When God Breathes
The Attributes of the Godhead

Copyright 2020 Pastor Josh Morgan.
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Scripture quotations are from the ESV Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible (NASB), Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission. www.Lockman.org

In 1 Corinthians 2, we discover that the Holy Spirit is the only person on the planet that truly knows the deep things of God. Yet, because He is living on the inside of every believer in Jesus Christ, we are invited into a divine partnership with Him where we get to join Him on His own search of understanding the mysteries and revelation of God Himself. What profound and delightful news for you and I. We do not have to exercise our faith in our own strength. What relief and joy it brings to my soul!
As I sat reading this manuscript you are about to greatly enjoy, I kept thinking to myself that it could have only been written with the divine partnership of the Holy Spirit. With insightful teaching and practical application, Joshua Morgan opens up the eyes of our hearts to the role that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit play in our lives. In fact, several times I had to pause while reading because an internal dialogue was stirred up in the depths of my heart as I processed what Joshua was revealing to us through the Word of God. One of my favorite things about this book is that it not only contains a realm of scholarship that is hard to find these days but it is also reader friendly regardless of where you are at in your walk with Christ. I would recommend this book to the seasoned saint as well as to the new believer.
I had the privilege of ministering at the church that Joshua and his wife pastor in West Virginia. Many men claim to possess knowledge and understanding, but few are willing to pay the price to acquire it. When I visit the congregation, I found a healthy and vibrant church that is passionate about the things of God. They love the movement of the Holy Spirit and it is evident that the leadership is committed to the place of prayer and intimacy with the Father.
It is my honor to commend not only this book to you, but this man of God to you. I can now say from personal experience that this manuscript is not written from the place of theory, but a practical outworking of all the years Joshua Morgan has spent in the ministry. He is a humble servant well capable of leading but the posture of a student that he takes causes him to stand out in this generation.
Prepare to be encouraged and activated as you read this tremendous work. I know I was!
-Jeremiah Johnson
Founder and Overseer of Heart of the Father Ministry
Best Selling Author
www.jeremiahjohnso n.tv

Everything God has done and will do is extravagant and has great purpose. All His actions have a planned objective, even the breath He breathes. Breathing is so routine that we do it every day of our lives without thought. We only seem to think of it when the air we inhale and exhale is interrupted. Life is granted with each breath we take. Without the fresh oxygen going in and out of our lungs, we would die. It goes without saying that breathing is essential to living. Imagine God breathing well-timed breaths one after the other. Each breath having purpose as He draws air in and expels it. Each breath could be as calm as a summer breeze or as mighty as a hurricane. We are talking about the God who refers to the earth as His footstool. Now take a moment and peacefully draw air into and expel it from your lungs. The act of breathing is the evidence of life. When God breathes, a miraculous and supernatural occurrence takes place. The Bible gives detail of what takes place when God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit breathes. This book is a spirit prompted attempt to describe the purpose of God breathing. Transformation takes place when the Godhead breathes. When God the Father breathes, life is given. When God the Son breathes, salvation is granted. When God the Holy Spirit breathes, supernatural power is imparted.
The book of Genesis tells us that the earth was void and without form. Darkness covered all of creation because life was yet to exist. God spoke and all of creation came into existence. At His Word the world was formed. At His spoken Word, the hills, valleys, oceans, trees, animals, and all inhabitants of this planet came into being, at His breathed word. Words are carried by the air breathed in and out of our lungs.
(Psalms 33:6-7 NLT) The Lord merely spoke, and the heavens were created, He breathed the word, and all the stars were born. He assigned the sea its boundaries and locked the oceans in vast reserv oirs .
The magnificence of God is unfathomable to the human mind. His abilities are not bound to the comprehension of mans wisdom or imagination. He is immeasurable, limitless and endless. He is not confined to mans thinking and understanding. He is time and He has no duration because He is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega.
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