The 25 Core Messages of Conversations with God That Will Change Your Life and the World
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Copyright 2013 by Neale Donald Walsch
Shine and Soul Language from Silent Sacred Holy Deepening Heart by Em Claire copyright 2011 by Em Claire
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Dedicated to all people
who believe in God
and who have yearned to know
more about this Divine Essence
and their relationship to It.
Is it possible that there is something we do not fully understand about God and about Life and about Each Other, the understanding of which would change everything? However you conceive of your personal God, is it okay to explore our ideas about God further?
I want to acknowledge every person who has picked up this book. Even if you put it down without reading it. Even if you start to read it and decide not to finish it. And of course, if you read it to its final page. It takes courage to embark upon excursions such as those offered here.
Every word ever written about God has been written by a human being. Those writers are believed to have been inspired by God. The question is: Has God ever stopped inspiring human beings? Could it be possible that Gods messages continue to flow to humanity, even today? My deepest thanks to everyone who is willing to ask these questions, even if you dont agree with the answers I have found. We have met on the Field of Inquiry, and that is a wonderful first step toward each other. We do not have to agree, but if we can disagree agreeably, we will have done what every persons God has invited. And that can heal the world.
The day is coming to pass when the enormity of Gods love and of Gods gift to humanity will be fully realized, and will become a part of everyones life.
This outcome is inevitable. It is simply a matter of time.
O kay, you claim to have talked directly with God, so tell us... what is Gods message to the world?
The speaker was the world-famous host of one of Americas most popular national television morning shows, and he was asking me to answer the biggest question of all time.
Can you bring it down to a sentence or two? he added. We have about thirty seconds.
My mind raced. How could I say something in thirty seconds that would capture the essence of what Deity wants the world to know? Then, in one quick flash, I heard Gods answer in my head. I blinked and made an announcement that surprised even me.
Actually, I can bring it down to five words.
The host raised his eyebrows, showing a nanosecond of disbelief, then deadpanned to the camera: All right then. Ladies and gentlemen, from a man who says he communes with The Divine, here is Gods message to the world... in five words.
I knew that millions were watching in households around the globe. This was my chance to bring Gods most important communication to more people than I ever imagined I would, or could, in my lifetime. Looking straight into the lens I repeated the words I had just been given to say.
Youve got me all wrong.
A One-in-a-Million Chance
My name is Neale and I should explain.
I have talked with God.
Not just once, in a singular moment of epiphanic revelation, but many, many times.
So have you.
You may not think that you have, but you have. Youve probably just called it something else. You may have called it a blinding flash of insight. Or a brilliant idea. Or an incrediblehunch, a good guess, a stroke of genius, a coincidence, serendipity, or womens intuition.
Whatever you called it, its all the same thing. Its all a communication from a source of wisdom and insight within us that is the birthright of every person.
In my case I called my encounters with this source exactly what I experienced them to be: conversations with God.
Luckily, I wrote down all the exchanges that I had, so Ive never forgotten them. The process started when, one day in February 1990, I sat down at 4:20 in the morning and wrote an angry letter to God, demanding to know why my life wasnt working and how I could make it work.
What followed was an ongoing on-paper dialogue with Deity, in which I asked the most perplexing or frustrating questions of my life, and answers were given to me exactly as if I was being given dictation.
At one point I was told by God: This will one day become a book, and so, a few months later, I sent my first handwritten notes to a stenographer to have them transcribed, then I printed out the document and sent it to a publisher... almost as a dare.
I dont know who I was daring... myself or God... but I knew that I wanted to test what I had been given, to see if it had any validity at all, to see if any of it was true.
I was fully aware, of course, that the chances of some publishing house actually printing and distributing a book from a person claiming to be talking directly to God were one in a million. It simply wasnt going to happen.
It happened.
So Now, the Expansion Begins
Now here I am after nine books in the Conversations with God series, and Im doing what I have done every time I sat down to write a book. Im asking myself: Why are you writing this book? What are you hoping to accomplish here? Is this book needed?