit. America lives on credit. I, myself, have suffered for years because I will not lend my hand to the involvement of using credit or interest. I'm not able to purchase a house, car, or start a small to medium business because of my lack of credit. I refuse to be involved in any transaction involving me paying back more than what I have borrowed. However, many of the foreigners do not care about debt and involve themselves in interest transactions that are oppressive. This leads to the destruction of their families and wealth that they hoped would benefit from its sources. If you would ask an American, "Do you own your house? They would say, "Yes." The reality is that unless you paid your house in full, you do not own it. You are bound by law to pay it off as agreed whether in full or by installments or lose it immediately. Many people are deceived on the meaning of possessing an item and actually owning it. For years, they are stuck with a bill of paying off for a good or product that has depreciated to the point of almost no return. If a person decides to change the agreement or amend its structure, the process itself is not guaranteed. Is this the way that you anticipated living ?
T he average person hopes that by building credit that they can reach the stage of ownership. Let's not forget that to do that, you must have credit, to begin with. Get a few credit cards from your favorite stores and start the process off. I'm being sarcastic. The point being is where is the money coming from to pay it back. Working as a gas station attendant, laborer with no union backing, deliveryman, restaurant employee, or taxi driver doesn't give you the liberty to succeed in this type of system. Minimum wage jobs or close to it will not give you a chance for you and your family to even start. I've watched those whom I targeting in this essay suffer tremendously because of one bad decision that the father made in order to live that American life. Selling out your beliefs and customs to be pro-American will make you look like a fool. Just watch TV to see those who ridicule themselves and their families just to fit in .
N ow, that you have some money, what to do with it in America? It's amazing that you find the most arrogant of people being the ones who suffered and were down for many years and now once they have been given a share of wealth, have turned their backs on their family, friends, and associates. I'm referring to those who remained true to them during their struggle. Everyone loves money, however, if it divides ties of friendship and kin, then that love is out of bounds .
F oreigners need to realize that the American dream of having money is a notion of driving you to love America and to taste in your hearts. I've spoken to people who hate America but if they were offered a ticket to come, they would be the first ones aboard. I'm not encouraging anyone to hate the place. America can be a good place if the situation is right. There are foreigners here who are making money in America because they came with money or had some connection to it once they got their paperwork in order. Did they tell you that they lost their children to the American dream? There are also some success stories on people who played the lottery, won some sweepstakes, or lucked up in getting paid from some litigation battle. I'm not generalizing the whole foreign population. The point is that if your intent on coming to America is just to get rich, then you will have a rude awakening once you set foot on American soil .