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Copyright 2021 by Nicole Crank
Cover design by Lydia Robison. Cover artwork by Shutterstock.
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First Edition: June 2021
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Scripture quotations marked (AMP) are taken from the Amplified Bible, Copyright 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. (www.Lockman.org) | Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved. | Scripture quotations marked (MSG) are taken from THE MESSAGE, copyright 1993, 2002, 2018 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress. All rights reserved. Represented by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. | Scripture quotations marked (TPT) are from The Passion Translation. Copyright 2017, 2018 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. ThePassionTranslation.com. | Scripture quotations marked (KJ21) are taken from the 21st Century King James Version, copyright 1994. Used by permission of Deuel Enterprises, Inc., Gary, SD 57237. All rights reserved. | Scripture quotations marked (NKJV) are taken from the New King James Version, copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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LCCN: 2021933892
ISBNs: 978-1-5460-3702-6 (hardcover), 978-1-5460-3701-9 (ebook)
The greatest lessons of life are not learned IN a course but ON a course. Nicoles course has taken her on an adventure-rich journey that turned out to be a divine treasure hunt. This book is part of the treasure that was mined from the journey and is sure to bless every reader!
Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Founder/Senior Pastor of Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Atlanta, GA
I love reading stories of overcoming, and this book is such a good one! In her humorous and very honest way, Nicole tells her story. Through abuse, addiction, betrayal, and abandonment she has experienced true pain; and yet today she is living a life of joy. This book gives hope to all of us that our past does not have to determine our future. Thanks for telling your story Nicole!
Holly Wagner, Pastor, Author, Founder of She Rises
If you are ready to awaken the dreams that have fallen asleep in your heart, then Nicole Cranks book is for you. She will show you that the depths of your wounds and the riptides you have faced do not have to hold you back from reaching extraordinary heights, but rather showcase their ability to act as powerful currents pushing you to swim further!
If you have experienced pain and heartbreak, no matter what shape that may take in your life, Nicole Cranks book is for you. Her words will place victory and hope on your horizon. She gives her readers encouragement to not just survive but THRIVE.
Nicole Crank has created a digestible guide for her readers. This book will help you knock down the walls of discouragement, no matter how tall and wide, and give you hope for all that is to come! Put simply, her shared testimony will help you turn on the light in your life and encourage you to THRIVE.
Roma Downey, Emmy-Nominated Actress, Producer, New York Times Bestselling Author
You can find hope, healing, and freedom in Jesus. In I Will Thrive, Nicole not only shares her powerful story, but gives practical tools showing you how to live unchained from your past and flourish in life.
Christine Caine, Bestselling Author, Founder of A21 and Propel Women
Nicole Crank is so freakin anointed! Literallya Kingdom rock star! Her story is going to change the face of the world! Im so blessed to know that she is willing to be vulnerable in the midst of a world where its cool to pretend! Nicole is my sister from another mister! I flat-out love you, Sis!
Willie Moore Jr, Syndicated Radio Host, Motivational Speaker, Author
I love everything about Nicole Crank! Hi God and Hi God, One More Thing were such incredible books. And now, we get the surprise of I Will Thrive, full of encouragement and direction for our lives. Listenthis is a game changer! It will change your life!
Real Talk Kim, Television and Radio Personality, Bestselling Author, Co-Pastor of Limitless Church, Fayetteville, GA
Tragedy, pain, abuse, and heartbreak do not discriminate! The problem is when we let the painful times in our lives define us and keep us from being everything God intends us to be. Nicole Crank has been there and done that, and she refused to not only survivebut was determined to rise above the trials of life and live her best life! Shes learned how to thrive! She will infuse you with hope that you, also, can thrive and not just survive!
Hope Carpenter, Author, Co-Pastor of Redemption Church, San Jose, CA
Nicole Crankyouve done it again! I am so moved by your testimony! One thing Ive learned in my life on this earth is that people connect more with our imperfections than our perfection. Because of your bold, transparent testimony, lives are going to be changed and healing is going to happen. I really cant wait to get this book into the hands of people who I know are going to find freedom as they grow closer to the Lord. Of course, isnt that what the Bible says, by the power of our testimony? Im anxious to see how God uses this to help so many people find healing, wholeness, and walk into their destiny!
Kami Pentecost, Senior Vice President of It Works
Sometimes, we make issues about others when lifes complications are really dealing with our own insecurity. Nicoles words are a gentle scalpel to reveal the areas in our life that feel dead and lifeless and show us how to live fully alive. If you need someone to walk alongside and breathe some life into you, this book is for you!
Bianca Juarez Olthoff, Pastor, Speaker, Bestselling Author of How to Have Your Life Not Suck
Nicoles story is vibrant, compelling proof that the pain in our past doesnt have to limit the trajectory of our future! Jesus is a Redeemer and theres no mistake so egregious or grief so debilitating that it can catapult us beyond the reach of His mercy and grace. This book is like a literary megaphone that authentically and joyfully bellows how Gods will for our lives is radically better than what far too many of us are willing to settle for.
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