The Pursuit of Purpose
(Overcoming IdentityCrisis)
The Pursuit of Purpose
(Overcoming identity crisis)
By Mutale Bowa
Copyright 2017 Mutale Bowa
All rights reserved under the InternationalCopyright Law. Contents and/or cover page may not be produced inwhole or in part in any form without the express written permissionof the author.
All scripture quotations are taken from theKing James Version of the Bible.
T his is a book thatwill bless your heart beyond your imagination. Though short, itcontains gems that will not only challenge you to discover your Godgiven purpose but will also uplift and encourage you. Indeed we allcrave to know why we are here and finding an answer to thisquestion, drives us to live our lives to our fullpotential
After reading this book, I embarked on ajourney to discover my purpose too! I must say, the principlesoutlined in this book; well, they work!!
I pray that you will be blessed as you read. Ipray more that you will apply what you read in this book anddiscover your purpose. More so that you will live a purpose drivenlife and hold on to what God places on your heart!
Chama Mundia (BADS, Cert PM, MSc PR & Com)
Executive Assistant to theED
Zambia Institute for PolicyAnalysis and Research (ZIPAR)
I give glory to God almighty, for He alonerevealed the contents in this book. I would also love to thank myelder sister Chama, family and friends for the love and supportgiven to me as I wrote this book.
And thanks to you the readers for consideringthis book a read worthy of your precious time.
Stay blessed. I love you all!!
A fter havingencountered Christ in 2012 on October 7th, I knew that God wantedme to do something with my life but did not know what it wasexactly. In trying to discover my purpose, I got lost in the myriadof views and revelations about discovering ones purpose. It tookme a while to realize that even though all the various preachershad personal revelations of how to discover purpose, they couldonly serve as a guide and not a prescription. It then dawned on methat I needed to have a personal revelation of who God is and hispurpose for my life.
If I heard a minister preach on killingwitches, I would straightway embrace the doctrine and begin to doit. If I heard another say, the best is to pray for ourenemies, I would pray for my enemies. No anchorage whatsoever.Basically, I had no stance of my own. My life had no purpose to itas I was tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine that Iheard.
But in late 2015, the Lord spoke to me that Ineeded to discover myself I then embarked on a journey to discovermyself without even having a clue what God had meant byself-discovery. I knew I was looking for something but Ididnt really know what it was really. I read a number of books onpurpose in life but they did not seem to suffice or match with whatI was looking for. Deep within me, I knew that I would definitelyfind that something eventually. And for as long as I didnot find this something my heart could not findpeace.
By October 2016, I was still on this quest toknow my purpose in life. The journey was no longer as confusing asbefore and was actually getting quite interesting. Initially, Ithought the answer would come quickly but then I realized thatthere was more to purpose than a one word answer. Of course, Ineeded to know my purpose but knowing it was not enough as I neededadequate guidance on how to live out this purposesuccessfully.
The quest of discovering my purpose became anunexpected six (6) month journey on which I got closer to myanswers every day. The Lord from time to time would speak to me andteach me on a number of things. After a wonderful and short 6months of this journey (it did not feel short at the time), I wascertain on what my purpose was. As a sign of my purpose, the Lordplaced upon my heart, two (2) daily devotionals known as GraceTalk and Heavenly Delight. Through these devotionals and in manyother ways, I have endeavored to educate people on the Grace of Godand also to show them the riches and weight of what is spoken aboutthem in the Word of God.
I have never looked back nor regretted thepath I have chosen or should I say the path that the Lord haschosen for me. Yes, the journey to where I am today has not beeneasy but every challenge, struggle or victory has been worthit.
Reflecting on my life before I discovered mypurpose, I agree with one of the greatest teachers of all time DrMyles Munroe that when purpose is not known abuse isinevitable. My own life bears testimony to this statement.This book has been written from a personal experience on how Idiscovered my purpose. The Lord led me to write this book so otherscan also be guided to discover their purpose, as well as understandwhat purpose really is.
Mutale Onesimus Bowa
God has wired who you are and whoyou are meant to be in your DNA.
-Mike Connell-
I t is vital to definewhat purpose is before we delve into how it can be discovered.Purpose from my perspective can simply be defined as the reason forwhich something exists or why it is what it is.
It can also be defined as the hidden glorythat God has concealed in a finished product called man.
Purpose is simply summed up in a question,why am I here?
Because purpose in man is usually not in plainsight but has to be discovered or revealed, it becomes the fuelthat pushes one to carry out his God given assignment.
A famous quote goes, if you stand fornothing, you will fall for anything. How true. Recognize thatyou stand for nothing if you have no knowledge of your purpose.Purpose is the why of something or someone. It is a clearcut definition and description why a thing or being is what orwhere it is. Purpose empowers you. It enables you to have a firmground on which to stand.
One who hasnt discovered his/her purpose canfall for anything the world throws at them. By knowing why youexist - purpose; you are empowered with a certain confidence inyourself (not the confidence that reveals itself in pride but theconfidence that reveals itself in service).
Furthermore, purpose makes you focus drivenand gives you undaunted faith in God and boldness to facechallenges of life. How does purpose give you undaunted faith inGod? Real purpose is one designated by the creator of the thing.The creator in our case scenario is God. When you learn that Godhas given you a purpose and seeing this purpose at workcontinually, builds your faith in your Creator.
Theres something worse thanbeing blind, its having sight but no vision.
-Hellen Keller-
A great number ofbooks have been written on how to discover your purpose. A widerange of views have been given from distinctive dimensions ofperspective. While all these views have proven to be helpful tosome, they may have not been so to others. This why I wrote thisbook. To add more angular projections to the views on purpose. Thethoughts that I have outlined in this book are views from my ownseemingly dissimilar perspective. I believe they will be of greathelp to you in your pursuit of purpose. The relatively thrillingjourney to living a purpose driven life begins. Brace yourself.Below, I have outlined a few principles which when put to workwould certainly be quite helpful on your journey.
To begin with, I believe you need to askyourself this question, Who Am I? This is a question of identity.This is a really important question because purpose is very muchconnected to your identity in life. Your identity is furtherconnected to your direction or vision. Hellen Keller put it thisway,
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