Pressure Point Therapy
The complete do-it-yourself treatment manual
Dr. Michael Pinkus
Copyright 2012, Dr. Michael Pinkus
Alternative Health Press
Smashwords Edition
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Editor: Jordin J. Pinkus
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To my beautiful wife and son. Your love, caringand support of me make this book and project possible. There willbe many others thanking you as well.
We livein a country that is statistically one of the unhealthiest placesto live on this planet.
One hundred years ago, the United States ofAmerica was the crown jewel of health. Today we are amongst theworst. Yet, we spend more on health care than any other country.One could look at these statistics and conclude that something iswrong.
There is somethingwrong: the American public (and inhabitants of other countries insimilarly bad shape) have not received the entire story of how totake care of themselves and their families. There is simply missingdata. My intention in writing this book is to fill this gap with applicable information regarding healthcare.
I have been studying and practicingAlternative Health Care for the past thirty years. AlternativeHealth Care is defined as the science and application of thosetechniques to treat the human body which do not include the use ofdrugs and/or surgery.
Years ago, it was unpopular to be involvedwith Alternative or Natural Health Care. In fact, I have beenpersonally blasted by others for my studies and interest in thistopic, being told Alternative Health Care doesnt work, or Whydont you become a real doctor. (I am a Doctor ofChiropractic.)
Today it is an entirely different story.People by the droves are actively seeking Alternative Healthmethods.
According to the National Institute of Health(NIH), four in ten people partake in natural health techniques inthis country. Even the Pentagon is researching alternatives totraditional medicineexploring techniques for post-traumatic stressdisorder and several other conditions affecting our soldiers.
Of the dozens of Alternative Health Caretechniques I have explored, many of these alternatives hold thekey to the actual reason a person is sickor not doing well. There is no monopoly on health, even thoughthere is an apparency that traditional medicine is the onlychoice.
As an example, I was doing a photo shoot theother day and the photographer told me he had bursitis in the hipfor about six months. And even after medications and months ofphysical therapy, he was still in pain.
It didnt make sense to me that bursitiswould persist that long, especially after this extensive treatment.So I decided to check out if he had Pressure Points in the area. Ihad him lie down on the floor of the photo studio (once you learnPressure Point Therapy you can do it anywhere). I checked out thePressure Points shown in the chart Low-Back, Sciatic and Hip PainPressure Points (this chart and several others are located inPart II of this book). There were at least six blown (active)Pressure Points. I treated the photographer using the techniquesoutlined in this book. The treatment took maybe four to fiveminutes. When I was done, he stood up and had no pain at all! Hesent me a follow-up email and told me he was still pain-free! Hecouldnt believe it.
The point is Alternative Health is not alternative at all. It does not meansomething different or something out-there. Alternative Health,specifically Pressure Point Therapy, can often times be a primaryor basic treatment system that gets to the root of many problems. Ihave had patients over the years who have had surgeries, numerousprescriptions, physical therapy, finally to be told, You have tolive with it. After all of that, a technique as simple as PressurePoint Therapy did the trick!
If I had not reset this photographerscircuit breakers (i.e. treated his Pressure Points) in his lowerback and hip, he would have been hobbling along for the next thirtyyears. It wasnt simply a good idea to treat these points; he hada mechanical problem (the Pressure Points)shutting down the nerves in his low-back, hip and leg. Leftuntreated, his knee may have blown out, he could have developed adisc problem in his lower back or much more.
The same holds true for nutrition and otherAlternative Health practices: a lack of just one nutrient in thebody can affect so many systems that the person can gohead-over-green-tea and develop all sorts of medicalconditions.
Then the obvious solution would be toreplenish the nutrient and the problems would go away, right?Yes.
But in todays world, this person would go toa doctor complaining of X, Y and Z, have a series of tests done andmost likely be put on several medications, all competing to destroythe liver and other organs while suppressing the symptoms. Thisperson would end up even sicker or dead.
By the way, beware of doctors who give you adiagnosis that sounds like a prison sentence. These include theconditions that end in -itis (arthritis, bursitis, etc.) andthose that end in -algia (neuralgia, fibromyalgia, etc.) Thesuffixes -itis and -algia mean inflammation and painrespectively.
Pressure Point Therapy was derived fromtechniques that date back over four thousand years. These includeacupressure, acupuncture and shiatsu.
I practiced acupuncture for a time and foundthat people didnt like needles. Acupressure and shiatsu are great,but they require learning Oriental/Asian techniques, along withtheir philosophies and languages, which can be a challenge.
When I was studying these techniques, Istarted comparing the Asian acupuncture charts to the Western nervecharts of the body. I began to cross-reference which nerve pathwayswere involved with the ancient acupressure points. Where did thenerve travel to? What area of the body did it control or influence?Which organs were influenced by these points and how did thiscorrespond to the nerve pathways in the body?
From these observations and many years ofhands-on application, I derived this technique, which I coinedPressure Point Therapy.
Whats nice about Pressure Point Therapy isthat anyone can learn it, apply it and get results. You dont haveto have a medical background, be a doctor or have a PhD. In fact,some of the best hands Ive experienced are from those who werecomplete medical laymen, with no training at all! You WILL learnthis technique from this book and become GOOD at it, I promise.
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