Very special thanks to Wendy Baal for her love and support.
Thanks to Wendy Ba'al, Greg Stevens, and Lilith Starr for giving me so much help and support in the process of revising this book.
Thanks to Iris Shaw for the cover art.
Thanks to Tracey Pryor for the title page art, and the sigil of Baphomet.
Print layout time donated by The First Church of Satan, Amarillo TX, Order of The Garthok
Thanks to Khandnalie Barnes for all other sigils and symbols.
Thanks to Xen Darens for photo editing.
Thanks to Malcolm Jarry and Doug Mesner for presenting Satanism in a new, dark, infernal light.
A special posthumous acknowledgment of thanks to Anton Szandor LaVey for his great and numerous contributions to Satanism.
Satanism, as a religion, philosophy, and worldview, acts as a summation of all aspects of who I am. This is the first of two primary reasons for the existence of this textual actualization of foundational Satanic philosophy. The other reason prompting me to start writing is much more basic, ordinary, and practical. There simply is not a book of this sort yet in existence. There are numerous similar books, but nothing that expresses my particular variation of Satanism.
Satanism combines a number of different things into oneor at least some variations do. My variation is all-encompassing. It incorporates philosophies for understanding objective reality, subjective experience, morality and ethics, and even my personality.
There is also a lack of quality Satanic philosophy. The book most people identify with, The Satanic Bible, has its good points, but it is also outdated and full of flaws. Anton Szandor LaVey had a few good ideas, which were never utilized to their full potential. He also had a lot of bad ideas, and poor execution, which held him back.
Those problems can be corrected. There is much that we now know that was not known back in the 1960s. The original Satanic Bible can be improved both philosophically and linguistically. The dreadful misunderstanding of natural selection can also be corrected by incorporating selection by group survival and our status as a social species. It was this misunderstanding by LaVey, Rand, and Redbeard, which resulted in the social Darwinism that permeated their philosophies.
Their idea was that the natural world was the only place to look for secular morality. Their understanding of natural selection was that the strongest and fittest on an individual level are the ones that survive. However, they overlooked species that had survival mechanisms built into their social structure. Humans are one such species that fall into this category. I offer a superior implementation of secular morality, in part by correcting this oversight.
I begin with some of LaVeys ideas as a starting point, but the similarity will end there. Other than ideas about Satan as the adversary, looking to the natural world for the origins of our being, and understanding and accepting humanity as it is, this will be very different.
I am not saying this is the only true Satanism. There are only a few basic ideas that are definitive of Satanism in all its variations. This is just my variation, and I provide reasons why it resonates with me. So, read on, take in and consider the information presented, and see if it resonates with you as well.
Ave Satanas!
The first thing to understand regarding Satanism is that the stories of sacrificial alters, secret cults of evil, and brutal ritualized abuse are categorically false. Those ideas came from a moral panic in the 80s and 90s, commonly referred to as the Satanic Panic.
The Satanic Panic was a modern witch-hunt that some people still believe to this day. The rise of Christian culture, the (then) new psychological fraud of so-called recovered memories, and the nature of the general public as a herd of witless, scared sheep gave rise to it. Its negative effects still linger, even now. It is the primary source of the bigotry faced by Satanists.
Looking back on it, we have decades of lies and deception. Paranoia ran rampant, obscuring truth and reason. Talk shows did numerous exposs over many years, each fantastical and totally devoid of fact checking. Countless lives were ruined as false accusations sent the innocent to prison, and targeted many others for completely benign beliefs.
I know I have just scratched the surface with that topic. However, digging in further would be tangential and out of scope for this book. It did need to be mentioned though.
The next thing to understand is that Satan is not an actual being. Satan does not literally exist. There are theists who believe in that sort of thing, but I do not. This is actually an atheistic religion and philosophy. Satan is just a metaphorical construct that symbolizes certain ideals. There are different aspects of Satan, which all give characteristics to the archetype.
You can see the Satan archetype come to life in classic literature, such as Miltons Paradise Lost and Revolt of the Angels by Anatole France. Mythology is another good place to look, and in fact, that is where the characteristics of the literary Satan were drawn from.
Different demonized (literally) gods became aspects of Satan, shaping this mythological character. I will divide most of this book by categorizing certain ideas by the aspect of Satan, with which they are associated. The ideas will make logical sense on their own, independent of these archetypes though. This is merely a way to organize the information and simultaneously demonstrate the metaphorical construct.
Some people use Satanism as an excuse to be an ass. It is very reminiscent of people who use an Abrahamic religion as an excuse to be a bigot. Justification of lousy behavior, and personal shortcomings, while blindly quoting some document you follow unquestioningly is of traditional religion. The Satanist is in diametrical opposition to such nonsense.
Think of me as a teacher, advisor, or guide and not so much as a leader. The Satanist does not really need a leader per say. I lead only metaphorically, guiding one through philosophical concepts. I offer what knowledge and wisdom I have, but you must lead yourself. Myself and others can help you, and we will, but this is your journey. You must push yourself through it, and you reap the rewards along the way, down the path; the Left-Hand Path.