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The Book of Sassstia
![Retrospective Prologue TheBook of Sassstia as well as the lyrical testimony - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/318982/thebookofsassstiafinal_html_6a7d4ea6.jpg)
Retrospective Prologue
TheBook of Sassstia, as well as the lyrical testimony ofFaran: ( Testimoniode Esferas Superiores e Inferiores al Sol ),the lyrical testimony of Gevurahel: ( Conocedoresdel Bien y del Mal, Parte I y II )and ( UnObscuro Ego Celestial ) ,span the documented preaching and celebration which address a firstperiod of manifestation of Lucifer as the prince of therebel angels in the private life of Temptor Princnegsur through hisEnvoy Sassstia, who not only offered him testimony ofthe reality of the beings of the Spiritual World, but chiefly grantedhim the verity of the ontological truth of Satan and hisretinue of demons in these present times poisoned by Atheismand conformist Hedonism. For, what are Satan and his retinueof demons if not spiritual beings, Enemy Adversariesof God and his angels? For the question of Satan, of whether we are dealing with areal being or merely a symbol, is the chief cause for division amongSatanists.
Only,if Satan is a truly existing being with a history ofhis own and a philosophy of his own, what then is the history andphilosophy of Anton Szandor LaVey, taken for the founder ofSatanism, in the face of the history and philosophy ofSatan himself as a being older than the World and manand as the true father of Satanism? And by the primaryconsequence which concerns us as Satanists, what then wouldSatanism truly be according to its true founder? Theinsinuations are terrible and are meant for those who would ponderover these implications.
Yetthese philosophical-religious questions are implicit to a secondstage of manifestation of Lucifer as the prince of therebel angels in the life of Temptor Princnegsur, but one which he engages today as Nimrod Rebelsoberliber, as one of andalongside The Devil's Amanuenses (the visible andearthly part of Es.Dev.Re.Sa.), certainly independentof the first stage of manifestation by no longer consisting of sundrytestimonies, but instead evolving into a concise SatanicSpiritual Revelation, anaccess to the Diabolical Doctrine which seducing spirits teachunto those who apostatize from the Faith in God and hisangels, such as it was implied in (1 Timothy 4:1), a realtransmission of the Corrupted Wisdom of Lucifer, theevent taking place within the intimate bosom of Es.Dev.Re.Sa.from the beginning of the year 2009.
TheBook of Sassstia is a set of writings comprised of eightparts, forty eight sections and two opening prologue letters which,remaining faithful to the very references given by Sassstia,consist of:
Atestimony of the realities and natures of a number of souls thatsuccumb on Earth, disincarnate seven symbolic days of Godago. (?)
Aproof of the renascent movement of the vengeance of the ancient evilkings of the lands of Edom. (?)
Astorm of symbolic confusion of Good and Evil in their eternaltyrannies but in a favourable sense for those who know it not, heed in their foregoing prescription. (?)
Abody of tales of symbolic stories of exiles and hidden plaints. (?)
Aplay for those who take with severity and comprehended studies, buta link to return to a time in which they were kings and sovereignsthose who would take these scriptures with stupidity and partake ofsome game knocking on the Gate. (?)
Theintention of presenting The Book of Sassstia does notsimply consist in disclosing a private and isolated period ofmanifestation of Lucifer in the life of TemptorPrincnegsur through his Envoy Sassstia, it consists indocumenting in some respectful manner an event which we believe to beimportant in the history of today's Satanism such asthe birth of Satanic Spiritism; a Dialogue throughDirect Correspondence with Satan and his retinue of demons.
Itconsists in symbolically capturing, through the publication of TheBook of Sassstia, the starting point and origin of TheLine of Progression of the Satanic spiritists, comprised todayby The Devil's Amanuenses (who are the visible andearthly part of Es.Dev.Re.Sa.), yon event taking placewith Temptor Princnegsur between the years (1998-1999).
Themethod through which Temptor Princnegsur has received The Bookof Sassstia may be known as Psychography, orparticularly, Mechanical Psychography. But if by the very word ofSassstia we should remain true to the essence of the occurrence ofevents, then this term is erroneous and lo here The Writing ofthe Devil, for it was the Devil himself whom has been calledup and it is the Devil himself who has answered through his Envoy.And lo here then the first harbinger referent to those whom laterKasbeel would through Magdna Siagdnadaelivis baptize as"The Devil's Amanuenses" within the intimate bosom of"Es.Dev.Re.Sa.: Those who write under thedictation of the Devil.
Byway of prejudice, from knowing what to expect on the part of thosewho give priority to their minds' associative capacity before knowinghow to receive what is actually meant, is that if Temptor Princnegsurmay well be regarded as a simple writin gmedium within the occultscene of self-pretended authority in knowledge, ( andone should well know how to distinguish between that which a study ofconscious individual spiritual evolution implies, between Psychology and Magic ,from the study of the ontologicaltruth of spiritual entities with relation to demons and of the eventsthat have occurred between them which have been recorded in thesacred books as in the myths and legends of ancient peoples ), bycomparing him, for example, with the writing mediumChico Xavier, then in reality Temptor Princnegsur is not a mediumdivested or totally naked of the dignity and Satanic superbia of theceremonial rituals required to come in contact and communication withthe Prince of the spirits who are the advers ariesand enemies of God and his angels. Nor is he a mediumdivested of the Zeal and of the importance of the secret so as to goaround denigrating the art of Satanic Spiritism inpublic reunions, surrounding himself with shallow people who areignora ntof the true purpose and of the matters of the Forbidden Art. For itis about the birth and the first stage of formation of an Amanuensisof the Devil, with everything that this implies.
Andwith regard to the difference between a traditional spiritist from aSatanic spiritist, Temptor Princnegsur never had the intention or theinner verve of coming in contact with the souls of the dead, nor withthe spiritual beings who have founded the Spiritism of Kardec. Norwith the angels or ascended masters who are the founders of the WhiteLodge, but solely with the evil spirits of the World Above, likenessand incarnation of the Devil, Satan, suchas it is mentioned in (Ephesians 6, 11-12). For the heart of TemptorPrincnegsur only aspired to come in contact and communication withyon Shining Star which has fallen from Heaven to the Abyss by feelingits call within his interior, strongly seeing himself as a spiritualson.
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